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Egypt protesters breach US embassy over anti-Islam film

Angry demonstrators climb walls of US embassy in Cairo to voice opposition to anti-Islam film produced by US-based Coptic group


What kind of morons breach into an embassy. Thats not nice, is it?
Just watched part of the "movie" on youtube. Looks like a video filmed by schoolkids for 100$. If not the protests, no one would ever hear of this "movie".
some idiots here say its a freedom of speech. Well, your freedom stops when it crosses the rights and principles of others !

I saw the movie, and it was extremely disgusting !

calling the prophet as a bastard and filming having sex with a slave is just too much !
I am just wondering if some of my muslims fellows here have seen the film.

I'm not extremist, some times I see my self as an agnostic rather than a muslim, but the film was f#$3ing disgusting.

I imagine if I told the hole world that your mother is a ***** or your father is a pimp, what would u feel at that moment !

No you are wrong. The documentary in question is
Islam: The Untold Story - 4oD - Channel 4
The title is Islam: The untold story.

The documentary questions the historical accuracy of early Muslim history and of the existence of Mohammed. It says that there is no historical evidence in the form of descriptions by contemporaries, no inscriptions, coins, etc following the capture of Jerusalem by Arabs of their religion. They say that the religion slowly evolved over time and the first evidence of Mohammed is seen in coins about 60 years after his death. This they theorise is evidence of religion used by the rulers to quell challenges from other factions among the Arabs fighting to gain a larger share of the riches from the new empire they just built.

The documentary doesn't depict Mohammed or attempt to malign him in a personal manner it just delves into early Muslim history to try and determine how the religion came to be founded. There is no insult of the nature you describe. I guess the only insult is if you think even questioning the existence of Mohammed is a horrible crime.

I am not sure how true the accounts from this documentary but the problem here is that people are just reacting based on hearsay. Muslim passions are being whipped up again by spreading false information.

EDIT: I may be referring to the wrong movie here. The confusion arose because of a similar Muslim protests and death treats issued here in the UK

The film which caused the problems in Libya seem to be some other film.
And I also totally reject your arguments about Freedom of speech since people will always find things which offend them. If we start banning things because they are offensive to some people, we will not have much left.
All i know that Arabs didn't not give them weapons or create them...
That mean you do not know very much and are comfortable in your ignorance.

The muslims provided the manpower which included religious motivation to fight the Soviets, Pakistan provided the corporate training, and the US provided the weapons. Without even one leg, the plan would fail.

U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in attack: Libya official | Reuters
"The American ambassador and three staff members were killed when gunmen fired rockets at them," the official in Benghazi told Reuters. Asked about the deaths, a U.S. Embassy employee in Tripoli said: "We have no information regarding this." The employee said the embassy could confirm the death of one person.
Let US wait and see if this is confirm.

US Air Strike on China’s Embassy in Belgrade in 1999 was Deliberate
US Air Strike on China’s Embassy in Belgrade in 1999 was Deliberate | Global Research
Bullsh1t. First it was because China may have 'stealth' technology from the Serbs, now it is because Milosevic was inside the Chinese Embassy. Get your story straight.
US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

The US ambassador to Libya has died after an attack by militiamen on the US consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi, reports say.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens is said to be among four US officials killed in a protest over a US-produced film that is said to insult the Prophet Muhammad.

The US state department has only confirmed the death of one official - but it has not named them.

Protesters have also attacked the US embassy in Cairo over the film.

In the attack in Benghazi, unidentified armed men stormed the grounds, shooting at buildings and throwing handmade bombs into the compound.

Security forces returned fire but Libyan officials say they were overwhelmed.

A Libyan official has said Ambassador Stevens died from suffocation as a result of the attack.

'No justification'“

In a statement earlier, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confirmed the death of a US official, saying: "We are heartbroken by this terrible loss".

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behaviour as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet," she said in a statement.

"The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."

Reports say a militia known as the Ansar al-Sharia brigade was involved in the attack, but the group has denied the claim, the BBC's Rana Jawad in Tripoli says.

Our correspondent says many people are still armed following the conflict that overthrew Col Muammar Gaddafi last year.

The film that sparked the demonstration is said to have been produced by a 52-year-old US citizen from California named Sam Bacile, and promoted by an expatriate Egyptian Copt.

The two men are described as having anti-Islamic views.

In Cairo, the US flag was torn down and set alight by the demonstrators
A trailer of the low-budget movie has appeared on YouTube translated into Arabic.

There were calls on social media networks for protests against US interests in the capital, Tripoli, but no disturbances have been confirmed, our correspondent says.

The rally followed a demonstration in Cairo, in which protesters breached the US embassy and tore down the US flag, which was flying at half mast to mark the 9/11 attacks, and replaced it with an Islamist banner.

Thousands of protesters had gathered outside the US embassy in the Egyptian capital.

