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Egypt showered with Gulf billions in show of support for army


you show a bit of ignorance about this funding.

$8 billion was already in the pipeline, being negotiated between GCC and Morsi.

This money would have gone to Egypt even if Morsi was in power.

And thus it is unfair to the GCC to say they "shower" and "support" army.

The reality is that GCC is supporting Egyptian people and their government.

Why we should always look for constipated conspiracy theories. I do not know.

but I was hoping that a sensible person like you would at least add a bit to the news and not post it bit by bit.


please provide a proof for the hi lighted part.
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Hard times will always reveal true friends..... One thing you can not deny about Arabs is their generosity. And no they are not expecting anything in return from Egypt; Egypt can barley help itself let alone help others.


We pray that our Arab and Egyptian brothers and sisters across the beautiful Red Sea will see peace, stability and prosperity soon again and that you people solve your internal crisis because it will impact the whole Arab world if it continues. We have suffered from enough of conflicts, regimes etc. Time for unity and real cooperation.

Especially in the holy month of Ramadan.
please provide a proof for the hi lighted part.

yara, if you followed Arab Spring closely, you should have known about IMF and GCC funding for the whole region.

Here is an article from September 2012. This discusses 4-5 billion funding for Egypt and other countries.

However in the last year, this money has been upped to the tune of 8 billion.

And morsi government / deep state all together have been negotiating these funds.

Strings attached Features GCC-MENA INVESTMENT

I urge you to follow the news on regular basis and quit believing in some of these constipated conspiracy theories.

Thank you

peace to you.

May you live long and prosper

May you have great spiritual experience during this holy month.

KSA and the GCC dont want the people to rise against their autocratic 'family' rules. thus the support to egypt. its not about islam or muslims or muslim brotherhood, it about staying in power.....
KSA and the GCC dont want the people to rise against their autocratic 'family' rules. thus the support to egypt. its not about islam or muslims or muslim brotherhood, it about staying in power.....

Not at all. The MB was a pain in the neck for aplenty of reasons; I'm glad that the 2nd revolution proved that the MB was as violent as any their radical group.
Kuwait offers Egypt $4 billion aid, fuel package


The Associated Press, Kuwait City
Kuwait says it will offer Egypt an aid package worth $4 billion, becoming the latest Gulf state to send a financial lifeline to the new government in Cairo following a coup there.
Kuwait’s announcement Wednesday follows a total of $8 billion in grants, loans and badly needed fuel offered from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Both are strong critics of ousted President Mohammed Mursi’s Muslim Brotherhood.
But Kuwait has closer ties with the Brotherhood, whose allies have a powerful political faction in the Gulf nation.
The official Kuwait News Agency quotes the minister of cabinet affairs, Mohammad Al Sabah, as saying Egypt will receive a $2 billion loan, a $1 billion grant and $1 billion worth of oil and petroleum products.

Kuwait offers Egypt $4 billion aid, fuel package - Alarabiya.net English | Front Page
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Please Mosa, you know this has nothing to do with secularism and making change. Those monarchs want nothing but to stop and fail any sort of democracy in the Arab world, they don't want the evil democracy to spread within. What happened in Egypt is a shame on those who claim to be secularists and people of human rights. That is not Democracy or liberalism, that is complete fascism. Liberals across the middle east have been calling for human rights, freedom of speech, and equality. Once they got to be the ruling party, they closed TV channels, imprisoned pro-morsi people and declared a war on MB. What most people don't want to understand is that MB is not a simple group of people that you can shut them down with prison or killing or targeting. No, MB is a political party with supporters from around the middle east. A party that were used for being prosecuted for around 80 years.

Again, this coup has shown the true face of Arab "secularism".

I just can't get your point, MB is a political party the won people's votes and showed the true face of Arab liberals. MB are not preaching group nor they have ever claimed that they would be interested in such attitude. I will have to answer you with your own mentality, why is your king preaching secularism outside and pushing for hardcore sharia law on us ?. Are we not muslims? Should they tell us what haram or what is not?.

Thankfully, the Arab spring have shown the true faces of both liberals and Islamists. All of them want nothing but power and eliminate the other. The Arab spring have shown the true face of the child murderer in Syria, and the terrorist Nussrallat in Lebanon. It has shown the hypocracy of the Arab Secularists. It also showed the true face of the monarchs and their religious hubbies in bed.

Will Arab Monarchs be successful in keeping the MB out of power or even destroy the MB? If not, then what is the game plan? If MB cannot be destroyed, will they not take revenge when tide turns in their favor?

Looks like Qatar was supporting MB in Egypt, but after take over by the son, now Qatar is following KSA lead:
assault on MB: Qatar, Turkey, Egypt: 2 hits, 1 miss.

Assault by who? KSA and UAE is not concerned with what happens in Turkey and it is beyond their scope anyways. Qatar and Egypt, yes 2 hits, but its not end of story, not by a long shot.
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