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Egypt intelligence report: Israel had 36 spying stations in Sinai

I meant the largely desert areas in Sinai near the Gaza border, the southern part of Sinai has very little terrorist or no activity. Let's not forget that right now the majority of Arab Muslims support jubhat al Nusrah, which is Alqaeda. Go to the Jihadi forums and you will find that many Saudis are pro ISIL as well. ISIL have a chance to cause chaos wherever there is ground for it. Right now Egypt does that have ground. Of course there influence is limited for the most part, but they will continue their sabotage and attacks on vulnerable targets. And yes Egyptian also studies everything about Israel, unfortunately America tries to limit Egypts capability against Israel. They may be at peace, but they are still enemies.

And by beduins I don't mean all, but they are usually the first to be approached By ISIL. They are also easily influenced.

More than 95% of the entire Egyptian territory are desert lands, mostly flat land. More than any other Arab country. Outside of Mauritania I believe. Sinai contrary to all the other areas of Egypt outside of the small areas around the Nile and the fertile deltas has mountains, which nearly no other part of Egypt has. Egypt receives the least amount of rainfall of any Arab country I know of. The border regions of Sinai are not really desert areas and most of Sinai is mountainous anyway. Only the central areas are that.

Most of the Bedouins live in the Southern and Central Sinai. Most were traditionally engaged in pastoralism and tourism. Most of the trouble makers are members of groups originating from the mainland. So it has nothing to do with the people of Sinai so no need to single them out.

Yes, because you asked nearly 500 million of all those Arabs who and what they support?o_O:o: That's right. What has ISIS, an Iraqi phenomenon led by an Iraqi, to do with Egypt and Sinai once again? ISIS has even been "fired" from Al-Qaeda what is the chance for them to expand? They get their asses kicked everywhere and will ultimately destroy themselves because no sane person can find sympathy for them unless they are misguided severely which we all know that many people are. Has nothing to do with religion even. Just human behavior that often makes the wrong choices.

Those Bedouins or whoever lives in Sinai that approaches such groups mostly due it due to the current horrible economic situation. This obviously creates unemployment which attracts such groups to operate in vulnerable places. Successful people do not join such groups because why should they?
I don't frequent such forums and especially not when I am based abroad. The intelligence services are probably already monitoring your computer so that's a very bad idea.

It is not good to single out a whole region because of a few bad apples. You should know this already.
Both sides have spies and that not a secret. Arab countries usually use Israeli arabs, while Isrealis target high level officials for their spying needs. Israeli hires normal citizens from Arab countries to do the dirty jobs. In Lebanon they hired people to mark buildings for airstrikes.
That's the point I was making to OP.

by the way I fully respect your signatures.

My hope is for a prosperous and unified Iraq.

Best wishes
Israel and Egypt have a treaty, they are not enemies as long the treaty stays. Therefore, two nation must respect each other according to the treaty.:coffee:

Go to the Jihadi forums and you will find that many Saudis are pro ISIL as well. ISIL have a chance to cause chaos wherever there is ground for it. Right now Egypt does that have ground. Of course there influence is limited for the most part, but they will continue their sabotage and attacks on vulnerable targets..
Yet Canada didn't intercept your IP? :woot:
Sticking to the topic

Where were those 36 centers that OP talked about?

Sorry, got carried away. Just wanted to give him a very short introduction to the geography of the region since he started to mention it and forgot/did not know that the very same Sharm El-Sheikh that he mentioned as being outside of Sinai is located in the very same Sinai discussed. This sounded very ignorant so I gave him a short little overview.


But you did not answer my earlier questions. Do you deny the FACT that Israeli spies or spies hired by Israel (Mossad) are working in Egypt or have worked there?

Arab Report: Egypt Arrests 'Mossad' Spies - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Please google "Ouda Tarabin".

Ouda Tarabin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suliman Tarabin, the father of Ouda Tarabin.
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^^ my issue was related to the subject line

36 centers all spying. Not one, not two, not three, but 3 dozens altogether,

I am sure Israel is spying on its sworn enemy militant groups within Hamas, PLO, and Hizbullah etc

But the subject line hides all that stuff
Shin Bet is internal security foreign is Mossad.

Yeah we found the Mossad sharks.

Shin bet recruits abroad in Gaza or Lebanon...

^^ my issue was related to the subject line

36 centers all spying. Not one, not two, not three, but 3 dozens altogether,

I am sure Israel is spying on its sworn enemy militant groups within Hamas, PLO, and Hizbullah etc

But the subject line hides all that stuff

Ask the Egyptian intelligence, the OP didn't create that number, Egyptian intelligence collected that data and notice it used the term 'had' so they could have been in the past as well. Also for the gazillionth time spying stations could range from being simple homes to networks of homes or locations in apartments...etc...they are probably communication and data transfer centers. The rest Egyptian intelligence knows...
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That's why zionist Al Qaeda always attack egyptian with MOSSAD advisors: to protect Israhell
It's odd @Frogman hasn't spoken a word about this since he claims to be a military nationalist and seems so concerned for Egyptian national security but I guess he turns an blind eye when it comes to Israeli activists in Egypt.
It's odd @Frogman hasn't spoken a word about this since he claims to be a military nationalist and seems so concerned for Egyptian national security but I guess he turns an blind eye when it comes to Israeli activists in Egypt.

