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Egyptian Armed Forces

If this is what is Fully planned..Egypt will fly very high from here to 2030:

100 Rafale
100 MiG 35
100 F-16 Viper upgrade
64 Su-35SE
48 Typhoon
36 Su-57

That is 448 fighters of very high caliber.. an airforce to recon with.. and a very dissuading deterrent..

So, If the deals are completed with these numbers, God willing, some of the munitions industry should be transferred locally for all types of these fighters, as well as the localization of the industry of the French and Russian fighters, even if by 50%, and set up regional maintenance centers .. may God grant success..

* Still can add 100 or more JF-17 Block III with local production to the list.. it will be even better..





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If this is what is Fully planned..Egypt will fly very high from here to 2030:

100 Rafale
100 MiG 35
100 F-16 Viper upgrade
64 Su-35SE
48 Typhoon
36 Su-57

That is 448 fighters of very high caliber.. an airforce to recon with.. and a very dissuading deterrent..

So, If the deals are completed with these numbers, God willing, some of the munitions industry must be transferred locally for all type of these fighters, as well as the localization of the industry of the French and Russian fighters, even if by 50%, and set up regional maintenance centers .. may God grant success..

* Still can add 100 or more JF-17 Block III with local production to the list.. it will be even better..





Is the last image the result of f16 and jf17 marriage?
Did the USA not threaten Egypt with sanctions if they went ahead with the SU-35 deal?


Images by the @USNavy

Awesome, LOG. Thanks for the contributions and please keep it up. They've done a lot of PASSEXs with the US and Brits and French and even Russian (interesting considering what happened yesterday off the coast of Crimea) in the Red Sea. Most of these Passexes are performed in that body of water and not so much in the Mediterranean Sea which I find very interesting. I think it has a lot to do with gathering some intel as to who and what is passing through the Suez Canal, even though they are all friendly.

100 Rafale
100 MiG 35
100 F-16 Viper upgrade
64 Su-35SE
48 Typhoon
36 Su-57

Tell me why you're convinced of the Typhoons, bro. I'm not doubting you by any means since that would mean I would owe you another pizza, but something tells me they're going to scratch it out of the Italian Mega Deal, simply because of the additional Rafale deal that the French authorized really quickly and at cheap price once they heard about the Typhoons. I think it would be FANTASTIC since we know there is no issue with that crap about logistical nightmare baloney pony shmelony. Having the Typhoons with Rafales would be sweeeet!

Is the last image the result of f16 and jf17 marriage?

Funny you say that, I've been saying the Jeffrey 17 is a major inspiration of the F-16 since the late 90's or whenever it came out. I like it a lot and because it's latest block III will be the most advanced and like the K-8 Karakorum, if we get TOT of over 75% I would be all over it EXCEPT for one thing, that it would introduce a whole new spectrum of weapons. Unlike the Typhoon, many of its weapons are interchangeable with the Rafale (including the Meteor) and even the F-16s GBUs and other weapons with the exception of a the IRIS-T and Birmestones which I would bet can be integrated with little effort. But the Jeffrey introduces a whole slew of Chinese weapons that now would need to be looked at carefully to see how they would manage that.

Did the USA not threaten Egypt with sanctions if they went ahead with the SU-35 deal?

No, not really. What they did was the orange gaboon sent Pompeo who didn't know his *** from his elbow to talk us out of the Su-35SE and offered the F-15 instead. He never said we will be forced to impose sanctions on you and all that. Now we know for sure that they must've offered the F-15 without AMRAAMs or the AIM-9X because the EAF's answer was "no thank you, because we consider the Su-35SE to be a FAR SUPERIOR fighter jet than the F-15." And it was left at that. So it's up in the air now that Biden is in office and most of the Su-35s are already in Egypt. But because we brokered the ceasefire with Hamas and Israel, Biden was forced to call Sisi and thank him and make friends with him and so we (most of us Egyptians) don't think the US will impose any form of sanctions on Egypt at all.

Also, consider the fact that Egypt is really not a pushover state. We hold quite a bit of clout in the area that the US depends on considerably. And so that adds to the equation in that if they do, Egypt will be forced to react in its own way against the US, such as limit the amount of military ships transiting the Suez Canal, stop buying products from the US and switch to China or anything of that caliber. So this isn't like putting sanction on the Congo (no disrespect at all, just an example), but more like doing it to an ally which is not a good thing for the US' image.

