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Egyptian Armed Forces


First the Ukrainians were to launch an attack on Dombas..they were 40 000 of the elite..the attack was imminent..Russia of course knew about this since the Ukrainian preparations began.. So the Russians decided to attack kiev as a faint to divert the Ukrainian forces towards the North west and disperse them.. Russians attacked mostly with The national guard of Russia..those were the troops massed near Kiev.. and they had less experience in warfare,,they needed experienced officers to plan and guide their movements..many were high ranking field generals..But the US started to share intelligence about the whereabouts of these high ranking officers with the Ukrainians who only had to target those positions with heavy and intense artillery..That is how many generals were killed..It is the US who is running the war from behind closed doors..
I thought the kiev front was nonsense, part of me wants to believe it was a faint but idk
I thought the kiev front was nonsense, part of me wants to believe it was a faint but idk
It had to as a strategy to disperse Ukrainian armed forces on almost all of Ukraine..
Remember that 60 miles Russian military convoy that was heading to Kiev to make sure most of the U Army goes to defend the capital.. well it was diverted to eastern Ukraine to solidify the Russian position up till now.. While the Ukrainian armed forces were dispersed and trying to come back to defend the Eastern part..but too late.. that is how strategy works..
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The floating tank..the most powerful tank on the planet, soon to be produced by Egypt

The floating tank..the most powerful tank on the planet, soon to be produced by Egypt

Notice in the intro when he was listing the relatively recent modernized inventory of Rafales, MiG-29s and then he says "and eventually the F-15 Strike Eagle"? Interesting that he mentioned that particular model.

It is interesting how things have actually gone quiet for a couple of months now, and not much military activity, if any.
Notice in the intro when he was listing the relatively recent modernized inventory of Rafales, MiG-29s and then he says "and eventually the F-15 Strike Eagle"? Interesting that he mentioned that particular model.

It is interesting how things have actually gone quiet for a couple of months now, and not much military activity, if any.
It is well known news by now.. it was officially announced by the US general .. but we've heard nothing yet from the Egyptian side about the F-15EX.. All we know is that there was an old interest in it.. Egypt bought the SU-35SE and guaranteed a place for the eventual purchase of the SU-57..all because of the refusal by the US to sell it the F-35..nothing was heard about the F-15 at that time apart from being an old refused request..

He also mentioned later on in the video both the Abrams and the T-90MS..So as far as I'm concerned I wish all these systems for Egypt..be it the tanks or the fighter planes..That is the optimum I can believe.. and there are many other systems still needed.. just to have a well balanced and potent armed forces..

Bro..with all this military activity going on in Ukraine.. you still say it is quiet.. HaHaHa!
It is well known news by now.. it was officially announced by the US general ..

I know, ma man. I was actually the first to post it here, remember? I'm not talking about that old news lol, I was referring to him specifically mentioning the Strike E model. That might mean that was the one offered since he seems to have pretty decent inside knowledge. The EX is pretty much the modern version of the Strike E.

I still hope they refuse any used aircraft and insist on new, production aircraft AND all the weapons I mentioned previously or else just can it and go with the Su-35 and deal with the consequences. They need to show some guts here, because it's now or never.

Bro..with all this military activity going on in Ukraine.. you still say it is quiet.. HaHaHa!

Talking about Egyptian military activity, lol. When was the last time they had an exercise? Been a while, hence the lack of any new pics.
lol, what is wrong with these people? First, they thought they could spread the rumor that the US might ask Egypt to give up not only its S-300Vm batteries to the Ukraine, but some or all of its excellent MiG-29M/M2s and now they're suggesting Germany might ask Egypt to give up its most advanced SAM systems in the IRIS-T-SLM? :lol: At least they acknowledged that Egypt would most likely refuse.

I know, ma man. I was actually the first to post it here, remember? I'm not talking about that old news lol, I was referring to him specifically mentioning the Strike E model. That might mean that was the one offered since he seems to have pretty decent inside knowledge. The EX is pretty much the modern version of the Strike E.

I still hope they refuse any used aircraft and insist on new, production aircraft AND all the weapons I mentioned previously or else just can it and go with the Su-35 and deal with the consequences. They need to show some guts here, because it's now or never.

Talking about Egyptian military activity, lol. When was the last time they had an exercise? Been a while, hence the lack of any new pics.
Let hope Egypt will get a decent version of the F-15E ..any one that fits its needs.. that is OK..with full gear and the upgrade of at least 100 F-16 to full gear too.. AESA and what have you.. BUT I will never give up on Russian deals.. and neither the US ones.. that is the smart way to go..

