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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

We can learn from both countries, and they can learn from us. Human, minorities and women rights are not that much better in most Islamic countries. We still have a way to go, all of us! Egypt can bring both countries to work together, it will only do good for the region, and for Palestine which is the ultimate goal.

Egypt cannot teach to Iran maybe a few things to saudi arabia however Human rights and women rights is important. Egypt can mend ties however the Gulf Arab - Iran hatred will always be there it's best to take advantage of it and reap the benefits. Saudi Arabia has noting offer to Palestine we will support Palestinians and Hamas.
Because you living in NY, you have no empathy to Syrian brothers slaughtered and raped with Iran support. You could't care less how Iraq is now part of Iran, you could't care less how what the Iranians are doing all around you because you don't live here. Egyptians are all aware of the Persian wet dream of having some sort of empire, It won't happen as long as Saudis are around.
Thanks for protecting region against the 'evil' Iranians.All of ME would be fu*ked up without KSA.Thank God for giving us such an honor to have KSA in our region.

No,seriously,i have seen all kinds of brainwashed in the past,but thanks for introducing me a whole new level.You are the best i've seen.
We can be friends with Iran, and have great relations with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia and Iran bad relations won't last forever, common sense says that. We are neighboring countries who have had great relations all over our histroy, we both need eachother. For economic, cultural, military reasons we need to co-operate together, not to mention Islamic reasosns.

Actually before Ahmadinejad relations between KSA and Iran were excellent and even beyond excellent so it was not really a matter of "We hate them because they are Persian, or Persians saying we hate them because they are Arab" and it is a phase that will come to pass Inshallah. However one can only hope that the next Iranian president will be a more favorable one and this whole thing dies down and hopefully all is not lost yet.
Then, wait until Jordainian army declare a crappy war on the Butcher and his ****** gangs.

we are waiting to :rofl: more. man i wish u were saying war on Israel, but no you cant fight your masters

Cease fire is needed in Syria from Both Sides, Syria needs to rebuild itself Egypt will take care of the palestinian issue until then.
it will ends when the terrorism flows ends from Saudi and Qatar.
Because you living in NY, you have no empathy to Syrian brothers slaughtered and raped with Iran support. You could't care less how Iraq is now part of Iran, you could't care less how what the Iranians are doing all around you because you don't live here. Egyptians are all aware of the Persian wet dream of having some sort of empire, It won't happen as long as Saudis are around.
I do care about Syrians, my best friends are Syrians. Most Iraqis are Shiis, they have the right to form a government. If it wasn't for the stupid sheikhs who talk about Sunni/Shiis problems on TV 24/7, and declare this or that Kafir, Iraq would be in a better shape today. Most Egyptians do think like me, and no we are not aware of the Iranian wet dream sort of emipre, because we don't believe it exist. We also realize that every country has its own interests, but we do too, just like you. Please don't bring the New york ties up again, because i am very close to Egypt, and i know how Egyptians think.
Actually before Ahmadinejad relations between KSA and Iran were excellent and even beyond excellent so it was not really a matter of "We hate them because they are Persian, or Persians saying we hate them because they are Arab" and it is a phase that will come to pass Inshallah. However one can only hope that the next Iranian president will be a more favorable one and this whole thing dies down and hopefully all is not lost yet.

you want an Iranian american puppet government just like Saudi?
we are waiting to :rofl: more. man i wish u were saying war on Israel, but no you cant fight your masters

it will ends when the terrorism flows ends from Saudi and Qatar.

I'm aware of foreign groups supplying the FSA however Syria has destroyed much of them a cease fire is needed the FSA cannot really overthrow the government.

I do care about Syrians, my best friends are Syrians. Most Iraqis are Shiis, they have the right to form a government. If it wasn't for the stupid sheikhs who talk about Sunni/Shiis problems on TV 24/7, and declare this or that Kafir, Iraq would be in a better shape today. Most Egyptians do think like me, and no we are not aware of the Iranian wet dream sort of emipre, because we don't believe it exist. We also realize that every country has its own interests, but we do too, just like you. Please don't bring the New york ties up again, because i am very close to Egypt, and i know how Egyptians think.

This is correct Iraq is a shia majority country so it's natural they have close relations with Iran.
I'm aware of foreign groups supplying the FSA however Syria has destroyed much of them a cease fire is needed the FSA cannot really overthrow the government.

This is correct Iraq is a shia majority country so it's natural they have close relations with Iran.

just today 6 army died. it wont end untill the gulf countries become independent nations and stop taking orders from Tel aviv and D.C
just today 6 army died. it wont end untill the gulf countries become independent nations and stop taking orders from Tel aviv and D.C

I hope the best for Syria will come and it will neither be another slave country to tel aviv and d.c, Egypt Syria should have close relations again.
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