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Egyptian Armed Forces

The Egyptian army begins “Raad 5” maneuvers with live ammunition

الجيش المصري يبدأ مناورات رعد 5 بالذَّخيرة الحية


Yeah, good stuff in that exercise simply because it's live fire.

Some more pics from that exercise including very rare close-up shots of the EAF's Alpha jet armed and firing rockets.


So obviously the EAF hasn't retired all it's older fighters, yet.




First time I believe we've seen the Ka-52s firing something. In this case, rockets.


This pic tells a lot. Some very interesting set-up with lined up tanks and other armored vehicles while SOFs unloading from an Mi-17.







Gazzelles getting into the action.




Using the M60-A3 for this go around.


One more I forgot. Nice shot of an Egyptian M-60A3


The US military expressed its concern over the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam crisis, and praised the Egyptian behavior in this regard.

The commander of the US Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, said in a television interview that Washington is very concerned about the Ethiopian behavior regarding the Renaissance Dam crisis.

That was a pretty good interview although I waited to hear her ask him about the Su-35s and CAASTA but they never went there. At least he says the US is concerned about the GERD.
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Yeah, good stuff in that exercise simply because it's live fire.

Some more pics from that exercise including very rare close-up shots of the EAF's Alpha jet armed and firing rockets.

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So obviously the EAF hasn't retired all it's older fighters, yet.
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First time I believe we've seen the Ka-52s firing something. In this case, rockets.

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This pic tells a lot. Some very interesting set-up with lined up tanks and other armored vehicles while SOFs unloading from an Mi-17.

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Gazzelles getting into the action.

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Using the M60-A3 for this go around.

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One more I forgot. Nice shot of an Egyptian M-60A3

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That was a pretty good interview although I waited to hear her ask him about the Su-35s and CAASTA but they never went there. At least he says the US is concerned about the GERD.
They are old but enough for Ethiopia
It remains to be seen. First Egypt must make Su-35 public in order for US to apply it.
Egypt will make it public after it gets the first 30 SU-35SE and the 34 SU-35SE starting from 2022.. that will be 64 SU-35SE in Total.. So if there is any CAATSA it might be applied then.. and it is very doubtful that the US will apply it on Egypt.. since the latter have signed he strategic partnership with Russia who has asked for it.. So the US won't want to push Egypt further to Russian influence..and if there are sanctions they will be more symbolic than real..

It goes like this:

22 SU-35SE in 2020
8 in 2021
12 in 2022
14 in 2023
8 in 2024

The first reference about "29 Sukhoi" jets was made by Egyptian TV in 2016 as part of the signed deals with Russia..The US knows it is out of CAATSA ..they are just playing with your heads..:woot:

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The first reference about "29 Sukhoi" jets was made by Egyptian TV in 2016 as part of the signed deals with Russia..The US knows it is out of CAATSA ..they are just playing with your heads..:woot:

I still owe you that pizza when I bet you it that the news you mentioned about 29 Su-35s waaaaaaaaay back I think it was in 2017 and we all laughed at you, including the two other Egyptian members who were very active here for a while. I NEVER laughed at you since I read some of the local stuff that mentioned and if you're Egyptian like myself, we're used to all the talk that never comes through and that is why I thought it was just the interest in that jet but I never thought they would go through with it. Hence the bet with you and those guys laughing yet here you are, with the last laugh! 👍 :D

Egypt will make it public after it gets the first 30 SU-35SE and the 34 SU-35SE starting from 2022.. that will be 64 SU-35SE in Total..

But what is the story with the 64 total? While I have no problem with that at all and hope it comes to fruition, but was that on Arab Defense? Add those to the 54 - 72 Rafales and 52 MiG-35s and eventually the 30 + XX Su-57 and 200 F-16s and I would say that the EAF would hold up against the majority of anyone around the area. BTW, I'm surprised they haven't increased the number of the MiG-35s unless they're waiting for the AESA radar because right now, that would be the BEST aircraft for them to increase it's numbers in large quantities considering the price, even without the AESA and the Zhuk-ME. They seem to be very happy with that aircraft so I say bring that total to 100 by adding the same amount as the original order of 52. Oh and BTW, you were also right about that number LOL! You are something, SC bro.

Speaking of the terrific MiG-29M/35. Some pics and if they're repeats, I apologize. When you post a lot of pics you loose a bit of memory if you had already posted them or not but most of these are new.




And of course, the most numerous fighter in the fleet with the most experienced pilots (whom I find amazing that some would call them "poor" lol, what an uneducated gaff of epic proportions,) especially when some of them are almost like test pilots with the most hours (around 2000) promoted to the aggressor squadrons in these pics flying the F-16s blck 52s without orange markings which are part of that squadron.