Egypt already showed its determination and defiance of CAATSA.. from the speaker of the parliament to The president Sissi.. Egypt is no banana republic and if it said so to the US it is because it knows its pivotal role in the ME which reflects on global affairs too.. Even the deals of the SU--35SE and T-90SM were signed after The American Law came into effect..Hence the US knows it can't impose its internal laws on the whole world.. so it gets flexible when it can't be too rigid.. And as far as Egypt is concerned it has very though and solid backing from the Middle East, Russia, China and even much of Europe.... And they are all competing to transfer thousands of factories to Egypt ..starting with a thousand.. and up to 50 thousand of Chinese factories.. plus thousands of European, Russian, Middle Eastern and many more.. just because it has free trade agreements with the US, EU and Africa.... this alone is a huge advantage.. and there is much more..
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Let hope Egypt will get a decent version of the F-15E ..any one that fits its needs.. that is OK..with full gear and the upgrade of at least 100 F-16 to full gear too.. AESA and what have you..

Not used ones, ma bro. That would be a huge mistake and history repeating itself. Remember the F-4 Phantoms? They were the WORST aircraft in the EAF at the time they were introduced because of that reason. They were constantly being flown back to the US for major repairs and engine overhauls etc. and the Egyptian pilots hated them with a passion for that reason. They were constantly grounded and several of them crashed.

There's also the obvious and arguably the biggest problem with taking on used aircraft from a previous inventory that put A LOT of hours on them already and that is: the older the aircraft, the more cost per hour to operate as well as more hours of maintenance per flight hour. Average brand-new fighter has about 5 to 8 hours of maintenance pre flight hour. That increases exponentially as the aircraft gets older and those hours can reach 15 to 20+ hours per flight hour. Pretty much the main reason for the USN retiring the F-14 Tomcat. It was not only getting old, but the maintenance hours were killing the aircraft maintenance crews. That's a major burden on flight crews and aircraft availability which the EAF can most certainly do without, not to mention the higher cost.

So I really hope that if they're stuck with the F-15s, that they do their due diligence and not accept any used aircraft, including the C models which aren't as complex as the Strike-Es with their conformal fuel tanks and mission software and additional hardpoints etc.

AESA and what have you..

Then that would have to be the EX since they come with the new APG-70 AESA. The older aircraft were all equipped with the APG-63 pulse doppler radar albeit with lookdown shootdown capability, but it's still an older radar. I believe in the late 2000, about 180 of the C models had their radars upgraded to the APG-70 AESA. But those will be kept in the USAF and even Israel is requesting a batch out of those, assuming the F-35A was going to take the place of those Cs, but just last week the USAF went in front of congress and told them they're thinking of purchasing less F-35s while increasing their F-15 fleet with new EX models as well as keep the Cs going because of its amazing dogfighting ability. A bunch of other reasons that make Egypt request the EX more and more reasonable.

Even the deals of the SU--35SE and T-90SM were signed after The American Law came into effect..Hence the US knows it can't impose its internal laws on the whole world..

You mean they were signed before CAATSA was implemented into US law?

They most definitely need to maintain a solid relationship with Russia. But if they end up with F-15s, they won't be able to purchase the Su-35S and if that happens, then the best thing for them to do is move right to the Su-57. Leap frog the Su-35S because it won't make any sense to have the F-15 and try to acquire the Su-35S. Just supplement the MiG-29s with tons more MiG-35s and have the K-77M and possibly find a way to allow the MiG-35s to carry the R-37M also since the Su-57 won't be able to carry that in its bays, if I'm not mistaken.

Then when the next batch of 30 Rafales show up with hopefully the 300 meteors they rumored to have ordered (as well as the 2 A330 MRTT-AA refuelers and the satellite,) the list will be complete! Just like my last post where I posted the pics of the fighter inventory including the sand camo Su-57. As a matter of fact, Egypt should come up with a couple of billion $ to help push the Su-57 production line in favor of producing and delivering the aircraft sooner rather than later and leapfrog Algeria in the process and be the first in the ME Arab countries and Africa with a 5th gen. Then it can completely pause on any further fighter purchases since that would really be all it needs.

Great thread by you as always. Egypt will procure the Su-57.

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Not used ones, ma bro. That would be a huge mistake and history repeating itself. Remember the F-4 Phantoms? They were the WORST aircraft in the EAF at the time they were introduced because of that reason. They were constantly being flown back to the US for major repairs and engine overhauls etc. and the Egyptian pilots hated them with a passion for that reason. They were constantly grounded and several of them crashed.

There's also the obvious and arguably the biggest problem with taking on used aircraft from a previous inventory that put A LOT of hours on them already and that is: the older the aircraft, the more cost per hour to operate as well as more hours of maintenance per flight hour. Average brand-new fighter has about 5 to 8 hours of maintenance pre flight hour. That increases exponentially as the aircraft gets older and those hours can reach 15 to 20+ hours per flight hour. Pretty much the main reason for the USN retiring the F-14 Tomcat. It was not only getting old, but the maintenance hours were killing the aircraft maintenance crews. That's a major burden on flight crews and aircraft availability which the EAF can most certainly do without, not to mention the higher cost.