Egyptian protesters condemned what they said was the humiliation of the Prophet of Islam under the pretext of freedom of speech.

"Both Muslims and Christians are participating in this protest against this offence to Islam," said one protester, according to Associated Press news agency.

Are you in Benghazi? Did you witness the incident? You can send us your experiences using the form below.

BBC News - US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

Condolence for loss of life. Criminals should be brought to justice by legal means. At the same time US need to do some soul searching on its policy and self inflicting implications.
The Muslims must stop behaving like this and learn some peace from Jesus, Budhha, MLK, Madiba and MK Gandhi...

See how Satyagrah is done and how make govt to bow down to a legitimate demands...

Jal Satyagraha wins, MP govt to reduce dam water level

Those who are empty of logic or those whose demands are illegal , use vandalization/terror as tool. If your demand is legitimate and you fight for it peacefully, you will definetily get success,....

HOW Muslims would have made it different: They would have demonstrated peacefully, they would have sued the director. I am sure the issue would have been resolved. How killing american diplomat solve the issue... Leave violence, embrace peace. If you guys have problem in Anger management, learn Budhhism.. or revert to original religion...
The Muslims must stop behaving like this and learn some peace from Jesus, Budhha, MLK, Madiba and MK Gandhi...

See how Satyagrah is done and how make govt to bow down to a legitimate demands...

Jal Satyagraha wins, MP govt to reduce dam water level

Those who are empty of logic or those whose demands are illegal , use vandalization/terror as tool. If your demand is legitimate and you fight for it peacefully, you will definetily get success,....

HOW Muslims would have made it different: They would have demonstrated peacefully, they would have sued the director. I am sure the issue would have been resolved. How killing american diplomat solve the issue... Leave violence, embrace peace. If you guys have problem in Anger management, learn Budhhism.. or revert to original religion...

We know how peaceful Indian revolution was against the British and dont bring gandhi and all tat BS into this coz every one knows India dint get freedom by Gandhi not eating food.

In today's world if someone slaps u and u give them the other cheek they will punch u.

Ur religion is very peace full rt?


Bhatkallys : : Articles from Members

Communalism Watch: Hindutva terror’s deep roots exposed

Revert ur religion as ur ppl are also doing huge terrorist acts and tat to in ur own country.:blah:
We know how peaceful Indian revolution was against the British and dont bring gandhi and all tat BS into this coz every one knows India dint get freedom by Gandhi not eating food.

In today's world if someone slaps u and u give them the other cheek they will punch u.

Ur religion is very peace full rt?

Bhatkallys : : Articles from Members

Communalism Watch: Hindutva terror’s deep roots exposed

Revert ur religion as ur ppl are also doing huge terrorist acts and tat to in ur own country.:blah:

Bhatkallys : : Articles from Members
Communalism Watch: Hindutva terror’s deep roots exposed

Both are Terrorists website.. Please post some thing authentic...

Right wing extremism: confined, No support from majority, Law is strict on them.

Any way its not appropriate thread to discuss it, Lets discuss the anger among Muslims, That anger need to be addressed and must be cured. Its affecting entire world...

there is no question of reversion as our religion is oldest existing religion. Even if I want to convert I will convert to Parsi, Jew or Christian. Who want to convert to Islam. Every one wants good life. A Muslim has bad time in Europe, America, Pakistan ...
Bhatkallys : : Articles from Members
Communalism Watch: Hindutva terror’s deep roots exposed

Both are Terrorists website.. Please post some thing authentic...

Right wing extremism: confined, No support from majority, Law is strict on them.

Any way its not appropriate thread to discuss it, Lets discuss the anger among Muslims, That anger need to be addressed and must be cured. Its affecting entire world...

there is no question of reversion as our religion is oldest existing religion. Even if I want to convert I will convert to Parsi, Jew or Christian. Who want to convert to Islam. Every one wants good life. A Muslim has bad time in Europe, America, Pakistan ...

The Hindu : Opinion / Letters : Saffron terror
Saffron terror - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saffron Terrorism - a new phenomenon, says Home Minister Chidambaram | NDTV.com
Where Bibles are Burnt - Saffron Terrorism by RSS VHP Bajrang Dal in Orissa Part 1 - YouTube

hope the above indian and International websites are enough :blah:

No brother this thread is not about "anger among Muslims" its about a local Egyptian issue in which both christen and Muslims are protesting together against a movie.

It is u my friend who is giving it the Indian/Communal touch.

if I want to convert I will convert to Parsi, Jew or Christian. Who want to convert to Islam. Every one wants good life. A Muslim has bad time in Europe, America, Pakistan ...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...sy-over-anti-islam-film-11.html#ixzz26G4KeOWb

only ppl of week faith convert there religion.

A muslim will prefer death over conversion to other religion.
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