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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

I dont think Mobarak might be sentenced to jail. At last he will be completely freed and play good police role in politics against Pissi's bad police role to foool people in Egypt.
Mobarak will participate in election as MB stand banned and Mobarak will reach out a fake frendship hand to MB supporters against Pissi staff. Later both dictators will agree to carry on old order.

I just could say one thing about Egypt. "Expect what unexpected in Egypt."

Judiciary system of Mozambique or Papua New Guine more advanced and fair than judiciary of Egypt.
There is no other better way than the ruling goverenment which elected by majority of people through democratically election.
As long as dictators insist on ruling the country by army power it will may take many more decades till Egypt could reach at stability. This is the bitter truth.

Yes, the 85 year old man who's had several strokes and is practically on his death bed will make a triumphant return to politics and run in elections.

Not to mention that Mubarak was purely a man of honor, with all of his goods and his bads. I understand how you people had gone through, and I respect the will of the Egyptian people, but during Mubarak's days, I visited Egypt myself and the law and order were maintained 24/7.

It comes as no surprise to many that the court couldn't introduce enough evidence against him to remain behind bars, but it most certainly did with his son and 5 senior politicians.
you know maybe in the past i would disagree with you but now i know better the future is what matters no one gets all he want and sometimes what we want isnt right i used to think the brotherhood can build that after mubark is gone Egypt will be heaven i later find that politics change everything these who were playing the victim card have became worse than the former regime after seeing death in the street to change Egypt i helped to bring these people to power the people who said to hell with Egypt the same people who said if you dont like it leave and this is our country the extremsts who think they are better than Egyptians and made everything worse mubark with all his mistakes had red lines he wont never cross
Expect tomorow in the news:

Secret meeting between West and Qatar to destabilze Egypt.

Conversation with a Morsi supporter

FNOTW searches for the voice of the people involved in the conflict. This is a conversation through Facebook with a Morsi supporter, named Mahmoud.

Egypt (Conversation with Mahmoud, a Morsi supporter) -- Mahmoud is a member of the Facebook group that supports the previous President of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi.

FNOTW: What do you think caused the protests in Egypt?

Mahmoud: Sisi took advantage of his power and turned against the country's legitimate president, Dr. Mohamed Morsy said the outside world it but the revolution is already a bloody coup which kills all those who oppose or violates killer dictator Sisi and arrested all Boukhafah.

He said he did it for the will of the people for any will of the people talking.

FNOTW: Are you inside Egypt? Are you near cities that violence is the most extreme?

Mahmoud: There is no extremism but the army and the police just kill us. Lot of people have been killed me in demonstrations.

I was going to Rabaa El Adaweya many times. There were people out there with the utmost peaceful but genocide happened to them by the army, the police. I am now in Abu Zaabal. Detainees inside the prison ابوزعبل were tortured and killed and burned.

Does this satisfy the international community? Are you happy?

But we will remain peaceful!

FNOTW: Could you tell me why do you support Morsi?

Mahmoud: It is important that he won the election, whether won in any proportion. This is the first civilian elected president in Egypt, so it was a fight of all state institutions, a Chorth army and the judiciary and media. They do not want him to succeed to try to return the Mubarak regime again.

Where is the law that governs now in Egypt? We are now without identity Sisi destroyed Egypt and destroyed the law. Egyptians have the right to practice politics. He won parliament elections and won and the Shura Council and the presidency by a large margin.

FNOTW: What is the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt?

Mahmoud: Exercising his political group is far from Mohamed Morsy. Muslim Brotherhood does not interfere in the affairs of governance, but of course has an impact on Morsi.

FNOTW thanks Mahmoud for this conversation.
Tamarrod: The leadership of egyptian army betrayed the nation, and has never been with the revolution

Tamarrod Army leaders are primarily responsible for the destruction of evidences to condemn Mubarak and his regime

The idiots are waking up.

Attorney General opens investigation against founders of Tamarrod for trying to "spread chaos" by demanding public trial for Mubarak

Epic! :omghaha:
Top Muslim Brotherhood member and former MP Ahmed Abu Baraka was arrested by Egyptian security forces Thursday in an apartment in the Sayeda Zeinab district in central Cairo.
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Yes, the 85 year old man who's had several strokes and is practically on his death bed will make a triumphant return to politics and run in elections.


when poor Mubarak ousted forcibly by people he was 83 years old and had no any intention to give up his throne..do you believe he have seriously changed his mind within 2 years??.

Any how, What about 2.nd scenario: Mr.Morsi will be freed together with Mubarak in order to calm people down..
Mubarak and Pissi are family freinds..It was Mubarak wife Suzan had Pissi met with his current wife.

not forget that reality. as lonf as majority of people live under persecution no comfort for minority. the most fair way out for Egypt is a democracy that convince majority of people..Of course, tthere is no any democracy that satisfy 100% of people and never will be exist..That is why i say RESPECT MAJORITY AND SAVE MINORITY in my signature..
when poor Mubarak ousted forcibly by people he was 83 years old and had no any intention to give up his throne..do you believe he have seriously changed his mind within 2 years??.

Any how, What about 2.nd scenario: Mr.Morsi will be freed together with Mubarak in order to calm people down..
Mubarak and Pissi are family freinds..It was Mubarak wife Suzan had Pissi met with his current wife.

not forget that reality. as lonf as majority of people live under persecution no comfort for minority. the most fair way out for Egypt is a democracy that convince majority of people..Of course, tthere is no any democracy that satisfy 100% of people and never will be exist..That is why i say RESPECT MAJORITY AND SAVE MINORITY in my signature..

He was going to be replaced by his son, Gamal.

The banality.

It was a scandal by the authorities, disgrace :hitwall:




note: sharm el sheikh is popular for tourist.

So this look alike admitted being Safwat Hegazy, had the national ID of Safwat Hegazy, sounded like Safwat Hegazy but he isn't Safwat Hegazy?

It's over. I always thought you were trivial but this took the biscuit.
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