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Egyptian Armed Forces

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Upgrading the Apache is actually taking place from a period in Egypt to the E version. As for the last 10 Apache deal, it is waiting for approval.
Regarding the F16, I know it from the period of 2018, and the proposal of two countries, Greece and Portugal, and Egypt chose Greece, and it was waiting until the completion of the facility’s processing for that, and the value of the deal was 5 billion dollars and things It is going in peace now, and the proposed number is from 75 to 100 fighters


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Egypt using Emirati Yabhon-HMD target drone? Picture is from June or July and was found on Reddit.


Hope Halcon develops a target drone soon, they already have the engine needed for a supersonic and subsonic one and kamikaze drone experience.
We should reunite our forces again.
Bro, historically speaking Egypt is currently a puppet state, if your Sultan Sulieman was here (whom I respect from the deepest of my heart), he would also keep the Mamluki, or Egyptian Imperial Ambitions at bay. Better to say, If Egypt finally gets away from a Mossad Sponsored Dictatorship then a Military's Alliance would be cool, but that seems far.
It’s good to know that the Navy’s Chief of Staff, Admiral Ehab Mohamed Sobhy Aly El-Shafei earned the medal of
No problem Bro.. the F-16 upgrades are coming .. but not as it was expected.. this time it will be trough Greece
I know it from the period of 2018, and the proposal of two countries, Greece and Portugal, and Egypt chose Greece, and it was waiting until the completion of the facility’s processing for that, and the value of the deal was 5 billion dollars and things It is going in peace now, and the proposed number is from 75 to 100 fighters
Source? Because I didn’t know that. And are we upgrading only 75-100 F-16s? What about the rest?
It’s good to know that the Navy’s Chief of Staff, Admiral Ehab Mohamed Sobhy Aly El-Shafei earned the medal of

Source? Because I didn’t know that. And are we upgrading only 75-100 F-16s? What about the rest?
F-16s Could Still be Flying Into the 2070s

"The contract specifically mentioned work for Bahrain, Bulgaria, Chile, Columbia, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Morocco, Korea, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates."

Some interesting stuff. First, a new pair of AW-149s for SAR missions painted in the traditional red and white for rescue and ambulatory evacs are being finalized tested prior to delivery out of the bath of 32 different types (AW-149s & AW189s) ordered by the EAF. First top one seems to be the only one mounted with a rescue retrieving winch.



The first 3 have already been received to join the previous 2 only that were active. So this is a rather large increase in numbers for what is a critically needed life-saving apparatus.



The AW149s painted in the EAF traditional desert camo will most likely serve as troop transport for both, land and naval personnel and likely be lightly armed to some degree I would think. The AW149 has several adjustable military roles from SAR/CAS/SOPs/ISR/MEDEVAC/C2/Troops transportation.


Hard to tell what the eventual paint scheme of this one will be, if this is it for a certain duty or if it will end up in desert or SAR camo.


One of which was already featured in Qader exercise flying with colors roundels and tail flags off a Mistral.



Sweetness in an EAF Rafale getting ready to head to the UAE for Zayed 3.



Pair of EAF Rafales participating in A2A refueling qualifications training with Emirati A330 MRTTs of which a pair of brand new ones just contracted a couple of months ago for the EAF which will be able to air refuel every single type of fighter in the EAF's inventory as they're equipped with drogue and chutes for more common fighters with refueling probes, but also the entire fleet of F-16s which will need the center belly mounted boom as seen in this picture tucked up when not in use.



Nice video of Zayed 3 aerial exercises with Emirati F-16 blck 60s, Mirage-2000-9s, EAF F-16s blck 52s and 40s apparently as Rafales as well.

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Egypt getting A-330s will increase interoperability significantly and allow them to use either their or the UAE air force's tankers interchangeably.

UAE has 3 and ordered 3 more in 2019, and Egypt will have 2 which is good but it should incresse to at least 5.

