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Egyptian Armed Forces

I saw this news earlier this morning and I lost track of which deal this was part of LOL! With all the deals being made for the navy lately, it's tough keeping track of which is which and which includes what etc. But now after reading the article, I do remember that there were 10 of this including the offshore patrol boat that were originally destined for Saudiya, then the whole Khashoggshi thing happened and the Germans took a nutty fit and canceled all deals to Saudiya but then this one was transferred to Egypt.

The only two unknowns so far is how were the payments for these made? Did Germany return the initial payments Saudiya made and then Egypt is paying separately for these, or are they calling it even as a deal between Egypt and Saudiya? And the other is the end of the article says "the deal is considered controversial" and I'm wondering why the hell is it still considered controversial?! With all the submarines and Meko frigates and the IRIS-T-SL SAM system and other military equipment Germany has sold to Egypt and 10 patrol boats suddenly become controversial?!?! Mesh fahem ya3ni?!
Yes indeed.. it is pretty hard to keep up with all these fantastic news..
i guess they said controversial because the contract was transfered to Egypt .. so it is making the payments now..you know KSA always makes a down payment.. but in this case it has also received a few of these boats.. so Egypt got only to pay for these 10 ..most probably with a rebate..HaHa.. since Germany had a contract to respect..and nullifying it was its loss.. but Egypt kindda saved the deal..

Besides that..can you imagine when the EN will become like this in few years from now..

since Germany

It's also possible that because of our tight brotherhood (we don't even call it friendship, it's way beyond that between Saudia and Egypt) that the boats be transfered to the Egyptian Navy for now and once things cool down, they slowly cruise across the Red Sea which is a relatively short distance and get back to their originally planned home. Unless the Germans thought of that possibility and put a clause in the contract that there would not be any transfer of ownership lol. I wouldn't put it past them to do that.

Besides that..can you imagine when the EN will become like this in few years from now..


They're pretty much very close to that already, ma bro. The only thing missing is maybe the high seas submarine.
Ian Black on Aircrew Interview mentioned that the FBW laws the Mirage-2000 employs, is miles away from the F-16s, EAF can easily employ an additional sqn for A2G strikes(They probably have the most experienced Mirage strikers outside of Dassault)
The Mirage-2000N is just scary for any adversary, maybe some lessons to be learnt?
It's also possible that because of our tight brotherhood (we don't even call it friendship, it's way beyond that between Saudia and Egypt) that the boats be transfered to the Egyptian Navy for now and once things cool down, they slowly cruise across the Red Sea which is a relatively short distance and get back to their originally planned home. Unless the Germans thought of that possibility and put a clause in the contract that there would not be any transfer of ownership lol. I wouldn't put it past them to do that.

They're pretty much very close to that already, ma bro. The only thing missing is maybe the high seas submarine.
That is true Bro..
No transfer it is a deal Egypt paid 130 million euro for..
Ian Black on Aircrew Interview mentioned that the FBW laws the Mirage-2000 employs, is miles away from the F-16s, EAF can easily employ an additional sqn for A2G strikes(They probably have the most experienced Mirage strikers outside of Dassault)
The Mirage-2000N is just scary for any adversary, maybe some lessons to be learnt?

What do you mean by "miles away from the F-16" bro? Is that better than or worst? I'm guessing since it was one of the first French ones in those Mirages while the F-16 has developed and perfected the FBW system through the years that the US aircraft's system is better?

Either way, that's nice to hear your opinion on their experience. It's interesting because the way they treated that squadron of 2K in Egypt was like they were on an island of their own. They never got the orange markings. They barely were seen in flight or with other aircraft for a very long time, only until about 10 years ago did we start seeing more of them. It was like they treated them as if they were some special forces unit of the air force lol.

And speaking of scary, the filthy ISIS cretins in Sinai are scared crapless of that particular aircraft because it hunts them down on a regular basis, even on the western border. They were splitting the workload with the F-16s and the cretins took these pics of them recently as they were getting pounded by a pair of 2Ks lol.



They even got a pic of an EAF AT-802U Air Tractor that excels at COIN operations.

With regard to export supplies, we can say that according to our information, in 2020 the Russian aviation industry delivered 40 new overseas-built combat aircraft.
Including 22 Su-35 fighters and ten MiG-29M / MiG-29M2 fighters to Egypt
Eight Su-30SM fighters to Kazakhstan, and six Yak-130 combat training aircraft to Myanmar


The first Egyptian deal was in 2018, with 30 aircraft, at a value of 3 billion dollars
The second deal was in 2019, with 12 aircraft ..
The deal is for 12 fighters that were destined for Indonesia and which Indonesia withdrew from due to US pressure
Egypt might have jumped on it, and it concluded as usual..HaHa!
The total number of confirmed Su35 fighters is 42 ..

The remaining 22 aircraft of an unknown contracting country will be delivered in 2023 and 2024
It is expect that it is also for Egypt and were contracted with the deal of 12 in 2019
So if all these news are true, the EAF will have 64 Sukhoi 35 aircraft by 2024..

