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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

Nationalism is not a bad thing. It can be a drive to make your country better.

Nope I hate nationalism as I hate the concept of Countries and Nations in the world you can call me a hippie but I really wish for a world without borders or conflicts or passports and instead Earth is for all Humans does not matter where you were born in it. But seeing the attitudes in the forum I see how that can not happen....At least not in our life times.
i agree with not letting foreign countries get involved. Althu, this guy needs to step down already, he became a pres. after his dad death, who does that ? It is a freaking republic for God sake.

Let the Syrians decide what they want with Assad this is similiar to Saddam Huessien in Iraq just leave it alone.
i agree with not letting foreign countries get involved. Althu, this guy needs to step down already, he became a pres. after his dad death, who does that ? It is a freaking republic for God sake.
lol welcome to the middle east. however Syrians dont view that way, we could have made Alasad step down in the first month, but we love our leader, we have faith in the reforms and most of all, equal Syria for Syrians, the most important thing.
We are fighting terrorism, to correcot you, not every muslim is a terrorists, but KSA supprts terrorism just to topple Alasad because he is Alawi, that's ignorance it self.

Not because he is Alwai but because of the people's frustration on the Saudi government for staying silent for so long to our Syrian brothers deaths. I think they are afraid that the protests will erupt in KSA if KSA does not back the protests in Syria.

So your beef is not with saudi government but the saudi people actually who want to support their brothers and sisters in Syria.
Nope I hate nationalism as I hate the concept of Countries and Nations in the world you can call me a hippie but I really wish for a world without borders or conflicts or passports and instead Earth is for all Humans does not matter where you were born in it. But seeing the attitudes in the forum I see how that can not happen....At least not in our life times.

look at yourself man, you want to end alasad bc he is alawi and gives freedom to Christians, how you want live with everyone??
Nope I hate nationalism as I hate the concept of Countries and Nations in the world you can call me a hippie but I really wish for a world without borders or conflicts or passports and instead Earth is for all Humans does not matter where you were born in it. But seeing the attitudes in the forum I see how that can not happen....At least not in our life times.
Maybe in 600 years from now, lol
Not because he is Alwai but because of the people's frustration on the Saudi government for staying silent for so long to our Syrian brothers deaths. I think they are afraid that the protests will erupt in KSA if KSA does not back the protests in Syria.

So your beef is not with saudi government but the saudi people actually who want to support their brothers and sisters in Syria.

before you make any decision and argument you people always put religion first, which ends up with a bad choice in the end. OPEN YOUR MIND AND YOUR EYES.
Nope I hate nationalism as I hate the concept of Countries and Nations in the world you can call me a hippie but I really wish for a world without borders or conflicts or passports and instead Earth is for all Humans does not matter where you were born in it. But seeing the attitudes in the forum I see how that can not happen....At least not in our life times.

One world government :woot: Haha I'm kidding
But Arab countries should at least break their borders. You guys practise the same religion, eat the same food, speak the same language and have shared history :coffee:
look at yourself man, you want to end alasad bc he is alawi and gives freedom to Christians, how you want live with everyone??

It is not because he is Alawi genius it is because he is massacring the people with indiscriminate artillery shells, snipers and hired Shabbiha gones that is why. I have really no problem with any religion be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hindu, Shias whatever religion it is their choosing and it is between them and God and it is none of my business however Assad's massacres must stop.
Maybe in 600 years from now, lol

Never should otherwise people will lose their identity Nationalism is what makes countries great unites the people we during the 50's and 60's it is what makes us great, other examples, China, Iran, Japan, Germany.
One world government :woot: Haha I'm kidding
But Arab countries should at least break their borders. You guys practise the same religion, eat the same food, speak the same language and have shared history :coffee:

Arabs agreed to NOT agree on anything, except on sanctioning Syrian people, and sending terrorists to destroy Syria, thats the only thing they agreed on.
before you make any decision and argument you people always put religion first, which ends up with a bad choice in the end. OPEN YOUR MIND AND YOUR EYES.

While I respect your Opinion I think this has turned into Saudi Vs Syria on this we are discussion Muslim brotherhood. so lets stick to the topic.
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