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Egyptian Armed Forces

Yeah but you have Ka-52 and Mi-24s right?

Neither of those in the EAF have the equivalent to the longbow, though. Kamov did try to produce a similar version of the LB radar for the Ka-52 in the Arbalet mast-mounted radar. Supposedly this option is available but the EAF didn't order it nor has the VKS mounted it on their Alligators or Katrans which seems to indicate it isn't available.


But the ka-52 itself has it's own very capable built-in radar in the nose. That's why the nose is painted in that light blue non-reflective radome paint to allow radiation to transmit and receive through it. This is also made by Arbalet.


EAF Ka-52 under production and the Arbalet nose-mounted radar is very visible since it doesn't have the cover shield from the reflectors.


Closeups but the reflectors cover on. These are truly incredible attack and CAS helicopters. So glad the Russians changed their absolutely ridiculous tactics earlier in the Ukraine war when they were losing these close to an alarming rate and would've ruined its reputation around the world. Now I bet they will actually get more contracts for them from countries either not affected by CAATSA or don't care about it.






Now the Mi-28N does have the Long Bow equivalent which would be much more along the lines with the Apache.


It's ridiculous to think of the F-15 and the KF-21 starting flight tests this month

F-15? What do you mean? The EX which is the latest has undergone flight testing over a year ago, February of 2021. Not sure what you mean about that. Please clarify, is this a new model?

It also fired what the USAF claims to be the record for the longest air to air missile from the F-15EX back in February of this year. They didn't list the actual distance since that stuff remains classified, but they did make a statement that it chattered any previous and current long-distance records. I think the Russians and especially MBDA Meteor might have something to say about that but it's something to keep an eye on. They claim it was the AIM-120D. Scary to think that they still have the AIM-260 coming up.

The KF-21 is great and what an accomplishment, I just can't believe they didn't design it with internal weapon's bay?! That's like building a fighter jet that only has a gun and cannot fire any missiles! What were they thinking?!
Blessed be the lack of PR on our side: :nana:

BTW, they seem to have taken down that first video of the guy who was filming the crash up close while it was still burning, and you could clearly see the orange wing ID paint. He was also saying he saw the pilot in a parachute but either the dude got paranoid looool and took the video down, or something happened, but it's no longer there.
F-15? What do you mean? The EX which is the latest has undergone flight testing over a year ago, February of 2021. Not sure what you mean about that. Please clarify, is this a new model?

It also fired what the USAF claims to be the record for the longest air to air missile from the F-15EX back in February of this year. They didn't list the actual distance since that stuff remains classified, but they did make a statement that it chattered any previous and current long-distance records. I think the Russians and especially MBDA Meteor might have something to say about that but it's something to keep an eye on. They claim it was the AIM-120D. Scary to think that they still have the AIM-260 coming up.

The KF-21 is great and what an accomplishment, I just can't believe they didn't design it with internal weapon's bay?! That's like building a fighter jet that only has a gun and cannot fire any missiles! What were they thinking?!
If the KF-21 is successful, the concept is to move on to a stealth-optimized Block 3 model with an internal weapons bay. The KF-21’s underbelly weapon hardpoints are already semi-recessed into the fuselage to reduce the protruding missile’s prominence..

Thus the KF-21 may have the potential to evolve into a “true” stealth aircraft in later iterations..


The F-15EX was not shown, but the most that was shown by the F-15SA or F-15E used aircraft
Even the AIM-120D missiles were not on display, but the most important thing was the AIM-120C5 and also the rejection of the AIM-260 missiles if they were in service.

The KF-21 project is in several stages, the first version 4++
As for the KF-21 Boromae BLOCK 3, it will be a fifth generation with an internal weapons Bay
We also see the future of the plane, according to South Korean statements

With block 3, the KF-21 would become a true 5th generation fighter. There might as well be a block 4 or 5, bringing it close to 6th gen fighters.

The problem in Egypt remains the failure to give any qualified positions to manage the affairs of scientific research or industrial planning for the proper technological orientation by building real capabilities under the control of defects in the administration in Egypt. Egypt is not separated by talents or scholars, but is only led by corrupt people
KF-21 big1 - Copy.png
modified froggy's pic to better explain
my question is.. in the future, can the semi-recessed bay version be modified to use the full bay in the future?
Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 12.35.21.png

The Koreans use a gradual policy in the field of aircraft development to ensure the success of the project with realistic capabilities of the aircraft to overcome the problems of the F-35 project


The price of the plane is 65 million dollars, compared to the price of 95 million euros for the RAFALE


The Kroons are developing a series of parallel munitions to increase the aircraft's attractiveness, a ramjet air-to-surface-air-to-surface missile with a speed of Mach 5+
Screenshot_2021-02-17 1.png
The problem in Egypt remains the failure to give any qualified positions to manage the affairs of scientific research or industrial planning for the proper technological orientation by building real capabilities under the control of defects in the administration in Egypt. Egypt is not separated by talents or scholars, but is only led by corrupt people
Oh boy if we start discussing how generations of engineers graduated only to meet a bad fate regarding careers because of the economy being mainly reliant on tourism...

R&D, weapons development and modifications seems to be restricted to TMC graduates who, by acceptance criteria, are at the very bottom of the Egyptian engineers list.

Now: Think of how Cairo University is the only public university to have an Aerospace Engineering program, and then you would have TMC and Zewail City also providing AE, the former obviously having engineers with very low grades, the latter very few in size.

And then comes New Mansoura University, where in its AE program description it clearly stated it helped students be suited to opportunities abroad...

