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Egyptian Armed Forces

To be honest I wouldn't really know. I've only ever fired three rifles, the SA80A2, Lee Enfield (IIRC) MK1, and the Mauser.

I see on your FB page you said that the kevlar reinforced helmet was going to be standardised. Any information on how far this standardisation will go and what timeline we are looking at? Plus any news on new plate carriers and belt kits?

if you got my personal fb profile inbox me i will tell you the whole story , because it has a funny side Lol
if you got my personal fb profile inbox me i will tell you the whole story , because it has a funny side Lol

I don't have it dude. Send me a link in private chat or whatever suits you.
Why do t you go and hang yourself with nawaz's "auzarband".. If yours is itching so bad why do you go join ISIS .. Or MB in Egypt.. Instead of telling Egyptian how to run their country and their affairs.. What's your credibility ? Your credentials?

Israel oh bohohoho.. Remind me again how many "muslim" countries have relations with that state...? Your muslim UMMAH BS doesn't really work in reality specially when it comes to politics... Your MB Pals also are pro india .. Your Palestinian Frnds and their leadership despite receiving support from Pak..(which still continues from training their military/LEA's,thousands of scholarships annually,diplomatic support etc) have never uttered a single statement about IOK.. Meanwhile their frnd india actually has military and economic ties with the same israel which oppresses them!

"We have learned to dispose dictators" lmao... No wonder people start distributing sweets whenever a "dictator" comes to power in Pak...

Supporting democracy in Pakistan doesn't mean I support Nawaz Sharif. That's the diagnosis of a sick totalitarian mind which thinks just because someone supports democracy, it somehow automatically means they support the current party in power or if they don't approve the party in power or detest it, then they must bring in the military for a coup (like Sisi did with Morsi).

Juveniles and their silly fantasy thinking as exhibited by your comments in addition to the fact that you have yet to grasp what democracy really means.

Palestine borders Egypt, not Pakistan. So quit trying to guilt Pakistanis about not having done enough for Palestinians. We're not the ones with a Peace Treaty with the Zionists and pissing on fellow Muslims as a result of it and in defense of it. You shouldn't type your posts here until you're done wiping your mouth from having finished with Netanyahu's testicles. Multi-tasking isn't always productive.

Egypt is a sh*thole; if it weren't for the Pyramids and other artifacts that tourists flock to see in that country, Egypt's coffers would practically be EMPTY. Almost every single aspect of Egyptian economy is controlled by the military generals, who like Sisi the terrorist get rich off of Egyptians' broken backs.

And by the way... Their country... Their problem... What's your worth in this whole thing apart from having a nuisance value at best...

For a nuisance value post, you seem to be quite worked up and ready to respond to my posts. Guess they're not nuisance afterall since they've made you jump up and down all over the place.

P.S; Control your mouth .. swearing and cursing doesn't make you sound "credible" rather an immature emotionally unstable teen.. @waz. @Irfan Baloch

Yes yes I should apparently control my mouth while your hypocrisy is on display in the following quote:

Dear fuktard.. You are giving the example of Nigeria and Boko Haram ... The country whoms forces we are training and equipping..
That was your response to user @Wasteland.
Supporting democracy in Pakistan doesn't mean I support Nawaz Sharif. That's the diagnosis of a sick totalitarian mind which thinks just because someone supports democracy, it somehow automatically means they support the current party in power or if they don't approve the party in power or detest it,
did I say some where that I don't support democracy? You dimwitted fool.

then they must bring in the military for a coup (like Sisi did with Morsi).

Their country there problem... Tu mana lagta hai Misr ka?

Juveniles and their silly fantasy thinking as exhibited by your comments in addition to the fact that you have yet to grasp what democracy really means.
how old are you?
Palestine borders Egypt, not Pakistan. So quit trying to guilt Pakistanis about not having done enough for Palestinians. We're not the ones with a Peace Treaty with the Zionists and pissing on fellow Muslims as a result of it and in defense of it. You shouldn't type your posts here until you're done wiping your mouth from having finished with Netanyahu's testicles. Multi-tasking isn't always productive
kid ... do you comprehension issues??

Egypt is a sh*thole; if it weren't for the Pyramids and other artifacts that tourists flock to see in that country, Egypt's coffers would practically be EMPTY. Almost every single aspect of Egyptian economy is controlled by the military generals, who like Sisi the terrorist get rich off of Egyptians' broken backs.

Does that effect your back? If the Egyptians are happy than who the FUK are you ?

For a nuisance value post, you seem to be quite worked up and ready to respond to my posts. Guess they're not nuisance afterall since they've made you jump up and down all over the place.

Reality check was nessecary even Egyptian members are given you a shut up call and due to your stupidity my country is being called names ... So get lost..

yes yes I should apparently control my mouth while your hypocrisy is on display in the following quote:

That was your response to user @Wasteland.

Yeah son that was .. Now why don't you shut up and check out his post instead if acting like s God damn choir boy.. Due to your shit slinging that particular idiot was abusing my country in the first place..
The U.S. delivered 5 M1A1 Abrams Tank turrets to Cairo this week, with 14 more to come by the end of the month. The turrets were flown in directly from the U.S. to the Egyptian Tank Plant for US-Egyptian M1A1 tank co-production

is egypt produce or just assemble m1a1 ?

