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Egypt blacklists Hamas armed wing as ‘terror group’

Israel always keeps conflict ongoing to disturb the Palestine Statehood. Mean while taking over the lands of Palestinians.

Settlements are the biggest problem which are being constructed beyond the Green line.
Another point of discussion:-

Gaza has several other 'resistance' groups, such as Islamic Jihad, why has the Egyptian court or state not listed those as terror organisations?

If it was as simple as the current Egyptian admin wanting to 'destroy the resistance' would they not have branded or listed all these organisations as terrorists? Is it because Hamas/AQB has deep ties with the MB while other groups do not? Or are there particular grievances between the Egyptian state and Hamas relating to the Sinai, or perhaps other security issues?

Is it because Hamas/AQB has deep ties with the MB
also from what i know is that the group with the best ties with MB is "The Islamic Army" headed by Mumtaz Durmush, the group is small but very cruel (The Durmush clan).

the interesting issue is that they did not listed as terrorist organisation.
@Falcon29 ?
Settlements are the biggest problem which are being constructed beyond the Green line.

That shows Israel will never abandon its plan to expand.

Only reason Israel abandoned Gaza was that Gaza is infertile and highly populated. Open prison as we may call it. Just putting them in such small area, and putting barriers around them, Israel got free of its +1.500.000 Muslim populace.
That shows Israel will never abandon its plan to expand.

Only reason Israel abandoned Gaza was that Gaza is infertile and highly populated. Open prison as we may call it. Just putting them in such small area, and putting barriers around them, Israel got free of its +1.500.000 Muslim populace.

I think shortly after the peace treaty with Egypt . State of Israel was working to gain more land around Jerusalem and later wanted to transfer Gaza to Egypt and West Bank to Jordan and get security guarantees. But Both Jordan and Egypt are stick to the peace treaty which was drafted by State of Israel that both these countries will not interfere in Palestine. And this is the reason that International community is working for the foundation of Independent Palestine State. EU and United States have played a big role since 2005.
I think shortly after the peace treaty with Egypt . State of Israel was working to gain more land around Jerusalem and later wanted to transfer Gaza to Egypt and West Bank to Jordan and get security guarantees. But Both Jordan and Egypt are stick to the peace treaty which was drafted by State of Israel that both these countries will not interfere in Palestine. And this is the reason that International community is working for the foundation of Independent Palestine State. EU and United States have played a big role since 2005.

France recognized Palestine. Within weeks, charlie hebdo was attacked. Antagonized Muslims in the eyes of Frenchmen.
"I swear to god the Shias are more honorable than you, you lowly people, you agents.."

@haman10 @kollang @ResurgentIran @rahi2357

After making that comment he has the audacity to beg for other Iranians to come to help him. :lol:

Yes keep.helping Palestinian 'Sunnis' terrorists group hamas, before doing that you should know the hatred they have for you shias, they only accept your support/arms because they have absolutely NO OTHER CHOICE. All Arab/Muslim countries either consider them terrorists or shun them/give them some lip service when israel rightly bombs them for their rocket attacks on Israel. I'm OK with these Muslim/arab countries policy, after all, what good can come out from supporting a radical sunni terrorists group like Hamas. You recently saw how they supported you opponents FSA,All nisra and other of their terrorist Sunnis rebel groups in Syria against the Syrian government and Iran, yet you still arm/support them, while your people suffer the effect of sanctions/isolation because of this foolish decisions your mullahs take. Loool. Keep on your support since you are the flag bearer of the so called 'Muslim/Palestinian ' cause. :rofl: While these Sunnis laugh at your back and call you heretics/devils. :devil::butcher::haha:
The same way kurdish apes beg the west for support

Your dogs say that they are the only people pro america to gain support on the other hand you are nothing more than barbarians who have high rate of honor killing you try to show the world that you are civilized:lol:

Why you are always jealous of Kurdistan you sub-human chain slingger. This discussion is about the Palis. Go away to the Iranian forum.

But just so you understand, Kurds are not begging the west for Support. The west is WILLINGLY providing support to us.
Italy bolsters role against ISIS, provides arms and training for

Why you are always jealous of Kurdistan you sub-human chain slingger. This discussion is about the Palis. Go away to the Iranian forum.

But just so you understand, Kurds are not begging the west for Support. The west is WILLINGLY providing support to us.
Italy bolsters role against ISIS, provides arms and training for

lol are you joking, all of us want you leeches out but you're stuck to us. It's not us holding you onto us it's you leeches staying. Besides anyone with a brain knows that entire show right there was set up to pressure Maliki back 6 months ago.

Sucking American nuts
Love, American Style: Iraq's Kurds fans of all things US, Bush | Fox News
Even Hz. Muhammad (SAV) had a christian in his family. Husband of his daughter was christian.

So yeah, it is perfectly normal and in Islam, it is perfectly tolerated to have more than one religion in families.

Dude, "being an islamist" is a good thing.

I am highly offended by you having used the phrase "being islamist" as if it is an evil/bad thing somehow.
Being an Islamist is a bad thing its the same as being called a Christian fanatic.
To b a devout Muslim is a good thing but being an Islamist is a bad term and doesnt mean to be devout but to be aggressive and intolerant.
Why you are always jealous of Kurdistan you sub-human chain slingger. This discussion is about the Palis. Go away to the Iranian forum.

But just so you understand, Kurds are not begging the west for Support. The west is WILLINGLY providing support to us.
Italy bolsters role against ISIS, provides arms and training for

No you miss understood me mountain ape

When turkey wanted to phuck you
Your people start to beg the west for protection from turkey

By saying you are pro west I don't know who you try to fool

The west and turkey have older relation than you do

Turkey is already pro west and more important to the west than donkeystan

I don't need to go to iranian forum to need to go there not me right IRANIC Kurd
Yes keep.helping Palestinian 'Sunnis' terrorists group hamas, before doing that you should know the hatred they have for you shias, they only accept your support/arms because they have absolutely NO OTHER CHOICE. All Arab/Muslim countries either consider them terrorists or shun them/give them some lip service when israel rightly bombs them for their rocket attacks on Israel. I'm OK with these Muslim/arab countries policy, after all, what good can come out from supporting a radical sunni terrorists group like Hamas. You recently saw how they supported you opponents FSA,All nisra and other of their terrorist Sunnis rebel groups in Syria against the Syrian government and Iran, yet you still arm/support them, while your people suffer the effect of sanctions/isolation because of this foolish decisions your mullahs take. Loool. Keep on your support since you are the flag bearer of the so called 'Muslim/Palestinian ' cause. :rofl: While these Sunnis laugh at your back and call you heretics/devils. :devil::butcher::haha:

They support Hamas/Palestian to win influence of Muslims around the world and at home and it did seem to work until the Syrian civil war. I still don't understand what they really gained from influence of Muslims worldwide except for some positive attitude of some Muslims towards Iran.
lol are you joking, all of us want you leeches out but you're stuck to us. It's not us holding you onto us it's you leeches staying. Besides anyone with a brain knows that entire show right there was set up to pressure Maliki back 6 months ago.

Sucking American nuts
Love, American Style: Iraq's Kurds fans of all things US, Bush | Fox News

Says the chain slingger living in the WEST about sucking nuts. Yes we love America and Bush and so what? in Kuwait the Arabs were naming their boys after George bush senior when Kuwait was invaded.
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