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Egypt president to visit Iranian nuclear plant.

Even if so, by retaliating with supporting PKK, he provoked Turkey even more, thus more terrorists are on their way to Syria...
So yeah, he is defending his country perfectly, right?

And i assure you, we will be succesfull, and i really do not know what will happen to Syria and Turkey aftermath. It will be bad for sure, but i hope that it won't be worse than Assad...

Ever heard of the saying "an eye for an eye"? That is what Assad is doing to you guys now. Also I am pretty sure if Assad is ousted, the outcome will be much worse. Bashar never done anything to Turkey before you turned on him. However an FSA run Syria will be a safe haven for terrorists, like the ones who bombed Istanbul in 2003...
why is iran getting so upset and emotional about it anyway? as i can see the syrian people dont like iran but just the government because if it did then iran would support an election and not assad to stay , a non people-to-people relations between countries is a very loose tie.

Ever heard of the saying "an eye for an eye"? That is what Assad is doing to you guys now. Also I am pretty sure if Assad is ousted, the outcome will be much worse. Bashar never done anything to Turkey before you turned on him. However an FSA run Syria will be a safe haven for terrorists, like the ones who bombed Istanbul in 2003...

shall i go to our foreign minister and choke him to stop this policy?

the closest election is 2015 and this guy surely has to go if not a massive drop in votes. Hes trying to turn us into some soft nation with soft people.
Ever heard of saying eye for an eye? That is what Assad is doing to you guys now. Also I am pretty sure if Assad is ousted, the outcome will be much worse then Assad. Bashar never done anything to Turkey before you turned on him. However an FSA run Syria will be a safe haven for terrorists, like the ones who bombed Istanbul in 2003...

Eye for an eye... Maybe, but he is going to see that it was a very stupid move to do while giving his last breath in a painful death.

Oh, but his fater did, apparently he is no different than him.

What is Iran going to gain by supporting a dead man anyways? You guys are always talking about how Turkey will suffer... How about Iran?
How is sending terrorist into Turkey and make them kill civillians is contributing the defense of Syria? How is shooting down a plane which was flying over international waters and minding its own business contributing it?

I'm not even going to mention the crimes of Assad to its own people. But noo, he is defending his country by killing civillians and bombing cities, right? And you are talking about hypocrisy? Yeah...
you send a fighter jet to a country that's in civil war and expect not to have it shot at??!? And Turkey isn't just any country sending a jet. Turkey is also the country that's actively fighting against Assad!

And yes, he's defending his nation. The Iranian people demonstrated against the regime in 09, but they didn't use weapons, they used flowers. Syria is AT WAR with certain factions and in the middle there are regular people. This is no different from the American Civil War.



Syria and the terrorist wahabi rebels

btw, what to do you mean Turkey made a mistake but can't get out of it anymore? Of course Turkey can retreat, but that's not up to you. The americans are calling the shots it seems. Assad is an ultra secular man. He's logical and will put a lid on the PKK if Turkey accepts to move back.
you send a fighter jet to a country that's in civil war and expect not to have it shot at??!? And Turkey isn't just any country sending a jet. Turkey is also the country that's actively fighting against Assad!

And yes, he's defending his nation. The Iranian people demonstrated against the regime in 09, but they didn't use weapons, they used flowers. Syria is AT WAR with certain factions and in the middle there are regular people. This is no different from the American Civil War.
btw, what to do you mean Turkey made a mistake but can't get out of it anymore? Of course Turkey can retreat, but that's not up to you. The americans are calling the shots it seems. Assad is an ultra secular man. He's logical and will put a lid on the PKK if Turkey accepts to move back.

If Turkey retreat, then it would mean that anybody can make Turkey to do anything by supporting PKK, so not gonna happen.

About the jet crisis, you will see that he wasn't defending his country by doing that soon. Maybe he thought he was, but no.

Want me to send you some massacre videos of Assad?
Eye for an eye... Maybe, but he is going to see that it was a very stupid move to do while giving his last breath in a painful death.

Oh, but his fater did, apparently he is no different than him.

What is Iran going to gain by supporting a dead man anyways? You guys are always talking about how Turkey will suffer... How about Iran?

As far as I see it, it is a lose-lose situation for Turkey. But for Iran it is win-lose. I will explain:

If Assad stays, Turkey has a enemy on southern border. LOSE
If Assad goes, Turkey has terrorist nation on southern border. LOSE

If Assad stays, ally remains and Shia crescent continues. WIN
If Assad goes, the Shia crescent is broken and our link to Lebanon is gone. LOSE
As far as I see it, it is a lose-lose situation for Turkey. But for Iran it is win-lose. I will explain:

If Assad stays, Turkey has a enemy on southern border. LOSE
If Assad goes, Turkey has terrorist nation on southern border. LOSE

If Assad stays, ally remains and Shia crescent continues. WIN
If Assad goes, the Shia crescent is broken and our link to Lebanon is gone. LOSE

How are you so sure that they will be the enemy of Turkey? I believe they will become a tool for Turkey to do its dirty works.
I agree, it will become a safe heaven for terrorists though.

And as for Iran, losing Turkey for a dead man would be a huge mistake for it...
Assad has no cards to play , PKK card is a rusty card and not a card anymore , its normal since 1984 , stops , escelates depending on situation around etc , 1990s it was 10x worse 1998 to 2004 it finish , last few months escelate again . We will see what we gain , but at the end for sure this government is getting a beating by the people and will be kicked out from those seats after this.
If Turkey retreat, then it would mean that anybody can make Turkey to do anything by supporting PKK, so not gonna happen.

About the jet crisis, you will see that he wasn't defending his country by doing that soon. Maybe he thought he was, but no.