It has another scale, a measure of economic

Brams production line actually stopped when delivery of 50 pieces of Brams stop components of the last decade, the number of tank 125

When the serial production of the weapon stops and it becomes uneconomic be the most found it to import the remaining ingredients, because the production process in this case, the higher cost of thou you are working economic feasibility minimum, a tank currently monthly semi-production line is turned off and the remainder of less than 50 tank decade, perhaps only 15 tanks shall be the most the feasibility of importing some of the key components that suited her small size of production for non-economic feasibility.................................
It has another scale, a measure of economic

Brams production line actually stopped when delivery of 50 pieces of Brams stop components of the last decade, the number of tank 125

When the serial production of the weapon stops and it becomes uneconomic be the most found it to import the remaining ingredients, because the production process in this case, the higher cost of thou you are working economic feasibility minimum, a tank currently monthly semi-production line is turned off and the remainder of less than 50 tank decade, perhaps only 15 tanks shall be the most the feasibility of importing some of the key components that suited her small size of production for non-economic feasibility.................................

3 us ally, 1)israel, 2)egypt, 3) pakistan................ which all have us support. then why the 2 most battle harden army in my view israel and pakistan don,t chose m1a1 ?
you need some serious ball to fight with your enemy, you can,t win war untill you produce your won weapons unless everything eals is bullshit. :coffee:
Stay Tuned Tomorrow for the Suez Canal Ceremony

there is a Live stream will be up on youtube btw :-)

final 0000.jpg
Egypt needs something better than M1A1 they should ask USA to get these Tanks upgraded to A2 level or look for some other Tank
3 the 2 most battle harden army in my view israel and pakistan :coffee:

You mean Egypt and Israel? because Pakistan never had and doesn't have experience in large scale wars that involved large scale Land, air, and navy warfare all at the same time with huge numbers, Pakistan only had conflicts with India, which at the time of their wars was not and never as strong or experienced or technologically advanced as Israeli military, and not even better than Israel now, which was stronger and better equipped with the most advanced American weapons and better trained than the Egyptians at the time who were only trained by Soviets who didn't train them good, and gave them shitty weapons.

But despite that the Egyptians caused Israel significant losses in 1973 war and got their land back, you can't compare that to the noob conflicts between India and Pakistan (in which Pakistan was never successful at capturing a land, or forcing it politically after, because never achieved a real military victory against India), India was never as strong and experienced as Israel so don't compare Pakistan's military experience in those noob fights against India with the Egyptians fighting one of the most advanced militaries in the world in large scale wars.

That is what we can really call battle hardened.... not Pakistan, which is like a soldier shooting chickens or rats with rifles for 40 years then we call him battle hardened and experienced in combat, that's called a noob combat, not a real combat that can really give you experience against one of the strongest and most advanced and best trained militaries in the world (Israel).

A fight between 300 troops is not a war or a battle hardening experience granting combat. and even Pakistan's big wars with India ended with Pakistani surrender and a decisive Indian victory, so stop all the bullshit, you can't compare experience gained from a fight with a cat to a fight with a lion, that's way technologically and numerically superior to you.

The five years big 1970s operation in Balochistan conflict was only ground troops war.
Pakistan had 145,000 Vs 20,000 Indian, that's 7x more troops than India, lasted for long five years and ended with 3,300 dead Pakistani of 145,000 vs 5,300 dead of 20,000 ,

+ Do you remember what happened to the "battle hardened" Pakistani military in your country (Bangladesh liberation war) ?

Egypt needs something better than M1A1

Oh now we will talk shit about the battle hardened Abrams, the only modern tank in the world that proved itself in wars, in it's main role.
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You mean Egypt and Israel? because Pakistan never had and doesn't have experience in large scale wars that involved large scale Land, air, and navy warfare all at the same time with huge numbers, Pakistan only had conflicts with India, which at the time of their wars was not and never as strong or experienced or technologically advanced as Israeli military, and not even better than Israel now, which was stronger and better equipped with the most advanced American weapons and better trained than the Egyptians at the time who were only trained by Soviets who didn't train them good, and gave them shitty weapons.

But despite that the Egyptians caused Israel significant losses in 1973 war and got their land back, you can't compare that to the noob conflicts between India and Pakistan (in which Pakistan was never successful at capturing a land, or forcing it politically after, because never achieved a real military victory against India), India was never as strong and experienced as Israel so don't compare Pakistan's military experience in those noob fights against India with the Egyptians fighting one of the most advanced militaries in the world in large scale wars.

That is what we can really call battle hardened.... not Pakistan, which is like a soldier shooting chickens or rats with rifles for 40 years then we call him battle hardened and experienced in combat, that's called a noob combat, not a real combat that can really give you experience against one of the strongest and most advanced and best trained militaries in the world (Israel).

A fight between 300 troops is not a war or a battle hardening experience granting combat. and even Pakistan's big wars with India ended with Pakistani surrender and a decisive Indian victory, so stop all the bullshit, you can't compare experience gained from a fight with a cat to a fight with a lion, that's way technologically and numerically superior to you.

