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Egyptian Armed Forces

Maybe just in passing, but I doubt it. The reason for the meeting is listed in this tweet.

I don't really trust those words hahahaha. They or the every goverment say this to hide what was the real talks. In Libya there is nothing happening so no big chnages.
Honestly f*ck human rights issuess really f*ck them. It is just a repeating disk that we willend to undermine countries like us, KSA etc... The hyprocisy is that there is a lot of HR violations in Israel UAE Qatar even USA hahaha but USA does't talk about or criticize. USA and HR don't match together.
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I don't really trust those words hahahaha. They or the every goverment say this to hide what was the real talks. In Libya there is nothing happening so no big chnages.
Honestly f*ck human rights issuess really f*ck them. It is just a repeating disk that we willend to undermine countries like us, KSA etc... The hyprocisy is that there is a lot of HR violations in Israel UAE Qatar even USA hahaha but USA does't talk about or criticize. USA and HR don't match together.

Very true walAhi kalamak mazbout awi. The only thing I disagree with is the reference to Libya; there's always something going on there lol. It might be a bit quiet ATM but that's because of the tremendous monitoring effort being done by Egypt's intelligence service and the army on the border as well as sea keeping things in check, not to mention all the surveillance flights they're doing etc.

They're also going through an election process, aren't they? And Sisi asked for something to do with the elections in Libya to take place in Cairo. I forget what it was exactly but it was a very important part of the election process. Plus some of the naval assets performing naval security are shared with the US as well.

I've had enough of the human rights excuse also. I think they've milked that beyond the realities on the ground, not to mention the constant labeling and fear mongering of Egypt being the aggressor and how the neighbors are always worried about it getting advanced weapons because it will attack Israel - did they actually stop for a minute and think who has attacked whom in the history of the Arab/Israeli conflict? Israel attacked Egypt twice and tried to steal its land both times, while Egypt takes the constant blame for being the untrustworthy enemy!? They must think the world is stupid, yet most play along with that absurdity.
Very true walAhi kalamak mazbout awi. The only thing I disagree with is the reference to Libya; there's always something going on there lol. It might be a bit quiet ATM but that's because of the tremendous monitoring effort being done by Egypt's intelligence service and the army on the border as well as sea keeping things in check, not to mention all the surveillance flights they're doing etc.

They're also going through an election process, aren't they? And Sisi asked for something to do with the elections in Libya to take place in Cairo. I forget what it was exactly but it was a very important part of the election process. Plus some of the naval assets performing naval security are shared with the US as well.

I've had enough of the human rights excuse also. I think they've milked that beyond the realities on the ground, not to mention the constant labeling and fear mongering of Egypt being the aggressor and how the neighbors are always worried about it getting advanced weapons because it will attack Israel - did they actually stop for a minute and think who has attacked whom in the history of the Arab/Israeli conflict? Israel attacked Egypt twice and tried to steal its land both times, while Egypt takes the constant blame for being the untrustworthy enemy!? They must think the world is stupid, yet most play along with that absurdity.
The other hypocrisy is that sometimes USA are attacking Egypt about Egypt HR abuses based on HR Watch Amnesty but when those NGO attack Israel saying that Israel is an apartheid state etc.. the americans always say that those reports isn't compatible and not matching our investigations. I remember Ned Price said what I said exatly.Even egyptians (the poorest ones which sadly represent a large portion of our population) don't even care about the freedom of speech etc.. they care only how they bring bread to their families everyday. Only the educated ones (like us alhamdulillah) care about them because we have western influence. So thus, USA don't give a shit about the HR of a population unless this country is against their agendas.

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There is a big chance that the warship was destroyed by Neptune anti-ship missiles.

We must produce our own anti-ship missiles. We can't wait until HAS-250 anti-ship missiles.
Russians are incapable, missiles of this type against Western ships would have failed.

HAS-250 is not that capable either, modern day you need a sea skimming missile with a stealthy airframe and an autonomous targeting system.
russian mod said there were fires and succesfully put out and crew was evacuated and moskava returned to sevastpol

oh no it sank while being towed.....

wow nice job
Shows that even one or two hits from cruise missile can spell the end for large ships. Moskva was 12k tons which is a huge ship and sunk from only two cruise missiles with 150kg warheads.
speaking of ships apparently ENS al galala is sailing towards italy for some reason maybe to complete its armament maybe thats why fincanteri was the headline sponsor of edex 2021 and not dassault or NAVAL group
Incapable because Russians as a whole have performed horribly during this conflict.
They have performed f*cking HORRIBLY. But the thing is that they can continue because they have all resources (human, tanks, apc, ifv, oil etc...) so they most at least won something in this war. The russians will not retreat without any "victory". Sinking Moskva is a huge blow for the Russian Navy but they will respond aggressively so more civilians death.
They have performed f*cking HORRIBLY. But the thing is that they can continue because they have all resources (human, tanks, apc, ifv, oil etc...) so they most at least won something in this war. The russians will not retreat without any "victory". Sinking Moskva is a huge blow for the Russian Navy but they will respond aggressively so more civilians death.
You can expect goverment places in kiev to be bombed out of revenge

iam so disapointed about the horible play the russians did westren information aid and weapons aid was too much for them

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