Hope they practice deep strike missions with both countries air forces and tankers in the future.
Egypt getting A-330s will increase interoperability significantly and allow them to use either their or the UAE air force's tankers interchangeably.

UAE has 3 and ordered 3 more in 2019, and Egypt will have 2 which is good but it should incresse to at least 5.

Hope they practice deep strike missions with both countries air forces and tankers in the future.

It's been like a constant gifting for the Egyptian Armed Forces as a whole since 2015, roughly when the deal for the Rafales and FREMM and Mistrals and Gowinds was struck and those items started showing up. Then in between those were the MiG-29M/35 along with the S-300V4 and all the other things that would take a while to mention with Italian mega deal and the awesome Berghaminni FREMMs and squashed in between all of those were the 4 Type 209/1400model Submarines and all the SAM missiles that are either land borne or ship borne and then the big surprise for me was 2 fold, well maybe 3 when there was a possibility of the EFT got me really psyched as they could really use those to pack away the Mirage 2Ks and replace them with ultra modern and new state of the art Typhoons would simply be the perfect acquisition for that but then the 2 A330s with a possibility for 4 more and of course, the biggest one IMO is the 30 Su-35SEs which I think most of us simply can't wait to see flying in Egypt. What else that is worth mentioning did I forget? lol

- 50 Ka-52 Alligator attack helos
- 2 ex-Jordanian IL-76M
- Mi-24 Hind gunships (we think the count is 8 0r 9)
- All the additional patrol boats we saw in Qader
- Striking a very surprising order for an additional 30 RAFALES for a total of 54 to be the 2nd largest operator of that AC after France with the aircraft being the F3R version to be equipped with the Meteor missile. Brings up the question about adding the appropriate upgrade to the current 24 in inventory to make them Meteor capable. I always thought they were already contracted as F-3Rs even back in 2015 but that might not have been the case. But at least they're SCALPE'd and that whole US declining the sale caused an increase in the total of the cruise missiles which made it an even better situation what the US did.
- E-2D Hawkeyes possibly going through soon.
- And of course the news that Egypt is in fact ordering the Su-57 in backdoor and backchannel negotiations with Russia to get in on the early process so that they can acquire the deadly stealthy aircraft soon after the VVS/VKS/RuAF and maybe Algeria also are in line first. That will be something else! As well as add to the numbers of Su-35SEs to at least be on par with Israel's F-15 count.
- Oh and I almost forgot one of the largest acquisitions to the navy in the 6 MEKO A200 Frigates to add to the EN's naval strength in its number of powerful frigates with the first one here being ready for its mast and electronic/radar/comms installations.

- Unprecedented modernization in 8 years and I'll add to this list as I remember things.
Egypt is currently in discussions with the US for a possible procurement of E-2D advanced Hawkeye AEW&C platform The E-2D gives an expanded battlespace awareness, especially in the area of delivering information, battle management, air & missile defense operations.


2 of the current EAF E-2Cs in inventory which I do believe will be retired if the new E-2Ds will be approved since upgrading them to AESA and glass cockpits and all the electronics and the same level as the Ds would be exorbitantly expensive and not worth it, not to mention that for the amount of western aircraft in the EAF inventory and the range the E-2D operates at, there would be no reason to keep 16 of them in flight and use when half of those won't be nearly as capable as the new half. I know @The SC disagrees, but that's how I see it, my bro. They can always add to the Ds if they ever have the need to augment that platform.


