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Egyptian Armed Forces

Anyone's guess at this point
The French fleet at the end of the year will be 6 fuel tankers, and by 2023, the number is supposed to be 15, but when Egypt requested 2 urgently, the deal was concluded, but I do not know the delivery dates, but rather, training was conducted on it by Egypt for a long time, so I made sure of it so far. 2 Receipt Urgent, as the Minister of the French Armies reviewed the number again in a press conference to 13 carriers of France
The French intelligence website "Africa Intelligence" announced the arrival of a French delegation to Egypt to help build an anti-drone defense system.

France and its companies have enormous capabilities and expertise in the manufacture of air defense systems, radar, thermal and television sensors, and anti-aircraft missiles, and French support will be crucial in this field.

This year, the Egyptian Minister of Military Production announced the start of building an integrated medium-range air defense system.

For its part, Egypt constantly keeps pace with the development in air threats and is always interested in developing, upgrading and modernizing the Egyptian air defense to keep pace with the latest threats in the world. Egypt also possesses a powerful multiple and diverse air force from eastern and western sources.
HAPPY 6TH OF OCTOBER!!! 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬

One of my favorite images, and now colorized. It also shows how fierce the current can be in the canal at certain times the way it's tweaking the bridge.


Some great pics of EAF MiG-17 dropping some serious ordinance on something, either the major enemy's intel center in Sinai or tank columns. Talk about a huge disadvantage in aircraft, but they loved that model and used it so well.



6 hours after the initial air and artillery strike, all bridges set up and wall cut through with hoses thanks to the brilliant idea of that young, military engineer who came up with the idea of using gas generators to power fire hoses and use the canal water to erode wide enough passages through the sand wall that took the enemy millions of dollars and several weeks to erect and fortify. All forts were taken over except the furthest one north, opposite of Port Said as they deemed it too difficult and unnecessary since by 8pm, 5 armored and infantry divisions had already crossed and taken up position on the eastern bank, while capturing all the other forts along the entire canal.




Some excellent footage.

The French fleet at the end of the year will be 6 fuel tankers, and by 2023, the number is supposed to be 15, but when Egypt requested 2 urgently, the deal was concluded, but I do not know the delivery dates, but rather, training was conducted on it by Egypt for a long time, so I made sure of it so far. 2 Receipt Urgent, as the Minister of the French Armies reviewed the number again in a press conference to 13 carriers of France

15 total A330s?! Are you sure about that? That quantity seems way over what they need. Not sure why they would need so many of them like that.
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Al Eskandareya Perry Class Frigate on one side of the dock and Al Fateh Gowind on the other side.
Great example of how far ship design has come. That frigate along with the other Perry class ones in the EN have been modernized and we can see one of the items clearly in this pic in the new radar.

This was back in 2020 when the EN took these two ships through the Bosphorus Istanbul strait to meet up with the Russian Navy and conduct an exercise with the RN in the Black Sea.

@camelguy , here's one of the pics of those 2 Iraqi Hawker Hunters and their famous pass over the canal during the war towards the end of it I was telling you about. This was after a successful bombing raid on enemy positions. They're being cheered by member of the 2nd army. The other pic I was actually referring to is much better and closer than this one. But this is also good because of the rarity of it.


Someone said V for victory.

One of my favorite images, and now colorized. It also shows how fierce the current can be in the canal at certain times the way it's tweaking the bridge.

View attachment 782508

Some great pics of EAF MiG-17 dropping some serious ordinance on something, either the major enemy's intel center in Sinai or tank columns. Talk about a huge disadvantage in aircraft, but they loved that model and used it so well.

View attachment 782540

View attachment 782542

6 hours after the initial air and artillery strike, all bridges set up and wall cut through with hoses thanks to the brilliant idea of that young, military engineer who came up with the idea of using gas generators to power fire hoses and use the canal water to erode wide enough passages through the sand wall that took the enemy millions of dollars and several weeks to erect and fortify. All forts were taken over except the furthest one north, opposite of Port Said as they deemed it too difficult and unnecessary since by 8pm, 5 armored and infantry divisions had already crossed and taken up position on the eastern bank, while capturing all the other forts along the entire canal.

View attachment 782544

View attachment 782553

View attachment 782511

Some excellent footage.

15 total A330s?! Are you sure about that? That quantity seems way over what they need. Not sure why they would need so many of them like that.
Lieutenant-General Saad El-Din El-Shazly with his daughter Shahdan after her success in a parachute jumping course

Yeah that is a great one. Seen it a while back and every time it reminds me of those goofy hats the paras used to wear lol. Good stuff.

But, I saw a rather disturbing interview of Shazly earlier this morning on a twitter account and went back to find it after seeing your post to post it but couldn't find it. It'll probably come up again, but it was most likely done when he was in self-imposed exile in the UK and he was asked what he thought about the assassination of Sadat and the individual who killed him and I was somewhat shocked when he said that murdered was a hero! I know he had certain justifiable disdain towards Sadat for how he was let go towards the end of the war and not treated very well by him, but to say that stuff was crazy! That was the first time I ever heard that. He also said some very damming stuff after that but his point could be taken in several ways. It was fascinating.

