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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions


He normalized Egypt's relations with Iran, and the Egyptians didn't like it. Some Iranians were locked up in jail, and their TV stations were closed down after the oust of Morsi, that's all.

I just want to know mursi's iranian stance brother.

You are spreading wrong info for the members.
Egypt never normalized relations with Iran, heck they even barely allowed few tourists because they were scared those tourists may be able to magically turn Egyptians in to Shias somehow.
On the other hand, Morsi had good relations with KSA and his first foreign diplomatic visit was to KSA.
He took exact opposite stance of Iran regarding Syria. He refused to open an embassy or Chargé d'affaires and in the end, he was betrayed by the same Arab 'brothers'.

I didn't like Morsi at all, but the army is just taking it too far now.
No neither sisi is kaffir nor the people who are supporting him. Stop this BS and stop this ideology that only disgraces the Muslims. You have no rights what so ever to call other people as kaffir. Stop this madness, any way I don't blame you, you were taught this salafi ideology.

I got ur point ok "homo muslim liberal in ur face !!" , for all I care u didn't masacred 3000 muslims in one day, and don't talk 2 me about disgrace !!
First of all, the fact that Egypt's opened the road to have an Iranian representative which had led to bring Iranian tourists mean the normalization had found its way in.

Did Morsi’s Flirtation with Iran Lead to his Overthrow? | FrontPage Magazine
Iran: Morsi overthrow 'improper' | Fox News
Egyptians demand an end to ties with Iran and 'Shia Islam' | Al Bawaba
Iran supports Morsi's initiative on Syria
Bad News for Israel: Iran and Muslim Brotherhood to Strengthen Ties
Egypt and Iran to foster trade ties - Daily News Egypt

Secondly, I don't appreciate bing accused of spreading wrong info.

You are spreading wrong info for the members.
Egypt never normalized relations with Iran, heck they even barely allowed few tourists because they were scared those tourists may be able to magically turn Egyptians in to Shias somehow.
On the other hand, Morsi had good relations with KSA and his first foreign diplomatic visit was to KSA.
He took exact opposite stance of Iran regarding Syria.
Who betrayed whom? Had KSA asked people to protests against him?

You are spreading wrong info for the members.
Egypt never normalized relations with Iran, heck they even barely allowed few tourists because they were scared those tourists may be able to magically turn Egyptians in to Shias somehow.
On the other hand, Morsi had good relations with KSA and his first foreign diplomatic visit was to KSA.
He took exact opposite stance of Iran regarding Syria. He refused to open an embassy or Chargé d'affaires and in the end, he was betrayed by the same Arab 'brothers'.

I didn't like Morsi at all, but the army is just taking it too far now.

Who's spreading wrong info to mislead members here?

Salafists attack residence of Iranian charge d'affaires in Cairo - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
Egyptian anti-Shia Salafists attempt to storm residence of Iranian charge d'affaires - Egypt - Ahram Online
You are spreading wrong info for the members.
Egypt never normalized relations with Iran, heck they even barely allowed few tourists because they were scared those tourists may be able to magically turn Egyptians in to Shias somehow.
On the other hand, Morsi had good relations with KSA and his first foreign diplomatic visit was to KSA.
He took exact opposite stance of Iran regarding Syria. He refused to open an embassy or Chargé d'affaires and in the end, he was betrayed by the same Arab 'brothers'.

I didn't like Morsi at all, but the army is just taking it too far now.
The army should attack them only if they shoot at the army or destroy property.
The army should attack them if they get violent (while I know the army is also savage and puppet). They are a threat to Copts, Shia and Secular and leftist Egyptians. Egyptian army knows these baboons.. if they are freed they will burn down churches and kill anyone who is against them.

im interested in the developing story, please can you keep graphic stuff in the cup board?


its too disturbing

If this was Morsi slaughtering 10% of what the military did, there would be no fly zone in Cairo.
The Egyptian military is not ready or willing to share power. They believe that MBs are conservative, hence the civilized world will look the other way when the get butchered.

no, its because they hold 40% of the egyptian economy, giving powers to civilians means less power and less revenue
Saudi involvement ? what Saudi involvement ? I'm sure the 30 million people that protested against the MP went to the streets and did it because the "House of Saud" told them (Sarcasm)
You need to stop watching propaganda channels and look at facts instead, or you will be nothing more than a brainwashed tool.