Want me to send you some massacre videos of Assad?
Assad doesn't apologize for his actions. The Northerners and southerners in the American Civil War also didn't apologize for their actions.

The issue isn't what's right and what isn't. In essense, supporting either side is a crime against the Syrian people. When countries side with either side, they prolong the war and thus more people get killed. I see Assad and his followers as the best people to stop the country from becoming another Afghanistan. On top of that, having him in power is 10 times better than having al quida Jihadists in power. Also, I fail to see the logic in the claim that it's Assad's fault that people are dying when there are two sides to a war. It takes two to tango, so explain why your logic doesn't apply to the other side?

Assad also didn't order the operators of the anti air gun to shoot personally. They had orders to shoot down anything that flew by, be it a jet or a bird. Nobody has any business getting anywhere near the borders of a nation when it's at war.
How are you so sure that they will be the enemy of Turkey? I believe they will become a tool for Turkey to do its dirty works.
I agree, it will become a safe heaven for terrorists though.

And as for Iran, losing Turkey for a dead man would be a huge mistake for it...

You think Turkey can use terrorists as a tool? Come on don't be so naive. Terrorists don't listen to nations, especially not secular ones. They will turn on Turkey in the blink of an eye.

Also I believe Syria is more important for Iran then Turkey. Syria is completely independent of Western world and Nato. They also provide us good link to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Also we can do economic exports and imports with Syria. In comparison our relationship with Turkey is not as important.
You think Turkey can use terrorists as a tool? Come on don't be so naive. Terrorists don't listen to nations, especially not secular ones. They will turn on Turkey in the blink of an eye.

Also I believe Syria is more important for Iran then Turkey. Syria is completely independent of Western world and Nato. They also provide us good link to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Also we can do economic exports and imports with Syria. In comparison our relationship with Turkey is not as important.
lol yeah

Imagine the likes of Al Quida! Do they listen to anybody? Plus, Syria will become Afghanistan version 2.0 if Assad's regime is toppled, I will put my bank account on it. Iran has gone through hell with Afghanistan next door (having to deal with the Taliban and the 3 million incoming refugees in the past decades).

I love to see Turkey deal with millions of incoming Syrian refugees the next time Syrian food crops don't produce or the next time mullah babboolah wants to declare jihad on mollah doodala. Having sudan next door helps nobody but Westerners who went Syria neutralized.

PKK/PJEK and Hezbollah are comprised of highly educated and driven individuals up on top. They have clear and achievable goals. They value order and see it as the only way to achieve their goals. Jihdists and wahabi thugs are people who literally can't even write their own names. Their leaders are ideologues and they are all about fighting holy wars against shias and other heretics. These people are the type that believe regular sunnis are also enemies of Islam. With more time, the societies that they rule decay further and futher (Afghanistan). That will be syria's future with Abdul the terrorist on the throne.
Assad doesn't apologize for his actions. The Northerners and southerners in the American Civil War also didn't apologize for their actions.

The issue isn't what's right and what isn't. In essense, supporting either side is a crime against the Syrian people. When countries side with either side, they prolong the war and thus more people get killed. I see Assad and his followers as the best people to stop the country from becoming another Afghanistan. On top of that, having him in power is 10 times better than having al quida Jihadists in power. Also, I fail to see the logic in the claim that it's Assad's fault that people are dying when there are two sides to a war. It takes two to tango, so explain why your logic doesn't apply to the other side?

Assad also didn't order the operators of the anti air gun to shoot personally. They had orders to shoot down anything that flew by, be it a jet or a bird. Nobody has any business getting anywhere near the borders of a nation when it's at war.

Yes, it would be probably better for Syria to have Assad in power. But that is not an option anymore. Thus by supporting him, Iran is the one who is prolonging the war and causing more civillian deaths.

You think Turkey can use terrorists as a tool? Come on don't be so naive. Terrorists don't listen to nations, especially not secular ones. They will turn on Turkey in the blink of an eye.

Also I believe Syria is more important for Iran then Turkey. Syria is completely independent of Western world and Nato. They also provide us good link to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Also we can do economic exports and imports with Syria. In comparison our relationship with Turkey is not as important.

But the old Syria is gone, can't you see it? It is not going to be a friend of Iran anymore. However Iran have the opportunity to remain as friends with Turkey. So IMO, Turkey is the most important country for Iran at the moment.
Yes, it would be probably better for Syria to have Assad in power. But that is not an option anymore. Thus by supporting him, Iran is the one who is prolonging the war and causing more civillian deaths.

But the old Syria is gone, can't you see it? It is not going to be a friend of Iran anymore. However Iran have the opportunity to remain as friends with Turkey. So IMO, Turkey is the most important country for Iran at the moment.
Assad's father killed more than him and things went back to normal. Goes to show you what kind of society it's we're talking about.
Assad's father killed more than him and things went back to normal. Goes to show you what kind of society it's we're talking about.

But this time it is clear as day that it is not going to go back to normal.

PKK/PJEK and Hezbollah are comprised of highly educated and driven individuals up on top. They have clear and achievable goals.

WTF? Achievable goals? Seriously? By killing civillians and children, do you think there is a chance for them to achive their goals? And they do not even have a goal other than spreading terror.
But the old Syria is gone, can't you see it? It is not going to be a friend of Iran anymore. However Iran have the opportunity to remain as friends with Turkey. So IMO, Turkey is the most important country for Iran at the moment.

Last time I checked, Assad is still president, and is still holding in strong. We will support him until the finish, it ain't over until the fat lady sings.

No offence but Turkey has never been a great friend of Iran. I don't really trust her, same as how I feel with Russia. We can have relations, but always with suspicion.
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