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inter- operability must be a nightmare within the EAF

and this will cause serious command and communication issues during wartime

as such they could suffer another devastating defeat

by now I would have thought Egypt to build and design a advanced home grown fighter with probably a advanced Russian engine
inter- operability must be a nightmare within the EAF

and this will cause serious command and communication issues during wartime

as such they could suffer another devastating defeat

by now I would have thought Egypt to build and design a advanced home grown fighter with probably a advanced Russian engine
Check out this thread.. it might enlighten you on the issue..
Egypt will be victorious again.. no doubts about it..
General Atomics, CASC, Leonardo... Cairo casts net wide for combat drone consultations



Yes, bro, I read that earlier today and my first reaction was that they'll probably end up working out a ToT deal with Leonardo most likely. The Chinese would be a close 2nd and General Atomic would be a distant third. I even think they only included GA for PR purposes so the US doesn't feel left out completely and that they can always say hey, we asked you to make an offer and you didn't come through in case they decide to impose some penalty or some crap the US is known to do. It's about time they start some technology transfer in the aviation field. 3obal full fledged aircraft InshaAllah.
It's also possible that because of our tight brotherhood (we don't even call it friendship, it's way beyond that between Saudia and Egypt) that the boats be transfered to the Egyptian Navy for now and once things cool down, they slowly cruise across the Red Sea which is a relatively short distance and get back to their originally planned home. Unless the Germans thought of that possibility and put a clause in the contract that there would not be any transfer of ownership lol. I wouldn't put it past them to do that.
Everything is possible isn't the Tiran and Sanafir Island deal testament of it :D
Everything is possible isn't the Tiran and Sanafir Island deal testament of it :D

The funny thing about that is almost every single Egyptian knew the history of those islands and that they never belonged to Egypt, only that we were tasked to guard them after 1948 and basically set up a garrison on both islands. Eventually, with the defeat of 1967, the Israelis took control of the islands and after the October war and then the peace treaty came the eventual withdrawal of the Israeli forces from Sinai and the two island and the Egyptian military, with Saudi permission retook and re-stationed the garrison on the two islands to keep track of naval traffic coming in and out of Bab el Mandab and into the Red Sea and specifically to the eastern coast of Sinai. All of this and the understanding was always that they belonged to Saudiya.

So along comes Sisi and all kinds of new deals with Saudi Arabia to make the entire Red Sea area a huge touristic attraction as part of the mega Egyptian/Saudi NEOM and part of that was giving back the islands to them. Of course, all the haters jumped ugly on that whole thing loool including many Egyptians who actually knew the history but just wanted to give the government a hard time etc. and the MB sailed with that hate.

Sisi ended up going to parliament and in a televised speech, set the record straight about the islands to the entire country and told everyone they never belonged to us, so we cannot just keep them. Period and done deal lol.
What do you mean by "miles away from the F-16" bro? Is that better than or worst? I'm guessing since it was one of the first French ones in those Mirages while the F-16 has developed and perfected the FBW system through the years that the US aircraft's system is better?

Either way, that's nice to hear your opinion on their experience. It's interesting because the way they treated that squadron of 2K in Egypt was like they were on an island of their own. They never got the orange markings. They barely were seen in flight or with other aircraft for a very long time, only until about 10 years ago did we start seeing more of them. It was like they treated them as if they were some special forces unit of the air force lol.

And speaking of scary, the filthy ISIS cretins in Sinai are scared crapless of that particular aircraft because it hunts them down on a regular basis, even on the western border. They were splitting the workload with the F-16s and the cretins took these pics of them recently as they were getting pounded by a pair of 2Ks lol.



They even got a pic of an EAF AT-802U Air Tractor that excels at COIN operations.

From a (neutral?) pilot who has flown both F-16s and Mirage-2000s.
Although the Rafales in EAF will be the vanguard thanks to the Stand Off Weapons, additional duties for the EAF Mirages will be very useful.
Low Intensity conflicts aside, the EAF will be looking at destroying critical infra of potential adversaries, the Mirage-2000 with suitable SOW(AASM etc) will prove to be a force multiplier.
Even with the HAF the Mirage-2000-5s although very small in number, form the most capable fighting force in service.
From a (neutral?) pilot who has flown both F-16s and Mirage-2000s.
Although the Rafales in EAF will be the vanguard thanks to the Stand Off Weapons, additional duties for the EAF Mirages will be very useful.
Low Intensity conflicts aside, the EAF will be looking at destroying critical infra of potential adversaries, the Mirage-2000 with suitable SOW(AASM etc) will prove to be a force multiplier.
Even with the HAF the Mirage-2000-5s although very small in number, form the most capable fighting force in service.

That's pretty dam incredible when you think about what he said (which was basically your point from the start) that the Mirage 2000's FBW system is "miles" ahead of the F-16's which makes you shake your head, really!

We've been taught through the history of military aviation that the mother of invention of the fly by wire system was in fact the US and General Dynamics which was the first to introduce it in the F-16A. Heck even when it was competing with the YF-17, the latter didn't have the FBW functional which gave the edge to the F-16.

So you would think that the US would have perfected it and made it the best of all the FBW systems out there. Ian Black claiming the Mirage 2000's FBW is miles ahead is astounding! Even watching videos of F-16 pilots barely moving the side stick and the aircraft reacting instantaneously seems to give the edge to the American jet. But I guess when he goes on to speak of the moveable flight surfaces in the 2K, being large surface areas coupled with the large delta wings and their accompanying huge ailerons might be the factor in how he thinks it's better than the F-16. Much more surface area, hence a lot more reaction to the command of the stick and the FBW system. Makes sense.

Did you too heard about..The Rafale new deal is linked to the sale of the additional 300 Scalp missiles, Imagine 350 Scalp missiles in the Egyptian inventory.., a large number, seems this is why the deal has been suspended so far..

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