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Featured Egypt reportedly signed contract for 500 T-90MS main battle tanks


The reason why they have so many tanks is probably just because geography. Egypt has no natural barriers so they compensate by having a massive conventional force.

That's true in a secondary sense. But the original thinking of having a massive tank and armored army is to be able to serve the attrition rate in a war against the invasion of Sinai by Israel since that was a huge factor in the October war of 1973. The tank battles pretty much determined the land acquired by either force and the Egyptian army has created a plan to transfer an extremely large amount of tanks and armored columns over the Suez Canal and into Sinai to prevent any invasion since the peace treaty limits the amount of military equipment that can be permanently deployed in Sinai. Occasionally they will practice this "invasion" scenario where they shut down the Suez Canal for commercial traffic and engage in this training scenario where they quickly deploy mobile SAMs, huge armored columns that include many tanks in several armored divisions, set up floating bridges and cross in a predetermined amount of time. The exercise also includes a large influx of EAF fighters as well as other flying and mobile, ground assets. All of this is to have the ability to prevent an Israeli invasion of Sinai.


Future engineer.
The reason why they have so many tanks is probably just because geography. Egypt has no natural barriers so they compensate by having a massive conventional force.

I have a question for you - do you think Erdogan screwed up by insisting on purchasing the S-400 and basically ruining the F-35 deal pretty much permanently as long as those S-400 batteries are in Turkey? You were scheduled to get 100+ of those superb machines that would've made a much better difference than however many S-400 batteries. I thought that was one of the worst decisions ever made! I'm astonished be it him or the Turkish military made such a senseless decision knowing quite well the risk. If a good air defense was needed, there are quite a few good western options from US Patriots to Italian SAMP-T to even the Israeli stuff. Why such a stupid decision?
That's true in a secondary sense. But the original thinking of having a massive tank and armored army is to be able to serve the attrition rate in a war against the invasion of Sinai by Israel since that was a huge factor in the October war of 1973. The tank battles pretty much determined the land acquired by either force and the Egyptian army has created a plan to transfer an extremely large amount of tanks and armored columns over the Suez Canal and into Sinai to prevent any invasion since the peace treaty limits the amount of military equipment that can be permanently deployed in Sinai. Occasionally they will practice this "invasion" scenario where they shut down the Suez Canal for commercial traffic and engage in this training scenario where they quickly deploy mobile SAMs, huge armored columns that include many tanks in several armored divisions, set up floating bridges and cross in a predetermined amount of time. The exercise also includes a large influx of EAF fighters as well as other flying and mobile, ground assets. All of this is to have the ability to prevent an Israeli invasion of Sinai.

Future engineer.
There is also the fact that tiny Usrael has more than 4000 MBTs .. and close to 15 000 armoured fighting vehicles.. and can mobilise almost 3 million soldiers males and females in case of war..Not mentionning the other branches like the air force and others..
Too many armored vehicles are nightmare for logistic support, especially for big and sandy territory of Egypt. It'd be better to buy 1000 drones.
I have a question for you - do you think Erdogan screwed up by insisting on purchasing the S-400 and basically ruining the F-35 deal pretty much permanently as long as those S-400 batteries are in Turkey? You were scheduled to get 100+ of those superb machines that would've made a much better difference than however many S-400 batteries. I thought that was one of the worst decisions ever made! I'm astonished be it him or the Turkish military made such a senseless decision knowing quite well the risk. If a good air defense was needed, there are quite a few good western options from US Patriots to Italian SAMP-T to even the Israeli stuff. Why such a stupid decision?

Yeah kinda. In the heat of the moment it made sense but lets be real there are alternatives, its just that we were looking for some Transfer of technology on the side. Infact shortly after purchasing the S-400, Turkey joined the SAMP-T program. Which makes the decision as to why we bought Russian S-400 that much more stupid. However F-35 isnt that big of a loss to be honest, most Turkish people and defence analyst actually kinda have this concensus that we could use something in the range of F-18's or F-15's much more then we could F-35's. I would also prefer the newer F-15EX version that even the American and Israelis are still buying. Ofcourse the irony is that Turkey is still producting components for the F-35 and will continue until 2022 atleast, despite it no longer being in the program. Israeli air defence is certainly not an option.
Yeah kinda. In the heat of the moment it made sense but lets be real there are alternatives, its just that we were looking for some Transfer of technology on the side. Infact shortly after purchasing the S-400, Turkey joined the SAMP-T program. Which makes the decision as to why we bought Russian S-400 that much more stupid. However F-35 isnt that big of a loss to be honest, most Turkish people and defence analyst actually kinda have this concensus that we could use something in the range of F-18's or F-15's much more then we could F-35's. I would also prefer the newer F-15EX version that even the American and Israelis are still buying. Ofcourse the irony is that Turkey is still producting components for the F-35 and will continue until 2022 atleast, despite it no longer being in the program. Israeli air defence is certainly not an option.

