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Egyptian Armed Forces

If America allows integration of Al Tariq it will allow integration of other weaponry on EAF F-16s probably.

These are already in production and can probably be integrated quite easily which would give EAF F-16s the capability of precision strike on the same level as LJDAM.


EAF F-16s either need to have increased A2A or A2G capability or they are not worth keeping for a long time.
Ok but look at IAF they mounted the Delilah cruise missile and Popeye on their F-16 fleet. TAF will mount or already mounted the SOM cruise missile.

Honestly, I never liked that way of thinking and I hope the Egyptian army doesn't either. They shouldn't concentrate on playing catchup or try to constantly make up for what the Israelis (and certainly not what the turks) have or are doing. They need to (and it seems like they do) concentrate on what their specific needs are for each branch and try to fulfill them.

It's good to keep 'some' sense of what potential enemies are doing, but not base their acquisitions strictly on what those others have.

I remember that after EDEX2021, I think you (@Gomig-21) or @The SC said that we will build some smart bombs like Armement Air-Sol Modulaire/Hammer bomb in Egypt.

Definitely wasn't me. The French have actually been great when it comes to ToT. I give them crap when they dilly dally lol, but gotta give credit where it's due.
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EAF F-16s either need to have increased A2A or A2G capability or they are not worth keeping for a long time.
A2A will be hard only if it will happen in case of we accepted and received F-15 with AIM-120 missiles and other JDAMs. A2G isn't a big threat to our "beloved" neighbor hahaha so they can lift some restrictions.
I do feel that a Egypt needs ground launched cruise missiles for its naval platforms. Storm Shadow/SCALP naval is the best choice but I’m not sure if they will even sell it.

Do you think France will approve the sales? And wouldn’t the UK have some say on the sale of the missiles as well since they developed the Storm Shadow in conjunction with the French?
Honestly, I never liked that way of thinking and I hope the Egyptian army doesn't either. They shouldn't concentrate on playing catchup or try to constantly make up for what the Israelis (and certainly not what the turks) have or are doing. They need to (and it seems like they do) concentrate on what their specific needs are for each branch has and try to fulfill them.

It's good to keep 'some' sense of what potential enemies are doing, but not base their acquisitions strictly on those others have.

Definitely wasn't me. The French have actually been great when it comes to ToT. I give them crap when they dilly dally lol, but gotta give credit where it's due.
I understand what you said and you are right. I am saying this because I am angry hahaha.

Second it was @The SC who said this in Post #8,467
America doesn’t want to sell JASSMs to any Arab state land especially not Egypt.

UAE is developing an air launched cruise missile that will be better than the JASSM when finished. It will have terrain mapping and navigation features and a terminal infrared seeker in its later variants.

Watch from 2:10


I understand what you said and you are right. I am saying this because I am angry hahaha.

Second it was @The SC who said this in Post #8,467
May or may not be true, a lot of members on forums like DefenseArab spread rumors without having facts.


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I do feel that a Egypt needs ground launched cruise missiles for its naval platforms. Storm Shadow/SCALP naval is the best choice but I’m not sure if they will even sell it.

Do you think France will approve the sales? And wouldn’t the UK have some say on the sale of the missiles as well since they developed the Storm Shadow in conjunction with the French?

I agree with the need for CMs on the F-16s. I think that the French would be more willing to supply the SCALP Naval, provided it's all French-built since they already supplied 50 air-launched SCALPs and took the heat for it. I bet they would do it eventually with the naval version.

Especially now that the Italians have supplied SSMs with the Bergamini FREMMs.

As far as air-launched CMs on EAF F-16s,, the US has a tight grip on what goes and what doesn't on those ACs and they will probably never come from them. So what's the next alternative? It seems like they've already ok'd the Al Tariqs since the EAF mounted them on those two and would never have been able to had the US not agreed. That seems to be the best alternative to any JDAMs.