You are incredibly presumptuous aren't you.

I haven't said a word because there's nothing of value that I can add to the thread. The reason for that is simple, intelligence agencies around the world in work in complete secrecy.
You are incredibly presumptuous aren't you.

I haven't said a word because there's nothing of value that I can add to the thread. The reason for that is simple, intelligence agencies around the world in work in complete secrecy.

Nice way to avoid the discussion, we wanted your opinion as an Egyptian and maybe you could educate us more on Israeli interference and presence in Egyptian affairs and soil. However, will we get is the typical excuse to bury this development out of existence and to refuse condemning Israel at all. To me that 'all intelligence agencies' line is letting them off the hook.
Nice way to avoid the discussion, we wanted your opinion as an Egyptian and maybe you could educate us more on Israeli interference and presence in Egyptian affairs and soil. However, will we get is the typical excuse to bury this development out of existence and to refuse condemning Israel at all. To me that 'all intelligence agencies' line is letting them off the hook.


In case you haven't noticed I'm a random dude on the internet, I can't really call Mossad to account on a defence forum or in real life. Why do I need to condemn Israel in every thread or conversation, my views about it are known and I don't have to go on a rant.

As to the nature of what Mossad is doing in Egypt or in the Sinai, I can't tell you. We can all speculate, which is what this thread is doing but without any (direct) information whatsoever from the intelligence agencies I am in no position to comment with authority. Both nations remain in a cold war and nothing will change that except the resolution of the Palestinian issue.

In case you haven't noticed I'm a random dude on the internet, I can't really call Mossad to account on a defence forum or in real life. Why do I need to condemn Israel in every thread or conversation, my views about it are known and I don't have to go on a rant.

As to the nature of what Mossad is doing in Egypt or in the Sinai, I can't tell you. We can all speculate, which is what this thread is doing but without any (direct) information whatsoever from the intelligence agencies I am in no position to comment with authority. Both nations remain in a cold war and nothing will change that except the resolution of the Palestinian issue.

What's the whole point of your over exaggerations? It's simple, this is an Egyptian intelligence report and we discuss what we make out of it/think of the development. It seems you usually make things out of all Egypt related national security threads except when Israel is involved. If you're like that sure go ahead be like that.
What's the whole point of your over exaggerations?

There aren't any over exaggerations anywhere.

It's simple, this is an Egyptian intelligence report and we discuss what we make out of it/think of the development.

What I make out of it is simple, a number of Egyptians were arrested for collaborating with an Israeli intelligence agency. This isn't surprising due to the relationship between the two countries, both nations spy on each other, its only natural for states to use assets at their disposal to gain as much information as possible about both allies and enemies.

It seems you usually make things out of all Egypt related national security threads except when Israel is involved.

What on earth are you talking about?

I can comment with authority on matters related to the current security situation in Egypt because there's adequate information upon which I can build opinions and make assertions. There literally isn't any information other than the arrest of these men and an accusation and so I can't build opinions or make assertions about this singular case nor about the work of clandestine organisations or agencies. I can speculate, but there is no reason for me too
and multiple members including you have already speculated about the role these men played. I see nothing of value that I can add.

If you're like that sure go ahead be like that.

Why are you always on the attack? calm down a little.
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There aren't any over exaggerations anywhere.

My problem is you came out in a way trying to distort my intentions

What on earth are you talking about?

I can comment with authority on matters related to the current security situation in Egypt because there's adequate information upon which I can build opinions and make assertions. There literally isn't any information other than the arrest of these men and an accusation and so I can't build opinions or make assertions about this singular case nor about the work of clandestine organisations or agencies. I can speculate, but there is no reason for me too and multiple members including you have already speculated about the role these men played. I see nothing of value to add.

Actually, two main points were made:

1. They interfere/possibly involved in smuggling operations to mark weapons going to Gaza and to cause corruption amongst smugglers to screw over Hamas. I can elaborate on this more because I know what this is about.

2. Collecting intelligence on Egyptian forces and where they're stationed. This is what I want to know about and you as an Egyptian probably should elaborate more on that or we can at least speculate because why would this be necessary? Do they plan to target Egyptian forces through their proxies and throw blame elsewhere? Why?

Why are you always on the attack? calm down a little.

I'm fine don't worry we don't need to attack each other.
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