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Egypt protesters breach US embassy over anti-Islam film

Irony is US along with NATO trained, funded and armed these militias, up until just few months ago. So, US has no one to blame but itself. Yes even amaericans are victim of its own policy.

No it just shows that the middle east is very unpreditabe. Julian Assange is in the Ecuadorean embassy right now. Did the Brit storm th embassy of a foreign nation to get him out? Even though militarily the UK is far stronger than Ecuadore.

And these are mostly regular Egpytians.

Everytime something happens, some comspiracy is always responsible for the low standards of conduct. It seems self critique is not in the vocabulary of the Arabs.
What a bunch of morons...

There goes my vacation plans to visit Egypt... there loss
Congratulations to our Egyptian and Libyan Muslim brothers for taking a firm stand against Western rogue elements and their cronies. Shameful attempts by the West to create civil war or any trouble can not be overlooked. The Muslims of Egypt and Libya have every right to express their feelings against mindless and criminal incitements by the West and their cronies.
Oh yeah, they're not crazy extremists, they're just people climbing walls, burning things, destroying property, and rioting. Oh wait, I forgot, for you that is acceptable behavior. You keep feeding yourself your own propaganda, you just make yourself seem ignorant of the reality of the situation.
no one was killed unlike what is happening in isreal every day but you are isreali you can kill and if any one has a problem with it he is a nazi
people of Saudi Arabia don't use the concept of demonstration/protesting as a mean of expression.
ok what is the saudi government opinion about this ? and have they made anything not even a word
That Dutch movie, "Fitna" came out years ago. And why the hell are they attacking the American Embassy over a movie released and produced in Holland?

Are these guys too stupid to even target the right people?

Maybe Egypt was better off under Mubarak than the brainless horde that is running it today.
if we are stupid then you are mentally handicapped this is not about the dutch movie it is about the amercian movie which was made yesterday
That is stupid. The U.S embassy has nothing to do with this. However, this confirms my belief that Copts are vehemently anti-Muslim. That's why 100,000 of them applied to immigrate to U.S after the revolution. They prefer to leave their country than live under Islamic law, which allowed them and their Jewish cousins to live in the ME for 1.5 millennia.
i am sorry but you are a coward and stupid you didnt defend islam and you wish for a civil war in egypt this copts where at the protest with us today we are egyptians not saudi who want to burn shia alive while you are slaves of isreal and the west
Congratulations to our Egyptian and Libyan Muslim brothers for taking a firm stand against Western rogue elements and their cronies. Shameful attempts by the West to create civil war or any trouble can not be overlooked. The Muslims of Egypt and Libya have every right to express their feelings against mindless and criminal incitements by the West and their cronies.

Here he is, Banglar Lathial has spoken.:lol:
The Lybians have gone too far.they have killed a U.S diplomat.

I don't agree with breeching in to embassies or damaging them,but I want to say one thing to all who say it's freedom of speech:What would U.S or EU countries do if a Muslim in their country made a movie denying or even questioning Holocaust in it?As far as I know,it's illegal in many EU countries.So,how is that freedom of speech?is it selective?

Anyway,it seems that stupid Pastor,Terry James who burned Quran months ago is behind this movie.This guy has some serious mental problems,but thanks to 'freedom' in U.S,he can do whatever he wants.
No it just shows that the middle east is very unpreditabe. Julian Assange is in the Ecuadorean embassy right now. Did the Brit storm th embassy of a foreign nation to get him out? Even though militarily the UK is far stronger than Ecuadore.

And these are mostly regular Egpytians.

Julian Assange did not insult Brits or their religion or their country, why should Brits do such thing? But Brits has their own flavor of uncivilized behavior of storming and killing – just go through football hooliganism.

On Julian Assange issue, British govt was preparing to storm Ecuadorean embassy until all Latin and South American nations sent the message that result will be catastrophic for Britain. Britain backed off by issuing letter to Ecuador.

Hiding behind big gun and then insult (like US and Europeans do in the name of freedom of expression) someone is not civility, it’s even worse.
No it just shows that the middle east is very unpreditabe. Julian Assange is in the Ecuadorean embassy right now. Did the Brit storm th embassy of a foreign nation to get him out? Even though militarily the UK is far stronger than Ecuadore.

And these are mostly regular Egpytians.

Everytime something happens, some comspiracy is always responsible for the low standards of conduct. It seems self critique is not in the vocabulary of the Arabs.
No, most are Salafis. Most Egyptians are really disgusted with them going near the embassy, thu most are mad about the "film".
Now seriously, there is a very important verse in Quraan says:
"no bearer of burdens shall be made to bear another's burden"
Which means an innocent shouldn't be held accountable for others' faults. Killing an innocent and more importantly a guest is extremely forbidden in Islam. So those savage actions are not based on Islam in anyway possible.

I would like to add:
On that account We ordained for the Children of Isra`il that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole humanity. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear (guidance), yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (5:32)

In Surah 5, verse 32
What a bunch of morons...

There goes my vacation plans to visit Egypt... there loss
i respect my religion and i dont want islam to be insulted is that a problem anyway enjoy your vacation i can recommend turkey
The Lybians have gone too far.they have killed a U.S diplomat.
yes this is too far i think we should have made a peaceful protest at the embassy i dont accept the protesters tearing down the US flag but only because it is the job of the country to protect forgin embassies
condemning "the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims - as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions".
The statement added: "We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others."
this is strange this cant be the US response i expected more i cant believe that protesters broke into the embassy and burn the US flag then the Us official statement comes so soft
So those savage actions are not based on Islam in anyway possible.

Yes we are told time and time again its not Islam, yet the excuse each time is, but some one some where insulted Islam. So people go out and kill a random white person.

You can quote Surah's on peace love and compassion till the cows come home, tomorrow there will be another murder as a mob tears some one appart in the name of Allah the compasionate.

When it is reported the various excuses will come out, they arent really Muslims, its western/zionist propoganda its a CIA RAW Illuminati plot and the nutters will even claim that it was the right thing to do.

Perhaps it is time to admit there is a problem.
Yes we are told time and time again its not Islam, yet the excuse each time is, but some one some where insulted Islam. So people go out and kill a random white person.

You can quote Surah's on peace love and compassion till the cows come home, tomorrow there will be another murder as a mob tears some one appart in the name of Allah the compasionate.

When it is reported the various excuses will come out, they arent really Muslims, its western/zionist propoganda its a CIA RAW Illuminati plot and the nutters will even claim that it was the right thing to do.

Perhaps it is time to admit there is a problem.

So what? they don't represent us! Few days ago an Iraqi family was slaughtered in France by White gangs!

All I know is that, this is non of Islam. period.
Perhaps it is time to admit there is a problem.

Yes, the West should come clean and admit that it is the problem. Just the number of Muslims killed by the West in the last decade alone shows it is the West that is the problem. No Muslim country is occupying and killing Western non Muslims in their country, but the converse is true. The list can be much much longer of course, I am just saving time because I reckon most people would be well aware of at least some of the long list of crimes committed by the West.
Yes, the West should come clean and admit that it is the problem. Just the number of Muslims killed by the West in the last decade alone shows it is the West that is the problem. No Muslim country is occupying and killing Western non Muslims in their country, but the converse is true. The list can be much much longer of course, I am just saving time because I reckon most people would be well aware of at least some of the long list of crimes committed by the West.

Wrong, just the number of Muslims killed by other Muslims has shown its the problem. As well as attempt to destroy other religions.

For example in Pakistan, the Christian girl being framed that she burned pages of the Quran when it was a Muslim cleric who violated that law. The irony...
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