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Egyptian Armed Forces

I barely remember the first MiG crash was announced and they said it was due to a technical failure, and I don't even think it was an official statement IIRC, but a news release.

Think about it for a minute; if they made the proper effort and put out official releases with those important details, then there wouldn't be any doubt and all sorts of criticism and fake crap and fake news. The fact that everyone and their sisters are second-guessing the EAF (which is absurd beyond belief) is proof positive that they don't publish jack squat and play that ridiculously useless hush hush game like there is some phantom benefit to it.

That's right, like I said it's no shame especially when they train and fly a lot, of course the percentages of failure increases.

So what's their problem? Why did they just say "a fighter jet has crashed" only for this recent one last week instead of saying an F-16 crashed? Why the lack of important details like that? I bet you if it wasn't on twitter and people posting videos of it etc., they wouldn't have said anything as usual.

It's absurd that they need to withhold relevant details like that because what possible benefit could it ever bring except negative reactions from everyone? It's ridiculous.

I don't know. You tell me.

There was mention of a pilot's name but then the K8 rumors came out and people who were supporting that theory also said that it was a 2 seater and so why was there only 1 pilot when there should've been 2 ahahaha. How many times have we seen EAF Rafales flying with a single pilot and an empty rear seat?

Oh look! lol
View attachment 858448

Again, proof they don't publish jack squat.
well guess thats their policy. What do you expect from the head of the Military intelligence lol

Al jazeera has pressed the reset button looooool
rom the beginning, we reject American offers in favor of programs
F-15 aircraft supply
F-16 . development programs

And rightfully so. If the offers are not up to EAF requirement, then the US can go to heII, frankly speaking. If the intention is to "make up for the cancellation of the Su-35s", then the F-15s should be at least equal to the level of the Egyptian ordered Su-35s, not downgraded. It's an absolute insult, if that tactical report and other news is true, that they offered a Strike E version with a downgraded EW suite, possibly radar too and no AMRAAMs. Do they think the EAF is stupid? Hard to believe they had the nerve to make that offer. And if they keep persisting on that, then the EAF should really forgo the offer and start accepting deliveries of the Sukhois. Unless they're still being worked on with the supposed upgrade of the radar and whatever else.

But one thing that is critical and I don't think should be dismissed so quickly is the possibility of the F-16s also being upgraded. Think of the huge benefit that would give the EAF with such a massive fleet of those aircraft? Again, only if the AMRAAM is part of the upgrade would it be beneficial.

While, for example, the C-130J deal, we prefer the KC-390 planes, especially the Brazilian offers to Egypt, whether technical specifications, price, or technical transfer are more than excellent, so why go for an outdated plane like the C-130J at a very high price, even if most of the price is paid from US aid

That's what I said. The cost of those C-130s at $2.2 billion is an absolutely ridiculously over-priced deal, even if it is from aid finances. Doesn't mean it should be spent on crazy deals.

American pressure on Egypt in the SU-35 deal led to the fact that the Russians integrated the N036 radar on it, and there were problems with the mission computer of the SU-35.

People on this thread didn't believe me when I said that IRBIS-E was a piece of outdated analogue crap. A super-hyped up relic of the cold war era radars is what it is. It's so large and heavy and sucks up so much power and it still doesn't perform as advertised. Whether the story of the Rafale SPECTRA jamming it is real or not, regardless, we've seen proof of it not functioning as they claim it should. The eye doesn't lie and if they're replacing it with the NO36, then that is even more proof of the failure of the IRBIS-E.

Is there any reading material on this radar replacement, even in Arabic? I know you usually don't answer these questions posed to you but it's worth a try. Would love to know what the problems of the mission computer were also. That's actually a very serious issue if true.

Wonder what the US conditions were on the Saudi F-15s, specifically the F-15SAs, or even the Qatari F-15QAs.
I do not know why until now the Egyptian Air Force is being treated lightly. There is no Rafale that fell and there is no compensation for the fighter. It is all dreams. I have the full video and a question for a journalist. I had to receive the last fighter.
I do not want rumors that do not have a single evidence or even trivial talk about the Air Force
India made a successful maiden flight of the Autonomous Flying Wing Technology Demonstrator


This might be a good ToT..
It's ridiculous to think of the F-15 and the KF-21 starting flight tests this month

Egypt is manipulating America and knows how to deal with it and turn it into what it wants. Egypt puts the Americans in a position of rejection and intransigence to implement its requirements. The American policy is well known and the French have advice saying ignoring the Americans completely makes them the ones who want to deal with you. Egypt's interest is more important than America's requirements

The MIG-29M/SU-35 is better than the F-15/16, simply because it has more flexibility in armament. Development even outside Russia. Ease of obtaining spare parts and manufacturing them in cooperation with other countries, even other than Russia itself, and the same thing with ammunition for it.