The five years big 1970s operation in Balochistan conflict was only ground troops war.
Pakistan had 145,000 Vs 20,000 Indian, that's 7x more troops than India, lasted for long five years and ended with 3,300 dead Pakistani of 145,000 vs 5,300 dead of 20,000 ,

+ Do you remember what happened to the "battle hardened" Pakistani military in your country (Bangladesh liberation war) ?

Oh now we will talk shit about the battle hardened Abrams, the only tank in the world that proved itself in wars, in it's main role.
Sir the MIA1 first has faced enemy Tanks till now so calling it a battle proven is a joke I would only call it battle proven when it faces enemy Tank. It hardly faces IED which in many cases destroyed it and RPGs which is not going to do anything. What happened to Iraqi M1A1 at the hands of ISIS is well known.
Sir the MIA1 first has faced enemy Tanks till now so calling it a battle proven is a joke I would only call it battle proven when it faces enemy Tank. It hardly faces IED which in many cases destroyed it and RPGs which is not going to do anything. What happened to Iraqi M1A1 at the hands of ISIS is well known.

WTF? in Gulf war the old M1 Abrams (not M1A1) destroyed several hundreds of Iraqi tanks in direct tank-tank combat, and not a single Abrams was hit in a tank combat with Iraqi tanks! the M1 abrams successfully destroyed hundreds of upgraded Iraqi T-72 (heavily armored and more technologically advanced than the Russian version. and was advanced and pretty much a match for the old version of the M1 Abrams at the time), and destroyed hundreds of T-62, T-55 tanks.

Not to mention also the Iraqi tanks that Abrams destroyed in the invasion or Iraq too.
You mean Egypt and Israel? because Pakistan never had and doesn't have experience in large scale wars that involved large scale Land, air, and navy warfare all at the same time with huge numbers, Pakistan only had conflicts with India, which at the time of their wars was not and never as strong or experienced or technologically advanced as Israeli military, and not even better than Israel now, which was stronger and better equipped with the most advanced American weapons and better trained than the Egyptians at the time who were only trained by Soviets who didn't train them good, and gave them shitty weapons.

But despite that the Egyptians caused Israel significant losses in 1973 war and got their land back, you can't compare that to the noob conflicts between India and Pakistan (in which Pakistan was never successful at capturing a land, or forcing it politically after, because never achieved a real military victory against India), India was never as strong and experienced as Israel so don't compare Pakistan's military experience in those noob fights against India with the Egyptians fighting one of the most advanced militaries in the world in large scale wars.

That is what we can really call battle hardened.... not Pakistan, which is like a soldier shooting chickens or rats with rifles for 40 years then we call him battle hardened and experienced in combat, that's called a noob combat, not a real combat that can really give you experience against one of the strongest and most advanced and best trained militaries in the world (Israel).

A fight between 300 troops is not a war or a battle hardening experience granting combat. and even Pakistan's big wars with India ended with Pakistani surrender and a decisive Indian victory, so stop all the bullshit, you can't compare experience gained from a fight with a cat to a fight with a lion, that's way technologically and numerically superior to you.

The five years big 1970s operation in Balochistan conflict was only ground troops war.
Pakistan had 145,000 Vs 20,000 Indian, that's 7x more troops than India, lasted for long five years and ended with 3,300 dead Pakistani of 145,000 vs 5,300 dead of 20,000 ,

+ Do you remember what happened to the "battle hardened" Pakistani military in your country (Bangladesh liberation war) ?

1st of all i love egypt, i want them to take victory over israel. that does mean i should not criticies them (egypt) ?
i will point out there wikeness because i love them. it does not matter how far egypt is - they are still my brothers.

now come to the point.............
who take the dissetion for army what weapons should induct? is not the ans is so called leader.............:buba_phone:

in 1973 Anwar sadat was that leder BUT general sad al sajli was the main planner of that war. we all know how egypt successfully cross suez chanel, how egypt gave the israel defet after defet. then AREAL SARON took a bold desition to cross the suez and israel turned there defet into victory.

when SARON want to do somethink bold what is out of rull book the israely cabinet gave saron that freedom because most of the cabinet mamber ware FORMAL HAGANER member. they know the field work very well.
in other side after saron crossed the channel SAJLI want to back his troops to the channels and want to attack flank of sarons company. but SADATD not only reject his openion but also dismis SAD AL SAGLI from militry. and at the end of war sadat stood to his logic like stalin not a rifle back to other side of suez channel.

in other side you calling india a weak nation.............:o:
when india got nuclear then pakistan also bring nuke, we all know pakistan smagle the nuke but it does not matter because nuke is nuke. don,t you know indai vs pak a full scal war means WHAT?

THERE IS A THREAD SOME THINK LIKE "who has the strongest army in middle east" , i know egypt has a very good staff of weapons but i vote for iran. because iranien ledership is much more stronger then any other middle east nation.


IT MAY GO ON AND ON BUT "YOUR IDEA IS YOURS AND MY IDEA IS MY'..................:blah::blah::blah:
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