If anyone knows about that interview or has it, please post it!

Aywa keda ma3oul. Arba3a sa7 mesh khamastashar looool!
So 2 urgently now and 2 more later for a total of 4. 15 is simply not feasible and doesn't even make any sense for them to have that many. A large amount of them would be wasteful.

Also, the "urgent" part is very interesting. I wonder if they have an Ethiopia plan? Mmmm.........
New pic of the best ship in the EN IMO.

Earlier this month, the Military released a video for an exercise taking place in Mohamed Naguib Base. They have a ground warfare simulating system (for gun shooting and Tank/Anti tank battles) it appears that the tank below on the right is an M60A1 RISE?

They don’t have the black rubber surrounding the cannon.

The M60A3s are _still_ effective in North Africa. They can be used as targets for indigenous ATGM testing, airstrike and land warfare training, testing and modification of tank components, optics and systems.
@Gomig-21 I saw you tagged me recently on a topic we dicussed sometime ago. I appreciate the call out. I wanted to reply to that specific thread just thought the nature of the thread was not ideal I thought it was sort of highly deluded thread due to the guy who posted and it was borderline conspiracy thoery while the truth is somewhere in the middle not how that fella put things and far from it.

I have previously agreed with you on some of it but not entirely you were mostly far-right on that specific subject but keeping middle ground is the right discourse but I can also understand why from personal reasons and stuff like that but you shouldn't let it dictate your political view. There is economical and trade potential.

But you are one of the few I enjoy their posts and you have always good insights on things
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Su-35 N°9211 is still in Russia (with weapon simulating pods?). 9211 was one of the first Egyptian Su-35s to emerge on social media back in July 2020 - I don’t think Egypt received any Su-35s...
Have you ever entered the Russian gallery or Instagram to see the picture of the SU35se? Because I can publish a tweet with any of the pictures on the same date today, doubting the non-receipt of some people who want it only for themselves and I do not want to show some of the receipt because I ignore every time proof of this for fear for myself
@Gomig-21 I saw you tagged me recently on a topic we dicussed sometime ago. I appreciate the call out. I wanted to reply to that specific thread just thought the nature of the thread was not ideal I thought it was sort of highly deluded thread due to the guy who posted and it was borderline conspiracy thoery while the truth is somewhere in the middle not how that fella put things and far from it.

I have previously agreed with you on some of it but not entirely you were mostly far-right on that specific subject but keeping middle ground is the right discourse but I can also understand why from personal reasons and stuff like that but you shouldn't let it dictate your political view. There is economical and trade potential.

But you are one of the few I enjoy their posts and you have always good insights on things

Cool, man. Thanks for the response and no worries. I just wanted to show you another example of the disdain that myself and many other Egyptians have for that entity. I can't and don't want to speak for the how big the group is that shares the same sentiment, but there are many and I would dare to say, it's the majority that hold that stance.

And it's not dictating anyone's political view, least of all yours truly. It's just the way it is. Someone spits on you, you don't turn around and kiss them on the cheek or praise them. You react in a certain way (everyone is different) but it certainly affects the way you perceive that individual and this is exactly that. Especially when they label you something negative when they're the worst of that kind! Their hypocrisy is the worst there is. Cheers.

Bigger pic of that Su-35S. Too bad that dude ruined it with that horribly self centered watermark.


BTW, you can always tell the pilot is landing with the perfect required angle of attack by looking at those lower tail stabilizers. When you see the bottom edge of those stabs and they're perfectly parallel with the ground, then the landing AoA is spot on. And not only is that a superbly deadly aircraft, but it looks so damn good!

The cockpit of the Su-35S.


Have you ever entered the Russian gallery or Instagram to see the picture of the SU35se? Because I can publish a tweet with any of the pictures on the same date today, doubting the non-receipt of some people who want it only for themselves and I do not want to show some of the receipt because I ignore every time proof of this for fear for myself

Can you post the link? Do that please and I'll post the pics, no worries. I'll take the heat. :-)
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Lieutenant-General Saad El-Din El-Shazly with his daughter Shahdan after her success in a parachute jumping course


How about this one, bro? 48 years later.

Rabenna yedellu tult el sa7ha w'l 3omr InshaAllah.

Just out of the factory on its way to the paint shop to join the others in the background. It's good that we're seeing a few new (never seen before) pics even if they're from last year, just fresh ones is pleasant. Might be a sign of good things to come. But this schlep keeps ruining them with his stupid watermarks.

EAF needs to get these in the lineup and up the numbers dramatically, along with the MiG-35s and definitely get in on the Su-57 soon with the option for the Okhotnik loyal wingman. What do you think about that, SC bro?


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