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It's been like a constant gifting for the Egyptian Armed Forces as a whole since 2015, roughly when the deal for the Rafales and FREMM and Mistrals and Gowinds was struck and those items started showing up. Then in between those were the MiG-29M/35 along with the S-300V4 and all the other things that would take a while to mention with Italian mega deal and the awesome Berghaminni FREMMs and squashed in between all of those were the 4 Type 209/1400model Submarines and all the SAM missiles that are either land borne or ship borne and then the big surprise for me was 2 fold, well maybe 3 when there was a possibility of the EFT got me really psyched as they could really use those to pack away the Mirage 2Ks and replace them with ultra modern and new state of the art Typhoons would simply be the perfect acquisition for that but then the 2 A330s with a possibility for 4 more and of course, the biggest one IMO is the 30 Su-35SEs which I think most of us simply can't wait to see flying in Egypt. What else that is worth mentioning did I forget? lol

- 50 Ka-52 Alligator attack helos
- 2 ex-Jordanian IL-76M
- Mi-24 Hind gunships (we think the count is 8 0r 9)
- All the additional patrol boats we saw in Qader
- Striking a very surprising order for an additional 30 RAFALES for a total of 54 to be the 2nd largest operator of that AC after France with the aircraft being the F3R version to be equipped with the Meteor missile. Brings up the question about adding the appropriate upgrade to the current 24 in inventory to make them Meteor capable. I always thought they were already contracted as F-3Rs even back in 2015 but that might not have been the case. But at least they're SCALPE'd and that whole US declining the sale caused an increase in the total of the cruise missiles which made it an even better situation what the US did.
- E-2D Hawkeyes possibly going through soon.
- And of course the news that Egypt is in fact ordering the Su-57 in backdoor and backchannel negotiations with Russia to get in on the early process so that they can acquire the deadly stealthy aircraft soon after the VVS/VKS/RuAF and maybe Algeria also are in line first. That will be something else! As well as add to the numbers of Su-35SEs to at least be on par with Israel's F-15 count.
- Oh and I almost forgot one of the largest acquisitions to the navy in the 6 MEKO A200 Frigates to add to the EN's naval strength in its number of powerful frigates with the first one here being ready for its mast and electronic/radar/comms installations.
View attachment 769690
- Unprecedented modernization in 8 years and I'll add to this list as I remember things.
Egypt is currently in discussions with the US for a possible procurement of E-2D advanced Hawkeye AEW&C platform The E-2D gives an expanded battlespace awareness, especially in the area of delivering information, battle management, air & missile defense operations.
View attachment 769686
View attachment 769687
2 of the current EAF E-2Cs in inventory which I do believe will be retired if the new E-2Ds will be approved since upgrading them to AESA and glass cockpits and all the electronics and the same level as the Ds would be exorbitantly expensive and not worth it, not to mention that for the amount of western aircraft in the EAF inventory and the range the E-2D operates at, there would be no reason to keep 16 of them in flight and use when half of those won't be nearly as capable as the new half. I know @The SC disagrees, but that's how I see it, my bro. They can always add to the Ds if they ever have the need to augment that platform.

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View attachment 769689
Bro..I won't disagree with you or contradict you.... there are some facts I believe will keep the E2Cs operational till at least 2030 in EAF..

- First the Egyptian E2Cs are the latest upgrade _called 2000_ before the E2Ds
- Second, they are very efficient even nowadays, since they are coordinating the most advanced 4 ++ generation fighters in the Egyptian and others inventories which means they are pretty advanced platforms and systems..
- Third, France have contracted a few E2Ds from the US sometime before Egypt.. and they won't be delivered before 2026 according to US sources..

So considering all these facts and that not all the EAF F-16s will be upgraded to the V standard.. which leaves around 100 that will be dedicated to COS missions and maybe 20 to recon missions.... It is possible that even after the induction of the E2Ds in the EAF around 2026-28 _rationally speaking _.. the E2Cs can still coordinate the 100 F-16s dedicated to COS along with Mirage 2Ks, the Gazelles and other older systems.. so it is important not to count them out.. at least in support roles to the new A2Ds when they will arrive.... So yes they can be 16 of them in total.. and it won't matter much..they will just be complementary to the new E2Ds in specialised roles that the latter won't have to undertake..So it will be dedicated to more sophisticated roles and missions..
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Almi 24 is more than 8, and its spread is very large, with more than 20 fighters, and not from one country, but more than one country that got rid of eastern weapons
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