Why am I getting weapons from America that do not serve Egyptian national security?
Armament Restrictions
and restrictions on use
And restrictions on its operation by controlling the spare parts

The Americans are so stupid that they get tough and set conditions that will simply be rejected, and therefore refuse to deal with the Americans themselves.
As a result of the American policies, Egypt has already turned to other suppliers of arms so that the Egyptian decision is freed from any American restrictions.
America itself has problems with its weapons
F-35 disasters from 2008 until now
America itself is considering getting rid of the F-22
Is Egypt stupid to get old fighters even if upgraded like F-15 & F-16
LCS ships suffer disasters
Egypt has been refusing to buy Patriot missile batteries for 10 years because it was not convinced of their value. Not everything that America offers is good or valuable.

The Russians provide Egypt with R-77ME/R-37M missiles
In the quantities that Egypt desires, the Russians are developing weapons according to the Egyptian requirements. The Russians did not accept the S-300V4 from them until the Russians had developed them to the levels desired by Egypt.
The same story for the Su-35 fighters
Egypt obtains KH-31/35/59/58/38 munitions in the numbers that Egypt desires The Russians accept the integration of any locally manufactured munitions in Egypt or from other countries
The technical specifications of the SU-35 aircraft accept loading a missile weighing up to 4 tons below the belly of the aircraft, such as the KH-41, regardless of its old specifications, but the ability to carry ammunition of this weight, no American fighter has this ability
The Russians do not interfere in the systems of linking the Egyptian fighters of all kinds with the Russian ones, while the Americans put conditions and restrictions and deceive themselves.
The combination of using the MIG-29M and the RAFALE aircraft made it used for aerial refueling to increase the range of the Rafale at a very low profile.
The financial and political cost of buying non-American fighters is better than buying American fighters, so why buy weapons and my political decision is in the hands of America

America has not been a friend of Egypt since the fifties, as it is an ally of Israel against Egypt, and Egypt does not trust America along the line, not even the Russians.

Let the US Congress set the conditions as it wants, and simply let us not pay attention to them and ignore them basically as if they do not exist.

The Russian-Ukrainian war has an economic price that America will pay and will abandon its position so that the world will become a multi-power, not a single force. Therefore, America must submit to what is happening to it and that it will not be able to impose its will on the countries of the world as it is doing now.
America's economic situation is deteriorating, and it wants the Gulf to finance its foreign policy as a result of its poor economic situation, so no one has returned
He will pay America something on her behalf
The policy of imposing conditions made everyone alienate and not want their weapons
Egypt has ignored American restrictions and conditions since 2013, and America must get used to this policy because the locations of countries change
The process of exploiting weapons, energy, or agricultural products, restrictions on political decisions of states, failed policy
To illustrate a simple example, the Russians punished the world by reducing food supplies. All countries of the world are expanding agricultural production to achieve their national security. Consequently, within a year or two, food prices will drop and countries will be freed from this policy.

The Russians are waving energy against Europe. Europe seeks to replace the Russian energy supplier

The same thing the Americans used arms restrictions on Egypt and Egypt
The European arms industry became active to meet the Egyptian military demands, so European weapons became competitive with America

Egypt's direction of the K-9A1 artillery instead of the M109A6/7 is a result of America's policies

The same thing turned the Rafale into an international star in the manufacture of fighters, and instead of the American fighters, and after Egypt purchased them, 6 countries went to buy them, and these countries gave up thinking about American fighters. Do the Americans not understand that the result of their policy against Egypt was bad for the American arms industry?
Simply, Americans have to understand that countries are arming to protect their national security and not to succumb to an American policy. The age of the cowboy and the gang of the West is over.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA at that post a few posts above! That's yet another unfortunate example of what to guard from. Since of course, Dassault ITSELF is lying! LMFAO! :lol:

The Russians provide Egypt with R-77ME/R-37M missiles

R-37M? I think you meant R-73M. Nothing suggests the R-37M, one of the most powerful air to air missiles in the world that destroys tankers and AWACs aircraft at super long ranges has been supplied to Egypt. Even the claim of the R-27 has no validity whatsoever. Those have a greater chance to be part of the Su-35SE weapons package than the MIG-29M/M2.