There were NO thirty million people protested against MP, that was another propaganda to begin with. As for whichever number showed in the street there had already been report Saudi and western money spent on them. Besides, house of saud was first to welcome sisi's coup and showered this genocidal dictator with billions. House of saud can employ many in internet to spread propaganda on their behalf but facts on the ground and blood on their hand is hard to wash off. Good luck though.
Saudis credited for Egyptian coup
Analyst says army's rebellion funded by Muslim Brotherhood opponents

WASHINGTON – The sudden Egyptian military coup to oust democratically elected but Muslim Brotherhood-supported President Mohammad Morsi is being viewed by regional analysts as a coordinated effort among Gulf Arab countries, led by Saudi Arabia, according to report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

“Perhaps the army and its Gulf backers thought that their ‘shock and awe’ coup, plus the MB’s leadership decapitation, would leave the MB and their followers ‘psychologically seared by defeat’ and appropriately docile,” according to Alastair Crooke, former MI6 analyst and Middle East specialist who oversees the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum.

However, familiar with being “victims,” the Brotherhood appears to be taking an opposite approach, developing a deep resentment and anger over the forced ouster of the president.

“Against all the odds, the MB perceive themselves as having come to power legitimately, and on the back of 80 years of patient groundwork,” Crooke said. “Yet, they still had expected to be deposed from office” after Morsi gave in to much of what the West sought, contrary to the Brotherhood’s own ideas on where to head Egypt in the future.

Crooke claims the army was behind pushing the opposition to demonstrate and demand Morsi’s ouster after only one year in office. He further claims the Army’s efforts were financed by the Gulf Arab states of the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, both of which oppose the Brotherhood and the spread of their influence in the Gulf.

He further indicated that the role of these Gulf states was at the behest of Saudi Arabia.

“It was the army which egged on the opposition to fashion a crisis of legitimacy narrative, well-funded by UAE and Kuwait, that would allow the army to intervene,” Crooke said.

The analyst believes the Brotherhood will not appear contrite or admit to mistakes during Morsi’s period of governing. Instead, he foresees the prospect that Brotherhood unrest will spread to the Sinai and into the Suez Canal zone.

Indeed, as the Brotherhood expands its violent demonstrations throughout Egypt, clashes are erupting between pro- and anti-Morsi factions in the Sinai as police stations have come under attack. Five policemen recently were killed by Brotherhood supporters in the Sinai city of el-Arish, say Egyptian security officials.

Col. Ahmed Ali, a spokesman for the Egyptian military, said the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to “pick a fight” with the military and “drag it to a clash in order to send a message to the West that what happened in the country is a coup and that the military is cracking down on the peaceful protesters.”

Anti-Brotherhood protesters are saying much the same thing, calling their supporters to hit the streets “to defend popular legitimacy” against what they call a “malicious plot” by the Brotherhood.

With the interim government now “Islamist-free,” Crooke sees Egypt being restored to “Mubarakism without Mubarak,” referring to the previously ousted President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, who had the full backing of the military until demonstrations brought the country to a standstill and caused his removal.

Read more at Saudis credited for Egyptian coup
There were NO thirty million people protested against MP, that was another propaganda to begin with. As for whichever number showed in the street there had already been report Saudi and western money spent on them. Besides, house of saud was first to welcome sisi's coup and showered this genocidal dictator with billions. House of saud can employ many in internet to spread propaganda on their behalf but facts on the ground and blood on their hand is hard to wash off. Good luck though.
Yes, saudis are 100% guilty in this massacre and MB should answer them. In this case, they could not use their anti-shia propaganda like in Syria because this time they were killing sunnis.

MB trusted salafist al-nour snakes and got bitten by them.
Yes, saudis are 100% guilty in this massacre and MB should answer them. In this case, they could not use their anti-shia propaganda like in Syria because this time they were killing sunnis.

MB trusted salafist al-nour snakes and got bitten by them.

Not only MB trusted the snake salafi al-nour, but also they trusted Sisi, Sisi has close ties with Saudi Arabia and his wife and his family members are all Salafis.

In the end the Salafis that are extension of Saudi Arabian foreign policy backstabbed MB.
Yes, saudis are 100% guilty in this massacre and MB should answer them. In this case, they could not use their anti-shia propaganda like in Syria because this time they were killing sunnis.

MB trusted salafist al-nour snakes and got bitten by them.

While Saudi involvement is clear, Iran should not take any line other than principal stand that no one should pursue killing for sectarian agenda or for dominance. This is time for Iran and Turkey take firm stand of leadership to unite middle east including non violent and democratic minded Saudis based on core Islamic values. If Saudis can see teaching of core Islamic value and turn around then they should have a place in leadership as well. But with house of saud, it is hard to see happening any time soon.

That is my 2 cent and wish.
While Saudi involvement is clear, Iran should not take any line other than principal stand that no one should pursue killing sectarian or dominance. This is time for Iran and Turkey take firm stand to unite middle east including non violent and democratic minded Saudis based on core Islamic value.

Iran, Turkey and Qatar are against the Coup and the massacre that took place yesterday.

Saudi Arabia, UAE, and other Persian Gulf states are pro-Sisi and military rule.

They see any form of elections as a threat to their own absolute monarchy.
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