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Egyptian Armed Forces

they look pretty, but have no teeth, but a great leap from the F16...they have..
Mica +Storm shadow +Meteor after 2018....what do you need to confirm it that it has a sharp teeth....oh yeah...to be not Egyptian I think ....!!
Mica +Storm shadow +Meteor after 2018....what do you need to confirm it that it has a sharp teeth....oh yeah...to be not Egyptian I think ....!!
dentures only..
Funny too.....!!! :victory::yahoo:
It's funny for your enemies, they must laughing under the table...thinking that the French will going to give you all that ware.
if Israel is not is sitting silent, its they give you the usual shiny camelote...they sell to Arab armies..
An Egyptian Friend on Facebook told me that 50 MIG29 ordered by Egypt are actually MIG29M2 which in reality is MIG 35 and he also said that Egypt is looking for a new Tank most probably it would be either T-90MS or T-99A2.
Egyptian Navy To Receive Mistral Warships by September
By Oscar Nkala, Defense News3 hours ago


    France Says Egypt To Buy Mistral Warships

    In a statement to AFP, the French presidency only confirmed that the sale of the Mistral-class vessels was approved by President Hollande but gave no further details:

    "The president of the French Republic met with the President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi. They agreed on the principles and terms of the purchase by Egypt of two Mistral class amphibious vessels," the presidency said.

    The Mistral ship sale confirmed Egypt as one of most important Africa and Middle East regional customer of DCNS navy vessels. Last year, the Egyptian Navy took delivery of one of North Africa's few FREMM frigates from the French company.

    In addition, DCNS is still working on a pending Egyptian order of four Gowind corvettes. The first Gowind corvette is due to arrive in Egypt before the end of 2017.

    Email: onkala@defensenews.com
    Egyptian Navy To Receive Mistral Warships by September
Egyptian Navy To Receive Mistral Warships by September
By Oscar Nkala, Defense News3 hours ago


    France Says Egypt To Buy Mistral Warships

    In a statement to AFP, the French presidency only confirmed that the sale of the Mistral-class vessels was approved by President Hollande but gave no further details:

    "The president of the French Republic met with the President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi. They agreed on the principles and terms of the purchase by Egypt of two Mistral class amphibious vessels," the presidency said.

    The Mistral ship sale confirmed Egypt as one of most important Africa and Middle East regional customer of DCNS navy vessels. Last year, the Egyptian Navy took delivery of one of North Africa's few FREMM frigates from the French company.

    In addition, DCNS is still working on a pending Egyptian order of four Gowind corvettes. The first Gowind corvette is due to arrive in Egypt before the end of 2017.

    Email: onkala@defensenews.com
    Egyptian Navy To Receive Mistral Warships by September

is it possible to use this mistral as a mini aircraft carier.?

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