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Egyptian Armed Forces

And what that means ?
It means Dassault is deeply involved with Egypt in defence procurement and development..

Platinum is the highest you can get.. and suffice to have Dassault backing the Expo along with other Giant companies to make it worthwhile to visit by many governments and armed forces to visit and make deals to buy and sell..
It is realistically possible to make EN a real potent and powerful navy freely able to fight long battles for several months or even years..

- A local cruise missile capable of hitting land targets... and also, the imported ones must have this feature of land attack.... Because from dozens of EN naval vessels, we find these specifications only in a small number.. This is a problem that must be solved..

- Layered integrated Naval Air Defense.. It starts with Aster 30, passes through Mica, Camm er, and Aster 15, all the way to RI.. Here, Egypt has come a long way..

- Naval Air Forces with strong naval armament configurations ... and naval patrol planes.. Here we find the Mig-35 and the SU-35, and from afar the Rafale.. Egypt did not reach an ideal picture that needs time in this regard..

Possible solutions Egypt is working on:

- Purchasing and manufacturing the Greek marine cruise project, Makedon, with a range of 800 km, and integrating it on the French and Italian Fremm, the Meko and Gowind, next to the European cruise missiles already on them...

- Manufacturing the "Smart glider" munition in cooperation with the UAE and integrating it on the Rafale, in addition to integrating the air-surface, air-to-ground Makedon on the Rafale… Contracting aircrafts and equipping them locally to become a naval patrol aircraft, is a cheap and good solution..

- Contracting 6 French Scorpene submarines (with an option of 6 more with TOT) and integrating the Makedon on them, which will provide the capability of hitting land targets and surface ships.. and transferring the technology of manufacturing the Scorpene submarines in Egypt.. It is a good manufacturing offset..

- The 20 naval patrol ships OPVs that Egypt intends to contract, they will be the backbone of the Egyptian firepower and its diversity by dividing the ammunition in attack and defense into four groups each..

Attack: Makedon, Exocet, Automat, RBS15
Defense: SSM2, Mica NG, Camm er, Aster 15

With the transfer of as much technology as possible and the manufacture of the Makedon and Camm er..

- Contracting 4 Russian or Chinese corvettes and integrating supersonic Eastern surface missiles on them..


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This is what Egypt should have soon:

Murmansk-BN radio-electronic warfare systems


After Russian electronic warfare systems located on the Kola Peninsula successfully prevented communication with stealth fighters, experts said that the US F-35 fighters acquired by the Royal Norwegian Air Force are unlikely to be able to perform combat missions, as is also the case As for the attack drones, which Norway intends to acquire from the United States in the near future, the Russian website AviaPro claims.

The Russian website said that the Russian Murmansk-BN electronic warfare systems located near the borders with Norway and Finland suppressed not only short-wave communications throughout Europe, but also completely jammed the communications of the F-35 fighters.

According to experts, the fighter in this case will be able to fly, but it will be “deaf” and “blind”, and will not be able to perform the tasks.

In fact, Russia's electronic warfare systems seem to have held the F-35s hostage. This does not mean that 52 fighters will be chained to the ground, however, the pilots will be left without specific goals, they will not be able to work as part of a group, and they will not be able to use most of the aircraft’s weapons,” the Russian website claimed.

He concluded by saying: "Earlier, Norway requested the supply of 52 F-35 fighters from the United States, the real effectiveness of which is now in a very big question."

why couldnt very advanced russian ew systems stop israeli f35s over syria? wake up! russian electrunics are outdated , they lag very behind west
why couldnt very advanced russian ew systems stop israeli f35s over syria? wake up! russian electrunics are outdated , they lag very behind west
I don't like eastern technologies like Russia but in this case Russia don't want do anything after many meetings with Israelis in Moscow
why couldnt very advanced russian ew systems stop israeli f35s over syria? wake up! russian electrunics are outdated , they lag very behind west
Wake up.. Russia is not fighting Usrael in Syria.. if you didn't know this.. restrain from dumb comments..
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