Carrying AIM-9Ps and AIM-7 Sparrows.


If only they had the advanced AMRAAMS, how lethal they would be and Israel and the US know it and that's why they don't provide them. That should be a clear indication as everyone else in the region except Iraq because of the turmoil there and the US can't trust such sensitive and advanced weapons there. But Egypt has had a peace treaty with Israel it has NEVER compromised and respected fully, while other Arab countries that don't have any diplomatic relations with Israel and even have contentious relations still are allowed the AMRAAM. Shameful on the part of the US. The best of the best in the EAF.



Unleashing GBU-12 on the cretins.


Unleashing unguided Mark-84 bombs right on target. Practice makes perfect.


And a great bonus pic of Al Sadat I think with Ka-52s.

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I still owe you that pizza when I bet you it that the news you mentioned about 29 Su-35s waaaaaaaaay back I think it was in 2017 and we all laughed at you, including the two other Egyptian members who were very active here for a while. I NEVER laughed at you since I read some of the local stuff that mentioned and if you're Egyptian like myself, we're used to all the talk that never comes through and that is why I thought it was just the interest in that jet but I never thought they would go through with it. Hence the bet with you and those guys laughing yet here you are, with the last laugh! 👍 :D

But what is the story with the 64 total? While I have no problem with that at all and hope it comes to fruition, but was that on Arab Defense? Add those to the 54 - 72 Rafales and 52 MiG-35s and eventually the 30 + XX Su-57 and 200 F-16s and I would say that the EAF would hold up against the majority of anyone around the area. BTW, I'm surprised they haven't increased the number of the MiG-35s unless they're waiting for the AESA radar because right now, that would be the BEST aircraft for them to increase it's numbers in large quantities considering the price, even without the AESA and the Zhuk-ME. They seem to be very happy with that aircraft so I say bring that total to 100 by adding the same amount as the original order of 52. Oh and BTW, you were also right about that number LOL! You are something, SC bro.

Speaking of the terrific MiG-29M/35. Some pics and if they're repeats, I apologize. When you post a lot of pics you loose a bit of memory if you had already posted them or not but most of these are new.

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And of course, the most numerous fighter in the fleet with the most experienced pilots (whom I find amazing that some would call them "poor" lol, what an uneducated gaff of epic proportions, especially when some of them are almost like test pilots with the most hours (around 2000) promoted to the aggressor squadrons in these pics flying the F-16s blck 52s without orange markings which are part of that squadron.

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Carrying AIM-9Ps and AIM-7 Sparrows.

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If only they had the advanced AMRAAMS, how lethal they would be and Israel and the US know it and that's why they don't provide them. That should be a clear indication as everyone else in the region except Iraq because of the turmoil there and the US can't trust such sensitive and advanced weapons there. But Egypt has had a peace treaty with Israel it has NEVER compromised and respected fully, while other Arab countries that don't have any diplomatic relations with Israel and even have contentious relations still are allowed the AMRAAM. Shameful on the part of the US. The best of the best in the EAF.

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Unleashing GBU-12 on the cretins.

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Unleashing unguided Mark-84 bombs right on target. Practice makes perfect.

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And a great bonus pic of Al Sadat I think with Ka-52s/

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With the EAF in possession of advanced BVR long range missiles ..it look somewhat weirder that the US is not supplying the AIM-120s.. but there are two factors at play here:-

- Waiting for the upgrade that was okayed in Trump's era.. maybe up to 100 F-16s
- Egypt did not ask again.. keeping the military aid for logistics items and maintenance of the US weapons at hand..

The upgrade might be too expensive to go on with .. maybe with that kind of money.. $3 to 4 billion.. Egypt can buy another 50 Mig-36s and the other 34 SU-35SE.. which seems a much better overall deal ..

For the other 34 SU-35 SE.. There is a twitter link about it in my other post..

Remember these Russian news?


* very nice pics
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Only thing which can give FAE full in dependency is JF-17 Block-III.
Complete Air to Air BVR package with high number of option for Air to Ground & Sea.
New Sat pics of probably Komosolonamur testing airbase showing the several new Su-35SEs ready to be delivered the the EAF. Parked amongst several Su-57s and even an Okhotnik drone. So far we believe that Su-35SE #2010, #2011, #2012, #21013 and #2104 are the first 5 that have already been delivered to Egypt. These two are other models that are probably ready or almost ready for delivery is my guess. Someone should tell them to send the Su-57 also while they're at it lol.

There is a possibility that this is an older pic, but I am in the process of confirming the date so we know if they are in fact newer aircraft or the same that have already been delivered. Will update as soon as I know.

"Click for larger high res pic."

11 Su-35SEs all ready for delivery in this pic but the announcement confirms 12 are to be delivered. Only a matter of time before we see some action in Egypt.

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