I tell you one thing, had they offered the F-15EX with the AIM-120C-7 (not C-5) and the latest AIM-9X and JSOW and ASRAAM and I have a little bit more of a list of munitions to include AS WELL as upgrade at least 100 - 150 EAF F-16 to the full Viper package which would include the new SAARs radar and AMRAAMs and AIM-9X as well.............then and only then, would I say ok, forget the Su-35S. Other than that, a neutered F-15 instead of the POWERHOUSE Su-35SE, the US can kick rocks! lol
Tell me why you're convinced of the Typhoons, bro. I'm not doubting you by any means since that would mean I would owe you another pizza, but something tells me they're going to scratch it out of the Italian Mega Deal, simply because of the additional Rafale deal that the French authorized really quickly and at cheap price once they heard about the Typhoons. I think it would be FANTASTIC since we know there is no issue with that crap about logistical nightmare baloney pony shmelony. Having the Typhoons with Rafales would be sweeeet!

Funny you say that, I've been saying the Jeffrey 17 is a major inspiration of the F-16 since the late 90's or whenever it came out. I like it a lot and because it's latest block III will be the most advanced and like the K-8 Karakorum, if we get TOT of over 75% I would be all over it EXCEPT for one thing, that it would introduce a whole new spectrum of weapons. Unlike the Typhoon, many of its weapons are interchangeable with the Rafale (including the Meteor) and even the F-16s GBUs and other weapons with the exception of a the IRIS-T and Birmestones which I would bet can be integrated with little effort. But the Jeffrey introduces a whole slew of Chinese weapons that now would need to be looked at carefully to see how they would manage that.
They are separate deals bro.. the Italian one is a whole package offer, why refuse it when it will also be financed by Italian banks.. and you make payments over 10 years or so..

Yes but most of the important Chinese missiles will come with TOT.. and the price is good too..the Engine is the same as the Mig-35 .. so that is also less "maintenance nightmare".. HaHaHa!
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They are separate deals bro.. the Italian one is a whole package offer , why refuse it when it will also be financed by Italian banks.. and you make payments over 10 years or so..

I understand they are separate deals, but nothing can stop Egypt from refusing one of the items in the deal, right? That's what I meant because of the Italians offering it, the French were very quick at making that 2nd deal for the 30 Rafales. If you remember, before that, all the dancing and dilly dallying they were doing just on the option for 12 more! Remember? Then all of a sudden there's 24 Typhoons and 4 Berghaminis etc., the French jumped right up. I'm thinking it might've been a ploy to some degree. Hey, listen, I'd love to see them, not arguing about that, and 48 is even better. Just wondering what made you think that was their headed direction.

Yes but most of the important Chinese missiles will come with TOT.. and the price is good too..the Engine is the same as the Mig-35 .. so that is also less "maintenance nightmare".. HaHaHa!

Speaking of MiG-35, this is how they should've ordered the weapon's package for the MiG-29M/35 with not just the R-73 and R-77, but with the R-27E! This really ticks me off that they didn't get that missile with that aircraft.




Now that is a true interceptor with the appropriate variety of missiles to choose from which is the way it should be in the EAF. Not to mention the attached FLIR and target designator and supposed AESA radar etc. etc wlad el kalb! lol
I understand they are separate deals, but nothing can stop Egypt from refusing one of the items in the deal, right? That's what I meant because of the Italians offering it, the French were very quick at making that 2nd deal for the 30 Rafales. If you remember, before that, all the dancing and dilly dallying they were doing just on the option for 12 more! Remember? Then all of a sudden there's 24 Typhoons and 4 Berghaminis etc., the French jumped right up. I'm thinking it might've been a ploy to some degree. Hey, listen, I'd love to see them, not arguing about that, and 48 is even better. Just wondering what made you think that was their headed direction.

Speaking of MiG-35, this is how they should've ordered the weapon's package for the MiG-29M/35 with not just the R-73 and R-77, but with the R-27E! This really ticks me off that they didn't get that missile with that aircraft.

