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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

95% of the police Today were christians

They know the Christians will do the dirty work
1928-2013 :bounce:
Christian policeman praying after shooting muslims last month in the last minasa slaugher

1928-2013 :bounce:

islam rules the world by the promise of the Almighty with or without the MB n this is just the beginning
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One Girl gets killed in Iran: Obama condemns Iraq
Turkey uses tear gas to clear protestors from park: Whole whole condemns
Egypt Army MASSACARED unarmed civilians! Obama + World Silent

Shame on Jew funded, US allied, Saudi blessed Egypt Army!! 250+ killed so far!! My heart weeps with MB now

I wasn't a supporter of MB (niether Army) but now I am MB!
Christian policeman praying after shooting muslims last month in the last minasa slaugher

islam rules the world by the promise of the Almighty with or without the MB n this is just the beginning

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they say Hitler burned the jews for the sake of his people, well Sisi burned his people for the sake of the jews
"Establishing a stable democracy is a two-stage process. First you get rid of the old regime, then you build a durable democratic replacement. Because the first stage is dramatic, many people think the game is over when the dictator has gone. But the second stage is more difficult."

Egypt's Series of Terrible Governments, in One Chart - Olga Khazan - The Atlantic
95% of the police Today were christians

Is there a source to confirm this? If this is really true then, it is easy to explain, why the police and security force did not hesitate to kill Muslims. First the billionaire Copt Swairis manages the Tamarod movement, now Copts killing Muslims.

This reminds me of recent mostly Hindu Police killing Islamist peaceful protesters. Like Copts, Hindus are 9% of Bangladesh population.

And just like in Egypt, secular/Liberal Muslims cheered on the killing of peaceful Islamist protesters by security forces.
Syria 2.0, where the terrorism media will blame the Egyptian army of killing innocent people, while in reality it is either MB terrorists killing protests to blame the army, just like in Syria, or the Egyptian army is targeting terrorists just like in Syria...
Syria 2.0, where the terrorism media will blame the Egyptian army of killing innocent people, while in reality it is either MB terrorists killing protests to blame the army, just like in Syria, or the Egyptian army is targeting terrorists just like in Syria...

Are u a Christian?
Syria 2.0, where the terrorism media will blame the Egyptian army of killing innocent people, while in reality it is either MB terrorists killing protests to blame the army, just like in Syria, or the Egyptian army is targeting terrorists just like in Syria...

Oh come on it's not even the same thing

In Syria there were protests , but some of them were trained, and armed to attack the army and cause chaos. They had been in Turkey and Qatar planning a violent overthrow in Syria for since 2003!!!!!

I don't see armed protestors in Egypt. They don't get billion of weapons, they are not trained by neighboring countries to attack the army, there is no foreign fighters in Egypt...

I looked at all the picture and videos from Egypt, looks like peaceful sit ins! But the security forces don't even want them to hold peaceful sit ins.
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