So I really hope that if they're stuck with the F-15s, that they do their due diligence and not accept any used aircraft, including the C models which aren't as complex as the Strike-Es with their conformal fuel tanks and mission software and additional hardpoints etc.

Then that would have to be the EX since they come with the new APG-70 AESA. The older aircraft were all equipped with the APG-63 pulse doppler radar albeit with lookdown shootdown capability, but it's still an older radar. I believe in the late 2000, about 180 of the C models had their radars upgraded to the APG-70 AESA. But those will be kept in the USAF and even Israel is requesting a batch out of those, assuming the F-35A was going to take the place of those Cs, but just last week the USAF went in front of congress and told them they're thinking of purchasing less F-35s while increasing their F-15 fleet with new EX models as well as keep the Cs going because of its amazing dogfighting ability. A bunch of other reasons that make Egypt request the EX more and more reasonable.

You mean they were signed before CAATSA was implemented into US law?

They most definitely need to maintain a solid relationship with Russia. But if they end up with F-15s, they won't be able to purchase the Su-35S and if that happens, then the best thing for them to do is move right to the Su-57. Leap frog the Su-35S because it won't make any sense to have the F-15 and try to acquire the Su-35S. Just supplement the MiG-29s with tons more MiG-35s and have the K-77M and possibly find a way to allow the MiG-35s to carry the R-37M also since the Su-57 won't be able to carry that in its bays, if I'm not mistaken.

Then when the next batch of 30 Rafales show up with hopefully the 300 meteors they rumored to have ordered (as well as the 2 A330 MRTT-AA refuelers and the satellite,) the list will be complete! Just like my last post where I posted the pics of the fighter inventory including the sand camo Su-57. As a matter of fact, Egypt should come up with a couple of billion $ to help push the Su-57 production line in favor of producing and delivering the aircraft sooner rather than later and leapfrog Algeria in the process and be the first in the ME Arab countries and Africa with a 5th gen. Then it can completely pause on any further fighter purchases since that would really be all it needs.

Great thread by you as always. Egypt will procure the Su-57.

I mean whatever version name to be precise..KSA got the SA, Qatar the QA.. Egypt EA?

The negotiations and MOUs signing were certainly long before CAATSA.. but the deals as a follow up were signed after CAATSA..

For the rest I'm totally with you on that.. but leap frog the SUs only with Egyptian and Russian consent ..and at least after the delivery of the F-15EA.. and the upgrade of the F-16s.. because there are words saying the SU-75s will be like the Kalashnikov of the air.. so that might persuade the US to upgrade the EAF F-16 fleet if they don't want to lose it all to Russia..
They most definitely need to maintain a solid relationship with Russia. But if they end up with F-15s, they won't be able to purchase the Su-35S and if that happens, then the best thing for them to do is move right to the Su-57. Leap frog the Su-35S because it won't make any sense to have the F-15 and try to acquire the Su-35S. Just supplement the MiG-29s with tons more MiG-35s and have the K-77M and possibly find a way to allow the MiG-35s to carry the R-37M also since the Su-57 won't be able to carry that in its bays, if I'm not mistaken.

Then when the next batch of 30 Rafales show up with hopefully the 300 meteors they rumored to have ordered (as well as the 2 A330 MRTT-AA refuelers and the satellite,) the list will be complete! Just like my last post where I posted the pics of the fighter inventory including the sand camo Su-57. As a matter of fact, Egypt should come up with a couple of billion $ to help push the Su-57 production line in favor of producing and delivering the aircraft sooner rather than later and leapfrog Algeria in the process and be the first in the ME Arab countries and Africa with a 5th gen. Then it can completely pause on any further fighter purchases since that would really be all it needs.

Great thread by you as always. Egypt will procure the Su-57.
The negotiations and MOUs signing were certainly long before CAATSA.. but the deals as a follow up were signed after CAATSA..

For the rest I'm totally with you on that.. but leap frog the SUs only with Egyptian and Russian consent ..and at least after the delivery of the F-15EA.. and the upgrade of the F-16s.. because there are words saying the SU-75s will be like the Kalashnikov of the air.. so that might persuade the US to upgrade the EAF F-16 fleet if they don't want to lose it all to Russia..
I dont think that Egypt will receive SU-57 in the future. Till now they produced 10 (3 prototype) and their objective is to have 70 SU-57 in 2027. With the ingoing situation it will be hard to a foreign country to have any squadron of SU-57. SU-75 maybe but still unlikely. Maybe because the emirati cooperation to develop and to produce SU-75 but unlikely because CAATSA and the reputation. So i don't expect anything from Russia. Best case scenario is to not have a 5th gen aircraft, wait to 6th gen like France did and other country or to rely on China which saw some success for the 5th generation like J-20 J-31/35 or to increase the number of MIG-29 with more armaments , to upgrade our F-16 with AIM-120 and to have F-15EG variant.
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