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Egypt president to visit Iranian nuclear plant.

Last time I checked, Assad is still president, and is still holding in strong. We will support him until the finish, it ain't over until the fat lady sings.

No offence but Turkey has never been a great friend of Iran. I don't really trust her, same as how I feel with Russia. We can have relations, but always with suspicion.

No matter what, he is a goner. Like i said, you are supporting a dead man.

Well, it doesn't matter if Iran and Turkey are "great" friends or not. But if Turkey become an enemy of Iran, then it is not going to end well, especially for Iran.
But if Turkey become an enemy of Iran, then it is not going to end well, especially for Iran.

You guys really believe you are some type of super power? What can you do to Iran, that USA and Israel haven't been able to in 33 years?
You guys really believe you are some type of super power? What can you do to Iran, that USA and Israel haven't been able to in 33 years?

You don't understand, do you? What USA and Israel haven't been able to do to you in 33 years, might be done with Turkey's participation in just a couple of years.
Think about it.
You don't understand, do you? What USA and Israel haven't been able to do to you in 33 years, might be done with Turkey's participation in just a couple of years.
Think about it.

Go ahead and tell me... What will you do?
But this time it is clear as day that it is not going to go back to normal.

WTF? Achievable goals? Seriously? By killing civillians and children, do you think there is a chance for them to achive their goals? And they do not even have a goal other than spreading terror.
They use terror, sure, but they use it with logic. They do it to scare the public or send a message. Ideologues do so with the belief that the other side is evil and must be exterminated one at a time. That's the difference in this single example.
Go ahead and tell me... What will you do?

All those empty threats by Israel towards Iran... Might come true, no?

They use terror, sure, but they use it with logic. They do it to scare the public or send a message. Ideologues do so with the belief that the other side is evil and must be exterminated one at a time. That's the difference in this single example.

They use terror with logic?

All those empty threats by Israel towards Iran... Might come true, no?

They use terror with logic?


Can we once have a discussion without one of you throwing a hissy fit??

Yes, with logic.

Committing murder with the goal of scaring the opposition into defeat or in order to send a message is logical. Committing murder b/c you think you're doing god's work on earth is not logical.

We're not talking about rightousness and morality here. We're talking about logic.
Can we once have a discussion without one of you throwing a hissy fit??

Yes, with logic.

Committing murder with the goal of scaring the opposition into defeat or in order to send a message is logical. Committing murder b/c you think you're doing god's work on earth is not logical.

We're not talking about rightousness and morality here. We're talking about logic.

If they had a logic, they wouldn't continue the terror after 30.000 of them got killed in 28 years and achived nothing other than fueling the discrimination between Kurds and Turks. If they had a logic they wouldn't kill children without a reason. Literally there is no reason for them to use terror at the moment. Although they too accepted that an independent Kurdistan in Turkey is impossible, they are still killing innocent people. Although Turkey is preparing for a new constitution which will probably widen Kurdish rights even more, they still killing womans. Although Kurds in Turkey are in much better condition than the Kurds in Iran, Syria and Iraq, they still killing babies. What a great LOGIC isn't it?
If they had a logic, they wouldn't continue the terror after 30.000 of them got killed in 28 years and achived nothing other than fueling the discrimination between Kurds and Turks. If they had a logic they wouldn't kill children without a reason. Literally there is no reason for them to use terror at the moment. Although they too accepted that an independent Kurdistan in Turkey is impossible, they are still killing innocent people. Although Turkey is preparing for a new constitution which will probably widen Kurdish rights even more, they still killing womans. Although Kurds in Turkey are in much better condition than the Kurds in Iran, Syria and Iraq, they still killing babies. What a great LOGIC isn't it?
A lot of blabber gabber. Kurds couldn't celebrate Norouz till a while ago, and you're telling me they had it better than in Iran, an Iranic country?? This is why it's so hard to talk to you guys. You Turks are so brainwashed that you remind me of saudi Jihadists. In Iran they've been able to do whatever the heck they want, except that schooling cannot be done in Kurdish, that's it. Apart from that they are free to have Kurdish papers, TV channels, teach their children the language, tutor the language, celebrate Norouz etc... In Turkey they couldn't even speak the language till some time ago.

Anyway, who cares, I know the truth and so do you and that's all that matters.

Re. the logical part, I'll tell you why they're using logic. You're telling me that the constitution is changing in their favour. Appareantly their tactics are working ;)
^ Not to mention the area where they live in Iran is named after them, Kordestan (Kurdistan) province. In Turkey they force Kurdish towns and provinces to have Turkish names. Not to mention Kurds aren't allowed to give their children Kurdish names, which they are allowed in Iran.

Even Economically Iranian Kurdistan is richer then Turkish one. Heck even Iraqi Kurdistan is richer then Turkish Kurdistan. Shows how much the government in Turkey tries to hold back the Kurds.
This a very Bold step :) making the USA and ISrael angry

it is good Egypt is showing that they support a peaceful nuclear program and that Egypt might start in future and i think they should
This a very Bold step :) making the USA and ISrael angry

it is good Egypt is showing that they support a peaceful nuclear program and that Egypt might start in future and i think they should

Thank you for the support brother. I agree, it would be good if we could share our nuclear technology with Egypt and fellow ally countries.
A lot of blabber gabber. Kurds couldn't celebrate Norouz till a while ago, and you're telling me they had it better than in Iran, an Iranic country?? This is why it's so hard to talk to you guys. You Turks are so brainwashed that you remind me of saudi Jihadists. In Iran they've been able to do whatever the heck they want, except that schooling cannot be done in Kurdish, that's it. Apart from that they are free to have Kurdish papers, TV channels, teach their children the language, tutor the language, celebrate Norouz etc... In Turkey they couldn't even speak the language till some time ago.

Anyway, who cares, I know the truth and so do you and that's all that matters.

Re. the logical part, I'll tell you why they're using logic. You're telling me that the constitution is changing in their favour. Appareantly their tactics are working ;)

Are you seriously comparing human rights and democracy between Iran and Turkey? "Iranic country???" WTF is this? What do you think Iran is, beacon of tolerance? Exactly this is why you deserve atatwolf and Ottoman-Turk.

Let me tell you this, Kurds in Turkey are enjoying more freedom not just more than Kurds in Iran, but every citizen of Iran regardless their natioanality. TV channels, teach their children the language, tutor the language, celebrate Nevruz... In Turkey they can do all of this and more.

To be honest, i don't care the amount of propaganda you have been exposed.

Well, it doesn't suprised me for you to say that. For someone who thinks they are "using terror with logic". But let me tell you this, Turkey is a democracy. It has nothing to do with PKK. And i said probably, so it might change in their favour, if not, it will be because of PKK...

If you say so :pop:
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