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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Thats not my logic,thats how you want to see it.


bozo operates on 'discredit by all means' policy.

Nazi party was democratically elected,but under what pretext?
What were the social dynamics in Germany throughout 1930's?

Iran is also a democracy, unlike Pakistan where elections can be engineered to whatever saudis or Americans want, bozo should learn to digest it.

M.Brotherhood is going to become energized and strong as more people will sympathize with it,seeing it as a victim and will grant the 'benefit of the doubt.'
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As far as I know Sunnis also follow some fiqhs like from Abu Hanifa, Ahmad Hanbal and Al-Shafi etc, I do not follow any of them.

And yes, it is CAR but KN is St. Kitts and Nevis. They're not accurate as I wanted to remain anonymous :whistle:
well I don't welcome this dictatorship through 1st creating unrest and then giving deadline and throwing away the elected government……
by looking at Obama polices and decisions around the world and their implication , somebody my ask himself how much of his belief is due to the teaching he received in Shariah run Madrassa in Indonesia . the ones that their ideology gave birth to people who participate in Al-qaeda activities

Obama can fool the majority of Americans. But most muslims know he is a Sunni Muslim extremist determined to establish the bloodsucking Caliphate.
Why else would he have an Islamic name?
Why else would he oppress the Shia Muslims and kill Christians all over the Middle East?
That is because Buttsahib you missed what the author meant. The author meant that the MB despite many of their members considering democracy kuffar won power through democracy and now that they have been forcibly removed despite that they will see that they system many of them loathe is not for them and will instead use violence if they feel threatened. Go back and read it again.

Mamba Bhai, I didn't miss the point or at least I don't think I did; the Muslim Brotherhood like its sister organization the Jamaat-i-Islami in Pakistan has been committed to getting their 'view point' institutionalized through the ballot ever since the time of Hasan Al Banna !

What I took exception to was the way in which the author, perhaps unwittingly...perhaps otherwise, choose to bracket all Parties who talk about 'Political Islam' in the same category as those who consider 'Democracy' Kuffar. If one were to read their manifesto & the writings of Banna - They don't consider Democracy as Kuffar or anything like it so I don't know what the author meant by 'many of their members considering democracy as Kuffar' ! :unsure:

I also gave the example of the Jamaat-i-Islami, here in Pakistan, which is more or less the South Asian version of the Muslim Brotherhood - They, unlike other Parties in Pakistan, have had internal party elections in a free & fair manner as far back as I can remember.

My contention was that whereas I don't agree with either the Brotherhood or the Jamaat, I recognize that they have talked about 'democracy' & the 'democratic process' in the past & the present & it would be erroneous of us to suggest otherwise !

The above is what I was alluding too @illusion8 !

And Mamba, if you contradict me again...you'll be on your knees begging for death & I being the merciful Lord Butt-Emort, I am, will oblige ! :angry:
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Obama can fool the majority of Americans. But most muslims know he is a Sunni Muslim extremist determined to establish the bloodsucking Caliphate.
Why else would he have an Islamic name?
Why else would he oppress the Shia Muslims and kill Christians all over the Middle East?

You are just full of hate regarding muslims trying to divide.
Iraq playing awesome. They have some great youth talent. I think as Iraq is getting up on its feet, it can develop better football infrastructure to really develop their talent further.

The East Asia (Korea, Japan etc) just have better political and econimical situation so they can be ahead of many aspects of life, including sports. Hopefully we will see gradual change in this.
I think talentwise in general West Asia is better than East Asia.

Actually to be honest then that was only the case like 40-10 years ago when KSA dominated the Asian Cup of Nations took part in 4 World Cups and Iran were also quite good back then. Other than those two countries only Egypt were close but their success has mostly been in the last 10 years. Oh, and they are a African team who compete in the African Cup of Nations.

Other than that no other Western Asian teams were any good.

Compare then South Korea and Japan today or in the last 10 years. Japan has now won 4 Asian Cups and now 1 more than both KSA and Iran. They have taken part in every World Cup in the last 4 editions.

South Korea too. They even reached the semifinal of the World Cup in 2002 at home and only lost the bronze game to Turkey.

Also look at all the players from Japan and South Korea. A lot of them play for top clubs in Europe. Nobody does that from West Asia.

The KSA league is strong though (Asian standards) and teams from KSA have won the most Asian Champions League tournaments in West Asia but that is another story than the national teams. Still football teams (club) from Japan and South Korea have won more Asian Champions League's.

Also East Asian teams are also better technically in my opinion.
Undemocratic nations welcome the stifling of democracy.... It figuerers....
Mamba Bhai, I didn't miss the point or at least I don't think I did; the Muslim Brotherhood like its sister organization the Jamaat-i-Islami in Pakistan has been committed to getting their 'view point' institutionalized through the ballot ever since the time of Hasan Al Banna !

What I took exception to was the way in which the author, perhaps unwittingly...perhaps otherwise, choose to bracket all Parties who talk about 'Political Islam' in the same category as those who consider 'Democracy' Kuffar. If one were to read their manifesto & the writings of Banna - They don't consider Democracy as Kuffar or anything like it so I don't know what the author meant by 'many of their members considering democracy as Kuffar' ! :unsure:

I also gave the example of the Jamaat-i-Islami, here in Pakistan, which is more or less the South Asian version of the Muslim Brotherhood - They, unlike other Parties in Pakistan, have had internal party elections in a free & fair manner as far back as I can remember.

My contention was that whereas I don't agree with either the Brotherhood or the Jamaat, I recognize that they have talked about 'democracy' & the 'democratic process' in the past & the present & it would be erroneous of us to suggest otherwise !

The above is what I was alluding too @illusion8 !

And Mamba, if you contradict me again...you'll be on your knees begging for death & I being the merciful Lord Butt-Emort, I am, will oblige ! :angry:

Considering that Mamba would just maim you on a whim, that's an unwise thing to declare.

Btw..DOWN with Mursi- he wasn't an Israel appreciator!! :D
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I cannot pretend to be in agreement with the policies of U.S. gov'ts towards Egypt since 2006 or so. That doesn't mean that Obama is a Sunni extremist, or that Mubarak was Bush's stooge. Rather, successive Administrations tried to have as little to do with Egypt as possible, thus refusing to take the bold steps necessary to assist its people in their struggle for liberation.
Im disappointed but not surprised. Establishment of tyrany makes good business sense!
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