Good stuff. I love and appreciate the honesty. Something you don't see a lot of, if any, around here.

Oh man, F-15 or even F/A-18 Super Hornet would be unbelievable with the Turkish F-16s.

BTW, are you guys still using the AIM-120Bs only? You need to upgrade those to the C-5s. Having only 85km range on the 3rd largest fleet of F-16s is really not that good. With all the technology access you have and the crap fighting situations erdogan is putting turkey in left and right, that BVR missile needs to be updated big time! Unless it already has but I haven't heard that yet. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Where the hell they are getting this money from.
Just look in your pocket.. i bet you have none left..:omghaha::omghaha:

Too many armored vehicles are nightmare for logistic support, especially for big and sandy territory of Egypt. It'd be better to buy 1000 drones.
That can happen..if you lower the price..HaHa
On a more serious note.. Egypt is buying drones from China and also making its own in a JV with Belarus..So yes 1000 drones is a good number.. but have you thought about the bases and the maintenance of it too!?
Sputnik: Egypt's possession of T-90MS tanks will cause a big technological revolutionize in the Egyptian army

The Russian agency indicated that Egypt signed a contract with Russia to supply 400-500 T-90MS tanks to the Egyptian army and that this would allow Egypt to obtain technologies to produce tanks in Egypt.

The agency emphasized that Egypt, India and China have shown great interest in "armata" (initial requests were received), as the price of one tank reaches 7 million dollars, which is cheaper than other tanks of the old generation.


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I have a question for you - do you think Erdogan screwed up by insisting on purchasing the S-400 and basically ruining the F-35 deal pretty much permanently as long as those S-400 batteries are in Turkey? You were scheduled to get 100+ of those superb machines that would've made a much better difference than however many S-400 batteries. I thought that was one of the worst decisions ever made! I'm astonished be it him or the Turkish military made such a senseless decision knowing quite well the risk. If a good air defense was needed, there are quite a few good western options from US Patriots to Italian SAMP-T to even the Israeli stuff. Why such a stupid decision?

very stupid political decision, with 100+ F-35As, atleast 16 F-35Bs for the Navy, 200 F-16 with local upgrades such as AESA radar, and TF-X, Turkey would of had the most powerful Air Force in the region.
Following reports in July 2020 that the Egyptian Defence Ministry had signed a contract to purchase 500 Russian T-90MS battle tanks, recent reports have indicated that deal is set to go ahead with the vehicles to be produced in the African country under license. The T-90MS is the most capable variant of the T-90 to have been offered for export, with the design continuing to be modernized and the Russian Army receiving the latest and by far the most capable the T-90M from April 2020.

Signs of progress in the deal come as Egypt has come under growing Western pressure to cut defense ties with Russia and end purchases of Russian armaments, and represents one of multiple arms deals with Russia under discussion. The T-90MS has been a popular export with India being its primary client and set to field over 450, while Algeria has reportedly begun to upgrade its older T-90 variants to a similar standard. The tank will represent the most capable in Africa, and depending on the details of the contract could include technologies from the new T-90M such as the 2A46M-5 gun and the T-14 tank’s Kalina fire control system, the Afghanit active protection system and Relikt explosive reactive armor, and access to a range of new munition types.


Russian Army T-90M Tank

The T-90MS will be the first tank in Egyptian service fielded in meaningful numbers with an automatic loader, meaning it will require just three crew where the older American M1 and Soviet T-62 an T-55 tanks require four with the fourth serving as a loader. Particularly if using the new 1130 hp V-92S2F engine, the tank will have much higher mobility and lower fuel consumption and maintenance needs than the M1A1 tanks Egypt currently relies on. Unlike the Abrams, the tank will not have significant restrictions imposed on how it can be used or be downgraded as is common for Western arms built for Egyptian use.

Egypt shifted away from reliance on American armaments from 2014, after the overthrow of its Western aligned Islamist government in 2013 saw Washington respond with an arms embargo causing serious shortages of spare parts and undermining counterinsurgency efforts. A T-90 deal has been under discussion since at least 2017 according to Russian sources, although whether Egypt will acquire Russian tanks only to replace older Soviet T-62s and T-55s, or also to eventually replace the M1A1 Abrams which has also increasingly been considered obsolete, will likely depend on the Army's satisfaction with the T-90MS’ performance as well as the extent of Western political leverage over Cairo.

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