The R-37M is the latest modernized version of the original R-37 (RVVBD) is only carried by the MiG-31, Su-35S and has been tested on the Su-57,

Egypt obtains KH-31/35/59/58/38 munitions in the numbers that Egypt desires

We've seen all of those except the 58 & 59.
Ao far the only available info on those two is that the 58 is only used by Russia, India, Algeria and Iran, while the 59 is only used by Russia, China, India and Algeria.

This might be a good ToT..

Absolutely! Now that would be one heck of a ToT if they can sign it. The only thing is it's still in its infancy.

BTW, the Indians appear to be forgoing additional MiG-29Ks and the Rafale Ms for their carrier and look to be leaning towards the F/A-18 Super Hornet with a compliment of several EA-18 Growlers because of its superb electronic warfare suite. Interesting possible development there and it will be also be interesting if they do pursue the Super Hornets if they renew an additional Rafale contract for the IAF.

Nice angle shot of these beauties.

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And rightfully so. If the offers are not up to EAF requirement, then the US can go to heII, frankly speaking. If the intention is to "make up for the cancellation of the Su-35s", then the F-15s should be at least equal to the level of the Egyptian ordered Su-35s, not downgraded. It's an absolute insult, if that tactical report and other news is true, that they offered a Strike E version with a downgraded EW suite, possibly radar too and no AMRAAMs. Do they think the EAF is stupid? Hard to believe they had the nerve to make that offer. And if they keep persisting on that, then the EAF should really forgo the offer and start accepting deliveries of the Sukhois. Unless they're still being worked on with the supposed upgrade of the radar and whatever else.

But one thing that is critical and I don't think should be dismissed so quickly is the possibility of the F-16s also being upgraded. Think of the huge benefit that would give the EAF with such a massive fleet of those aircraft? Again, only if the AMRAAM is part of the upgrade would it be beneficial.

That's what I said. The cost of those C-130s at $2.2 billion is an absolutely ridiculously over-priced deal, even if it is from aid finances. Doesn't mean it should be spent on crazy deals.

People on this thread didn't believe me when I said that IRBIS-E was a piece of outdated analogue crap. A super-hyped up relic of the cold war era radars is what it is. It's so large and heavy and sucks up so much power and it still doesn't perform as advertised. Whether the story of the Rafale SPECTRA jamming it is real or not, regardless, we've seen proof of it not functioning as they claim it should. The eye doesn't lie and if they're replacing it with the NO36, then that is even more proof of the failure of the IRBIS-E.

Is there any reading material on this radar replacement, even in Arabic? I know you usually don't answer these questions posed to you but it's worth a try. Would love to know what the problems of the mission computer were also. That's actually a very serious issue if true.

Wonder what the US conditions were on the Saudi F-15s, specifically the F-15SAs, or even the Qatari F-15QAs.

The characteristics of the SU-35 are not as advertised in the media, but the Russians are very interested in the Egyptian buyer. Egypt, in the least year of purchasing weapons, was 650 million dollars, while billion deals are many in air defense systems and fighters.
There are counter-propaganda simply because there are corrupt deals in arms supplied to countries that irritate some of the Egyptian deals, beside the summit, and the performance for the price is high in Egypt, which is a problem for Western weapons
The Russian-Ukrainian war reversed the propaganda. The Russians’ losses were very limited in fighters, in exchange for the destruction of 353 air defense batteries, 224 Ukrainian fighters, 134 helicopters and 1,400 drones, in addition to the losses in tanks, armored vehicles and missile launchers exceeding 4,500 pieces of them. On the other side, Ukraine was flooded with more than 100,000 anti-tank missiles, thousands of shoulder-fired missiles, and the transfer of all eastern weapons, including air defense systems and fighters, to Ukraine, which are periodically destroyed. Even taking into account the Western exaggerations in Russian losses, we find that the Russian weapons have proven to be very effective, taking into account that what they have obtained from Russian fighters are better than most of what the Russians have in service, whether specifications or integrated equipment, as well as what has been completed from other sources


There is another important point, Egypt will not give up any weapons in its possession to Ukraine

The bet on Ukraine is a loser. The West only wants to drain the Russians militarily, so the Russians began arming their forces with the T-62 and T-64 tanks to keep their best tanks.
The Russians themselves also forbid the sale of their wealth to the West and enforce the restriction on the sale of food to the West so that the Western peoples would be aroused by the high cost of life and its economic impact on their well-being.