Question is, are they universal for other types like the Mk series? Or they're just custom tailored for Al Tariq GMs?
Why didn't the EAF get in on this? Especially with our relationship with the UAE. You would think we wouldve been first in line, unless they didn't want them!? I don't see how they wouldn't want to augment the Mirage 2K fleet, especially when they're most likely down to only 4 flyable jets by the looks of things.

Apparently, Morrocco will receive 34 of the 59 Mirage 2000-9s EAD-RAD for free from the UAE!
Not sure what will happen with the other 25 aircraft.

Look how sweet these things are, especially in that camo!

America doesn’t want to sell JASSMs to any Arab state land especially not Egypt.

UAE is developing an air launched cruise missile that will be better than the JASSM when finished. It will have terrain mapping and navigation features and a terminal infrared seeker in its later variants.

Watch from 2:10
The problem will be how we will integrate them on our fleets because USA will not agree to be mounted on our F-16 fleet maybe the Rafales but idk if they will agree. The best thing will be mounted on either F-16 or Mirage 2K. We have already between 50 to 100 Scalp and but zero CM on our F-16 or Mirage 2K fleets.

Why didn't the EAF get in on this? Especially with our relationship with the UAE. You would think we wouldve been first in line, unless they didn't want them!? I don't see how they wouldn't want to augment the Mirage 2K fleet, especially when they're most likely down to only 4 flyable jets by the looks of things.

Apparently, Morrocco will receive 34 of the 59 Mirage 2000-9s EAD-RAD for free from the UAE!
Not sure what will happen with the other 25 aircraft.

Look how sweet these things are, especially in that camo!

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I remember when you heard about the news that the UAE will begin to sold their Mirage 2K to Morocco and maybe Egypt. You were against because you felt that we are becoming shahatin hahaha. Maybe you changed your ideas hahaha
I remember when you heard about the news that the UAE will begin to sold their Mirage 2K to Morocco and maybe Egypt. You were against because you felt that we are becoming shahatin hahaha. Maybe you changed your ideas hahaha

You sure that was me? I think you're making that stuff up as you go lol, :D
Russians are finally doing the right thing. Rigging a crashed Ka-52 with explosives and destroying it so it won't fall in the hands of the Ukrainians. Also in the first pic it looks like the white tops of the two pressurized gas canisters for the ejection seats are barely visible above the open canopy.


They also had a safe ejection for both pilots in one of the previous crashes, or so it was claimed. If true, that's good news that it does work.


After it's been obliterated.

I guess they mount them in operations..since it is not necessary in parades and shows..

I thought this pic would clear it up and show the kits if they existed in the EAF arsenal, but it doesn't unfortunately. Too bad we can't see the rest of the munitions in that photo.

@Philip the Arab , any idea what that is on the cart directly behind the dude?

I thought this pic would clear it up and show the kits if they existed in the EAF arsenal, but it doesn't unfortunately. Too bad we can't see the rest of the munitions in that photo.

@Philip the Arab , any idea what that is on the cart directly behind the dude?

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I don't enough knowledge about the bombs and missiles. If i am not mistaken there 2 AIM-9 Sidewinder maybe other 2 AIM-7 Sparrow and what is the other bombs here on the pylons and in front of this magnificent F-16?
I don't enough knowledge about the bombs and missiles. If i am not mistaken there 2 AIM-9 Sidewinder maybe other 2 AIM-7 Sparrow and what is the other bombs here on the pylons and in front of this magnificent F-16?

Yep, AIM-9s on the wingtip outer pylons, Mk-82 or 84 dumb bombs on the triple rack inner pylons.
Then on the floor, the two closest to the jet I believe are AGM-65 air to ground guided missiles and the big one to the right of the dude is a GBU-12 laser-guided bomb.

BTW, notice how they box in the tires/wheels on the jet? They do that in Algeria also on their Su-30MKAs. Anyone know why?

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