The next thing you know, either those people are looking for masters abroad because of the lack of specialized masters in Egypt, or prolly start their military service by offering technical service in the EAF’s middle country bases. An absolute waste for students who get a formidable bachelors degree from CU or Zewail.

Egypt does offer great engineering bachelors, but it stops right there! No internships except data analysis, document translation and quality control, jokes!

Now you would wonder why Egypt is lacking the needed engineers and scientists to match Turkey, Israel, Italy etc...

The governments have long insisted to rely on tourism when it comes to economy, our military finds pleasure in idiotic secrecy and rather continues with propaganda approaches till this day, has combated technical discussion in warfare by prevent military historians from access to their own claims regarding wars, it was only after 2011 that Group 73 Historians appeared on the scene, as well as the connections with veterans.
You need to make warfare a thing spoken of rationally so that new generation become interested in it.
Not enough graduates from public universities that can work sufficiently in military industries.
And last but not least, your not-so-super technical military college graduates and barely enough to maintain the large army you choose to maintain.
The F-15EX was not shown, but the most that was shown by the F-15SA or F-15E used aircraft

Sorry, man, I'm still confused. Shown where? Is this a new order of F-15Ks for Korea? The F-15K SLAM Eagle was ordered back in 2002 and then another order in 2008 IIRC. Not sure if there is a new order you're referring to?

Even the AIM-120D missiles were not on display, but the most important thing was the AIM-120C5 and also the rejection of the AIM-260 missiles if they were in service.

Displayed where? Please tell.

The AIM-260 rejected? By whom? They just had a public congressional senate committee hearing on the AIM-260 and its development was explained by US generals to congress as spectacular, and that the missile was a game changer. The rest they had to speak about it behind closed doors, so not sure what and where and whom "rejected" it. Please elaborate so we have the correct info.

modified froggy's pic to better explain
my question is.. in the future, can the semi-recessed bay version be modified to use the full bay in the future?
Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 12.35.21.png

Wait, wuut? Who the heck is "Froggy"? I suppose that could be used as future weapons' bays if that space is really for that. Hard to tell really from just the picture unless the Koreans came out and actually specified that future space? I'm not aware of one but even so, I haven't really followed this project to great detail. I just know the basics which it has no bays and.....

It will be using General Electric GE404 engines which means Egypt can probably kiss this ToT goodbye. Shame. Just like I mentioned before, engines are the most difficult aspect of a fighter and the more modern they get, the more complicated their construct is making catching up a lot more difficult as time goes by. They'll have to buy Russia RD33 engines like in the MiG-29M/M2 and try to install them in this frame, unless things somehow work out with the US.

The Koreans use a gradual policy in the field of aircraft development to ensure the success of the project with realistic capabilities of the aircraft to overcome the problems of the F-35 project

Definitely very smart. You know they still haven't deployed the F-35CTURD on the brand new Gerald Ford? I think it's a combination of the aircraft itself and the EMALS on the carrier. I think it's creating some short or something I'm still reading about it. Never liked the F-35 from the day they promised it would be the jack of all trades and master of all and then with each failure after the other, they kept lowering the bar and reducing goals or capabilities they originally wanted in the aircraft. I'm certainly not sold on that thing being some wiz in the air. We're yet to see it go up against a peer enemy and not Red Flag statistics only.

The Kroons are developing a
"Kroons"? A7a lool. Speaking of cruise missiles, saw this the other day thought it was neat. Please answer the preceding questions so we can learn more and have the accurate information.

Oh boy if we start discussing how generations of engineers graduated only to meet a bad fate regarding careers because of the economy being mainly reliant on tourism...

R&D, weapons development and modifications seems to be restricted to TMC graduates who, by acceptance criteria, are at the very bottom of the Egyptian engineers list.

Now: Think of how Cairo University is the only public university to have an Aerospace Engineering program, and then you would have TMC and Zewail City also providing AE, the former obviously having engineers with very low grades, the latter very few in size.

And then comes New Mansoura University, where in its AE program description it clearly stated it helped students be suited to opportunities abroad...

The next thing you know, either those people are looking for masters abroad because of the lack of specialized masters in Egypt, or prolly start their military service by offering technical service in the EAF’s middle country bases. An absolute waste for students who get a formidable bachelors degree from CU or Zewail.

Egypt does offer great engineering bachelors, but it stops right there! No internships except data analysis, document translation and quality control, jokes!

Now you would wonder why Egypt is lacking the needed engineers and scientists to match Turkey, Israel, Italy etc...

The governments have long insisted to rely on tourism when it comes to economy, our military finds pleasure in idiotic secrecy and rather continues with propaganda approaches till this day, has combated technical discussion in warfare by prevent military historians from access to their own claims regarding wars, it was only after 2011 that Group 73 Historians appeared on the scene, as well as the connections with veterans.
You need to make warfare a thing spoken of rationally so that new generation become interested in it.
Not enough graduates from public universities that can work sufficiently in military industries.
And last but not least, your not-so-super technical military college graduates and barely enough to maintain the large army you choose to maintain.

The issue is mainly related to corruption in the administration since 2012

Industry talk programs have been cancelled
and employment training program
And the export subsidy program to pass foreign procurement programs

They also reject any Egyptian civil intervention because they want to close the matter to the military and abroad because of the corruption system. Rather, corruption has expanded in Samar, and any project in Egypt must be linked to the army or the courtships.
Or former army officers, and this filth led to the escape of the private sector from Egypt, and they only want to deal with the Emiratis and the Gulf people to maintain the secrecy of the system of corruption, bribery and thefts.

Egyptian expertise and competencies exist, but they are fighting

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