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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Yes he was and I think its a testament to how capable the man is going from a simple Anti-tank specialist commando officer to the youngest member of the SCAF and in charge in arguably the most important seat in it after the commander of the armed forces. I may be exaggerating because of what happened just now but I will leave you to judge.
i dont have any doubt in his abilities, but one thing is for sure that Morsi wasnt expecting this from him :P
Turkey is in the Middle-East.

Iran ? do you think Iran can ever be a successful democracy ?

Pakistan ? They just had their first democratic transition in 66 years of their history. Pakistan is not in the Middle-East.

Turks have been secularized for over 80 years now.

Iran is not really a middle eastern country, I see our culture more as something close to central Asia!

Pakistani used to be chilled too, until very recently.

Iran can be democracy, but it will be in chaos for at least couple years, because different factions will kill each other!
muslims are not from mars... as @RiasatKhan pointed out already.. bangladesh, malayasia and indonesia are doing quite well.

Bangladesh ??Already 20+ coups, counter coups and failed cops and counter counter coups.
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LOL! conspiracy loon.

Shias, Jewish and Zoroastrians are celebrating at the white house!:cuckoo:

All of them celebrating together in white house tells a lot about the intentions- thanks for memtioning that trouble maker-

Wondering when shias will celebrate revolution against khomeni in white house with the jews-
Sinking lower and lower typical signs of desperation :victory:

No desperation here Pal.

Just having fun with an immature kid.

Grow up and then come back for a rational argument.

I can't argue with ahle Bait Madrassa kid who has been fed Ayatollah nonsense.
Yes, large historical Arab regions across the Arab world or just the Arabian Peninsula does not have coastline but only marsh like areas, oasis, wadis or small rivers. For example most of the groundwater in Iraq comes from underground rivers from Najd and Hejaz (highlands) and from nearby Iran I believe. The Euphrates and Tigris rivers start in Turkey and in the mountains there to both ultimately flow in the Gulf.

Hejaz has all kind of landscapes. Long tropical coastline, hundreds of islands, high mountains, steppe, desert and green/tropical areas.

Well, I actually believe that the Arab world should unite instead of constantly developing to more smaller regions. People think of dividing Yemen, Iraq and KSA which I find wrong. Now Syria. All that region has a common Semitic past and today the culture is very similar. Just look at Europe. Much more diverse and they are united even though they have kileld each other for 1000 years. Alone WW1 and WW2 they killed 100 million of each other. That is like all of KSA, Iraq and Yemen combined. Just 70 years ago.

That Greater Syria is quite strange. Sinai does not really fit. It is mostly inhabited by Egyptian Bedouins, Israel is out of question, Palestine too I believe, Jordan too.

Cyprus? Not even Arab. Turkish and Greek. What about the Kurdish areas in Syria and Iraq? We can all dream but I believe that it is utopia.

I never knew that countries like Morocco and Algeria hated each other and were enemies. Just look at some of their forums. Surprised me greatly. Just look at all the Arab rivalry constantly.

Even Iraq and Syria were enemies for 30 years despite both being neighbors and ruled by Arab nationalists (Ba'ath).

Qatar and KSA are competing with each other.

Closest to an real union is the GCC I believe.

Anyway the day and age of Arab nationalism (SSNP are Arab nationalist from what I know of) have ended long ago. Syrian nationalism is just Arab nationalism disguised as the philosophy of Greater Sham (Syria/Levant)

Oh, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia just congratulated the Egyptian people.:yay:

Yzd: I still find Qatar annoying. Where did they come from? Are they any different from Saudis living in the Eastern Province? Imagine all the extra oil and gas we could have?

Its based on an empire thousands of years ago, demographics were different, Kurds, Turks were not at those lands yet, at least Turks were not, Kurds maybe in small numbers.
Only that party would achieve it means by fascist ways, its sign even is like the nazi sign.. too much nationalism they will bring war which will ruin everything.

Qatar is like Kuwait protected by a superpower, both countries have US military bases making it nearly impossible to change it.
They will not allow unification cause it will pose a threat to them, imagine if the US did not take Saddam out in 1991 and do nothing, eventually it will become a major threat to Israel, their end maybe.
There is going to be a third revolution in almost as many years- dont you think you have just mentioned a truth?-

nope.. this is transition... sh*t happens during transition.. you cant just run in one day.... first few times you will fall down..
the idea that muslims do not like democracy is a myth..
What you need to understand is that some Middle Eastern countries with large number of minorities need a dictator, to protect the country and everyone that lives in it! You don't understand certain sect of islam asks people to kill everyone!

Nice and Egypt with 90% Sunni Muslims and almost non existance Shias qualify in that category-
Did you had your medicines today confused baboon?-
they think new leader will not be anti shia like MB or will not interfere in syria by some means

they are wrong even a bigger dictator will bring more caos in the region and will be a stooge/puppet of army

Egyptian and Egyptian army wants no part of being involved in sectarian wars.Pakistanis Love of destroying ones country to please the Arabs is not shared by civilized people.
Turks have been secularized for over 80 years now.

Iran is not really a middle eastern country, I see our culture more as something close to central Asia!

Pakistani used to be chilled too, until very recently.

Iran can be democracy, but it will be in chaos for at least couple years, because different factions will kill each other!

Central Asia in particular the Kazakh Steppe is also the original homeland of Persians!

Then stop constantly meddling in Arab/Semitic/Middle Eastern matters and making threads about Arab internal matters day and night.

Are you really a woman? If so, don't you have something better to do? Did you not live in California?

Look at me or the Arabs here. How many threads have we made about Iran? 10? You alone have made 20 about Egypt, KSA and other Arab countries just in the last two days!
only a matter of time.

A president of a new country needs military support. Best if he is also a military man.

Washington was, Napoleon was, and all the Chinese presidents of the warlord and Sino Japanese war as well as after was. Mao was also.

The Japanese Meiji revolution people has a military background.

Morsi has no military power, only a matter of time before he is done. He was given the impossible job to begin with.

The military before had no cause to kick him out, and doing it bluntly would be too much at that time even for the military to handle.

Now, it is the perfect time.

Egypt shouldn't make the mistake of China and lose that one man who units the military and thus country. If he is gone then anarchy will truly begin. And the warlord era in Egypt wil lstart.

Hopefully it won't come to that.
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