View attachment 756139

View attachment 756140

View attachment 756141

Now that is a true interceptor with the appropriate variety of missiles to choose from which is the way it should be in the EAF. Not to mention the attached FLIR and target designator and supposed AESA radar etc. etc wlad el kalb! lol
You might be right about the new Rafale deal replacing the Typhoons and it is logical to think that.. but as some GCC nations already operate the Typhoon; KSA, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar..etc..Egypt might still procure it..since it can share all the support benefits with the others, just in case .. not to mention replacing those old Mirage 2000.. even if EAF starts with just 24..and doubles it in time..

As for the Mig-35 ( Egyptian Edition ).. we won't really know what was bought or not with it,, You know that Egypt don't like to show off.. so most the pics are with 2 missiles and fuel tanks only.. even the F-16s.. it is extremely rare to see it fully loaded..

Looking forward to that Russian AESA radar and all the new missiles though..as well as the Katran..
You might be right about the new Rafale deal replacing the Typhoons and it is logical to think that.. but as some GCC nations already operate the Typhoon; KSA, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar..etc..Egypt might still procure it..since it can share all the support benefits with the others, just in case .. not to mention replacing those old Mirage 2000.. even if EAF starts with just 24..and doubles it in time..

As for the Mig-35 ( Egyptian Edition ).. we won't really know what was bought or not with it,, You know that Egypt don't like to show off.. so most the pics are with 2 missiles and fuel tanks only.. even the F-16s.. it is extremely rare to see it fully loaded..

Looking forward to that Russian AESA radar and all the new missiles though..as well as the Katran..

I hear ya, bro. The Saudi reason was something I brought up to justify the Typhoon purchase. It just seems like a lot of Egyptians are more against it than for it, if you read a lot of the commentary which I know you do!

You are right about them not showing things off, and we've seen that school of thought for decades. I just don't think the R-27 was part of the package or we would've seen it at some point, even when they were testing them in Russia in desert camo. They would load them up with inert missiles and we saw the pics. I think the lethality of the R-27E is probably a reason Russia might be reluctant to provide Egypt with it, I hate to say that. It would truly be a shame if it's not part of the Su-35SE package. I just saw this pic of when they were showing it off to the regional trouble maker and even the R-37M is in there including the export versions of the R-77-1 and R-74M, but no R-27s? So we see the R-37M, Kh-59MK, Kh-38, Kh-31, R-77-1, R-73/74. The lethal R-37M that's a hypersonic missile designed mainly to take down AWACs aircraft at great distances (as well as destroy fighters) and no R-27E? Now that is very strange.


The Katran tender to contract is a bit baffling because of the length of time it's taking, not to mention the final self defense arming of the Mistrals. Obviously they're not in a hurry and I worry a little bit about the use of the regular Ka-52s on sea with all the salt flying around. Far be it for me to question what the EN and EAF are doing and I'm sure they're minimizing circumstances to cause damage and taking the necessary precautions.

Interesting recent pic of the Chief of the General Staff of the Hellenic Air Force inspecting an Egyptian Air Force Rafale during his visit to the EAF 203rd Tactical Fighter Wing.

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JF-17 BLOCK III is free from sanctions. Plus it offers BVR like PL 15 and cruise missiles and other weapons. Plus if Egypt manages to get TOT it would give them great experience. Not to forget AESA radar.
JF-17 BLOCK III is free from sanctions. Plus it offers BVR like PL 15 and cruise missiles and other weapons. Plus if Egypt manages to get TOT it would give them great experience. Not to forget AESA radar.
That is true to enhance the Egyptian experience in manufacturing war planes.. still Egypt will certainly make some modifications since it knows how to counter Usraeli tech..




INSTabar undertaking #maritimepartnership exercise with the #EgyptianNavy Ship Toushka in the Mediterranean Sea.
Evolutions included Helo deck landing ops & replenishment at sea drills



During Port Call at #Alexandria, Captain M Mahesh, Commanding Officer (CO) #INSTabar & ship's crew laid wreath at Alexandria Naval Unknown Soldier Memorial.
The CO also called upon Rear Admiral Ayman al-Daly, Commander of Alexandria #Naval Base.
Logistics nightmare
I'm allergic to this words

I also hear that often but operating a large fleet of different platforms can be managed by setting up different unites this will also confuse the enemies EW systems and electronic systems
In an important statement, the head of the 200 Military Factory for the production and repair of Egyptian armored vehicles, Egypt will develop all M1A1 tanks that were locally manufactured in the nineties to enhance their capabilities to keep pace with the best global technology in the field of main battle tanks.

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