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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions


Morsi out, might need a different airliner company though.

Islamist Domino Working In Reverse Effect - Egypt's Day - SyriaNews
Its based on an empire thousands of years ago, demographics were different, Kurds, Turks were not at those lands yet, at least Turks were not, Kurds maybe in small numbers.
Only that party would achieve it means by fascist ways, its sign even is like the nazi sign.. too much nationalism they will bring war which will ruin everything.

Qatar is like Kuwait protected by a superpower, both countries have US military bases making it nearly impossible to change it.
They will not allow unification cause it will pose a threat to them, imagine if the US did not take Saddam out in 1991 and do nothing, eventually it will become a major threat to Israel, their end maybe.

Well if it is based on the Semitic Assyrian Empire then it need to include large areas of current day KSA and Egypt. I believe that in this time and age that it is a utopia.

Regarding Kuwait and Qatar then I believe, from what I remember, that they were British protectorates. According to sources then the ruling Kuwaiti family has ruled Kuwait for 300 years and likewise the Al-Thani family in Qatar (also approximately 300 years). But I have also heard rumors about some Arabs and Qataris that the current branch of the Qatari rulers are Indians originally.

Just imagine the whole Arabian Peninsula with Jordan (sometimes included and sometimes not geographically - politically it is). That would be a real power and sit on nearly all of the natural resources in the region and large parts of he entire world's resources. Or even if Iraq was part of it too and parts of Syria.

Or just like nature/geography (the earths plates)


Funny how well it correspondents with the Arab homeland. Even the areas of Iran that belong to the Arabian Plate are partially inhabited by Arabs. The Turkish areas too. How strange!

But of course today's Kuwaitis even though nearly all of them are either originally Arabs from KSA or Iraq (there are also smaller parts of Kurds, Baluch people, Africans, Iranians etc. although all of them combined barely make 5 or 10%) would not want to join neither of them since they have no reason to share all their wealth with big populations.

This is why Qatar is the richest country in the world. Ordinary Qataris are extremely rich and live like super rich people do everywhere else.
Pretty much OK,

Democracy is not superior to other form of rules under all circumstances. It is just one of the systems which some Lefties have elevated to the position of religion along with their other mumbo-jumbo.

Egypt started with a revolution against a Dictator-
Later They had their democratic leader- yet they dissent-

Now they are gona use another Dictatorial rule to help reinstall another democracy-
Wtf with the people-
What about Pakistan ? and some African Muslim countries ?

Again most prominent muslim countries in Africa also have oil and are in close proximity to the middle east.......but the good thing is they are in active transition towards democracy......Tunisia,Libya,Egypt are among them....Morocco,Siera Leone,Senegal are democracies....the only exception are Algeria and Sudan!Pakistan is an unique case and it has always faced unique problems.But I don't understand why it turned out to be dictatorial for a huge part of its existence!
Shias are NOT enemies of Sunnis or any other religion. Look what has happened to Pakistan because of Your way of thinking. GROW UP.

I know hearing the truths always hurt, but @Pakistanisage is burning from the inside everytime he sees the majority of the Syrian people being killed by .....
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Very happy that our fellow Muslim and Arab/Semitic brothers and sisters in Egypt have conducted a relatively peaceful regime change. Let us hope that the new constitution will be approved by the vast majority, that all parties of Egypt will reach a consensus and that the MB will not be isolated since they represent nearly 50% of the Egyptian people and it could be very dangerous to totally exclude them from power.

Egypt faces extremely many problems and people should unite on improving ALL of Egypt and not just stick to their own ideological dreams.

Anyway we need a stable Egypt in the Arab world and we, at least those in KSA trust our neighbors across the Red Sea to do the right things especially the Egyptian military whom we have had tremendous relations with for decades and just conducted a big military exercise in Hejaz together with our Pakistani brothers and sisters.:pakistan:

Oh, King Abdullah of KSA just congratulated the Egyptian people and Egypt with their choice and the new interim-president.:yay:
Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz congratulated the newly-appointed Egyptian interim President, Adly Mansour.
He said that “wisdom and prudence” safeguarded the rights of all parties in the political process.
Meanwhile, the United Arab Emirates is following with satisfaction the developments in Egypt, UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan said on Wednesday.
He said that his country is confident that the Egyptian people will be able to overcome the current difficult situation “to reach a safe and prosperous future,” the Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported on Wednesday.
The UAE foreign minister also said that the Egyptian army proved that it was a “strong shield” and “protector,” which – he added – guarantees the country embraced all components of the people.
He also said that the UAE will continue to strengthen its bilateral relations with Egypt.
Jordan also commented on the latest developments in Egypt, Al Arabiya correspondent reported. The kingdom said it respected the wishes of the Egyptian people as well as the role of the armed forces.
The Egyptian army chief, Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, ousted Islamist President Mohammad Mursi on Wednesday and announced the head of the Supreme Constitutional Court caretaker leader.

Saudi king congratulates Egypt's new interim president - Alarabiya.net English | Front Page

KSA being the biggest Arab economy will surely help our brothers and sisters and neighbors across the Red Sea if Egypt wishes.

Qatar is annoying the whole Arab world.
I know hearing the truths always hurt, but @Pakistanisage is burning from the inside everytime he sees the majority of the Syrian people being killed by .....

Alqaeda which are....

enough with your BS... Syrians are killed because of the west and their puppets who send weapon, which will only add more bloodshed... not a GCC puppet ever called for peace...
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you are taking a very small time frame to arrive at conclusion.. the transition happened only recently.. if you were posting it during 1800s you would have said.. indians only like to be ruled by foreigners ...
what do you think about buddist countries then.. majority of them live under authoritiarian regimes.. or strong military ..does not mean they like it...

Small time frame?- No- see the bigger picture-

History speaks for itself-
Muslims have always thrived under one leader- a sort of dictator-
And that was corrupted by the fitna invented and exported by the west called Democracy-
Behold Democracy where we muslims are at now?-
Lowest after centuries of dominance-
Egypt started with a revolution against a Dictator-
Later They had their democratic leader- yet they dissent-

Now they are gona use another Dictatorial rule to help reinstall another democracy-
Wtf with the people-

It is not an ideal situation but Elected dictators should start to fear their people, the lack of which is biggest hindrance to development of a stable democracy in middle east. Morsy ideally should not have acted like a$$hole and found middle path in constitution framing.

As the saying goes " Aag ko pani ka dar hona zarrori hai".
I know hearing the truths always hurt, but @Pakistanisage is burning from the inside everytime he sees the majority of the Syrian people being killed by .....

You know Brother, I hate Hypocrisy and Injustice.

I support Syrian people because they are weak and the animal Hafez Al Assad and his ignominious Son destroyed their lives and oppressed them for nearly 40 + years.
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