And imagine that the Russians, from the large number of Western weapons that they seized, are now offering them for sale

The Russians leaked that the customers of the R-37M missile are two countries, namely Vietnam and Egypt, when it was offered to India several months ago.

The Egyptians demand for R-77M/ME missiles is considered an impetus for the Russian missile industry because the Russians sell them at a high price

The KH-58/59 tactical missile, especially the modern versions, is included in the package for the sale of SU-35 fighters, as well as with the MIG-35 fighters.
The KH-31 is old by Russian standards, the KH-31 was designed to be an inexpensive missile and for widespread deployment, and the KH-38 is a standard missile instead of the now discontinued KH-29.

Things are not secrets, but rather follow the news on the international media. Perhaps news in India does not pay attention to anyone, or one of the statements that did not receive attention clarify important matters.

In general, the presence of a weapon in service is not announced until after the introduction of what is newer than it. Egypt offered KH-31, KH-29, and KH-35 missiles due to the fact that they do not have a strategic impact on a stronger balance, but their availability in large numbers is what is considered a problem for some, besides that Russian munitions have a lower price than Gharbia, which allows Egypt to obtain its full needs at a reasonable cost and with less fuel than Gharbia. The presence of 80 platforms such as the SU-35/MIG-29 in Egypt means the ability to deliver these munitions to hostile targets instead of us to the limited numbers of Western munitions

4 years ago, the Russians made a live offer on the Libyan coasts of Kalibr and KH-35 missiles in order to push Egypt to buy a large batch of them if it won the approval of the Egyptian Air Force

The Russians depend on exports, and these weapons are not strategic until the Russians prevent them. The cost of these missiles is very high, 45% of the value of the deal. The SU-35 is mainly for ammunition.
The Russians themselves offered Egypt the joint development of new weapons, not a license to produce weapons, but Egypt did not take any step in this direction, as Egypt focused on exploiting relations with the Arabs to produce Arab weapons at first, and then completing its production with reverse engineering with China and Russia in case of tense relations with the West Or for economic factors, and he gave a simple example in the eighties with the Mirage-2000 deal, Egypt assembled the MAGIC-2 missile for the benefit of the Mirage and Alphajet aircraft in a specific number, then Egypt cooperated with China to produce additional numbers with China in the Chinese version of the PL-7 for the benefit of F-7 fighters and aircraft


Another point, the weapons that Russia considers effective are missiles such as the KH-47 and Zircon, and even advanced versions of the Alexander missiles, which are to follow
Only after the availability of the latest in Russia

The Russians announced that the awaited customer BUK-M3 is Egypt, but the Anty-4000 was developed specifically for Egypt
The Egyptian copies of the MIG-29M were promoted by the Russians as a model for the success of their production in Mikoyan factories. Here we are talking about pumping blood into the Russian industrial complex through financing with Egyptian characteristics. Another point worthy of attention

The Russians, spare parts for their weapons, are exported from halal countries such as Belarus, Eastern European countries and India, and consequently, this tightens the screws on their arms sales, forcing them to provide the best and latest what they have to countries such as Egypt, which have various sources of purchase, making them offer the best of what they have

When Belarus offered the Buk-MB3K to Egypt and even its production in Egypt, how would the Russians sell BUK-M3 batteries to Egypt if the Russians did not make the best financial offer, and they would not be able to get money from Egypt, and this is the idea

Rare glimpse of EAF F-16C blk 52 performing air refueling quals during exercise Agile Pheonix with the USAF. You don't usually see these guys doing this specific training. Courtesy of

you said something about the assyrians controlling the private sector. @sami_1 does that have any implications on the defense industry and Egyptians didnt design most of this?
you said something about the assyrians controlling the private sector. @sami_1 does that have any implications on the defense industry and Egyptians didnt design most of this?
Who is this assyrians?? We don't have assyrians in Egypt hahahaha
Russia has started using a new type of smart, precision-guided missile, and surprisingly, Egypt is making a similar missile

Egypt and the Macedonian cruise missile HSC 1 Makedon

Forget about the HSC 1 Makedon. Greece canceled the project and I think @Foinikas confirmed what I said.

assyrians are the ancient form of syrians
IK about the assyrians hahaha. Assyrians are iraqis and not syrians. But what I mean is that we don't have any assyrians diaspora
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