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Egypt and The UAE Start Joint Military excercise "Ziyad-1"

No Sir this can happen with other religions to Islam Sir in Islam orders are their for everything and those have to be implemented and those who say this have no idea about Islam their knowledge of Islam is worse than Abu Juhal and other enemies of Islam because they knew Islam not just a religion but a whole system and that is why they fought against that and tried their level best to eliminate it

Can you tell me a book where these laws are written , ready to be implemented ?
Can you tell me a book where these laws are written , ready to be implemented ?
Read Quran and Sunnat they are full of laws and orders from government to economy to social norms and all other aspects of life Quran and Sunnat are full of orders and ALLAH has said in the Quran those who don't decide according to what ALLAH has sent are the actual Kafirs
Mr they are not failing you have tried to vanish them for past 60 years they are still their and these parties don't vanish under oppression in fact they grow more and Egypt will soon face most bloody civil war if it didn't mend its ways
before many including me was thinking that they are victimes now after seeing what they did in the 1 year they ruled and what they wanted to do i understand why this is happning
we can sacrifice a few for the nation to live this were morsi words
Saudi Deputy of defense.;)


before many including me was thinking that they are victimes now after seeing what they did in the 1 year they ruled and what they wanted to do i understand why this is happning
we can sacrifice a few for the nation to live this were morsi words
Sir go ahead and you are going to face same what we are facing Sir I know right now your leaders are too arrogant to see it but they will soon not only see it but will pay the most bloody price for next few decades
Sir go ahead and you are going to face same what we are facing Sir I know right now your leaders are too arrogant to see it but they will soon not only see it but will pay the most bloody price for next few decades

We can and have crushed them, unfortunately people like you are short sighted and can only see things through making a hole in the Holy Quran. You have no thinking abilities, no critical analysis, no hindsight capabilities, knowledge of political atmosphere, no idea of world politics, economy or military. You can only see things in the short term.

Egypt was right on removing MB but the military handled it poorly to be honest. There shouldn't have been a single death. MB is not an Islamic party, it's a party of hypocrites using religion to justify their lust for power. This has been seen right after the death of Holy Prophet (SAWS). Power corrupts, even the companions of the Last Prophet fought for power, misguided or not.
We can and have crushed them, unfortunately people like you are short sighted and can only see things through making a hole in the Holy Quran. You have no thinking abilities, no critical analysis, no hindsight capabilities, knowledge of political atmosphere, no idea of world politics, economy or military. You can only see things in the short term.

Egypt was right on removing MB but the military handled it poorly to be honest. There shouldn't have been a single death. MB is not an Islamic party, it's a party of hypocrites using religion to justify their lust for power. This has been seen right after the death of Holy Prophet (SAWS). Power corrupts, even the companions of the Last Prophet fought for power, misguided or not.
The stupidity these have done they will pay the price really very soon and Sahabas never fought for power stop barking shit against them they were far greater than you if you don't have any idea stop barking but what else to expect from traitors of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and Egypt arrogant leadership its making sure it country enters a bloody civil war and they will soon get their wish fulfilled
The stupidity these have done they will pay the price really very soon and Sahabas never fought for power stop barking shit against them they were far greater than you if you don't have any idea stop barking but what else to expect from traitors of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and Egypt arrogant leadership its making sure it country enters a bloody civil war and they will soon get their wish fulfilled

Hahaha you're a drone, not a thoughtful human being, you cant think for yourself so it's useless to talk to you.
Hahaha you're a drone, not a thoughtful human being, you cant think for yourself so it's useless to talk to you.
I think myself mr that fight among Sahabas was for Qisas e Usman not power struggle Mr you read half things and talk bullshit as enemies of Islam and followers of Abdullah bin Ubai too and you would soon see civil war in Egypt if they continued with this path against religious parties
I think myself mr that fight among Sahabas was for Qisas e Usman not power struggle Mr you read half things and talk bullshit as enemies of Islam and followers of Abdullah bin Ubai too and you would soon see civil war in Egypt if they continued with this path against religious parties

Religious prty cannot run a country. The sooner you realise that the better it would be. Until then you're helpless.
Religious prty cannot run a country. The sooner you realise that the better it would be. Until then you're helpless.
They can run a country far better than secular morons who have always destroyed Muslim countries religious people can run countries far better than them Seculars only loot and loot and do most heinous acts but USA pet dogs seculars always defend their daddy and its teachings even if it abuses their parents and family they feel proud
They can run a country far better than secular morons who have always destroyed Muslim countries religious people can run countries far better than them Seculars only loot and loot and do most heinous acts but USA pet dogs seculars always defend their daddy and its teachings even if it abuses their parents and family they feel proud

Lol see other secular countries,TURKEY, UAE, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, they are run by secular people. They are very successful. So your argument fails.

Lol see other secular countries,TURKEY, UAE, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, they are run by secular people. They are very successful. So your argument fails.

Brunei secular country WOW and which idiot told you Malaysia is secular country they are most fond of proving themselves as Muslim country and as for Indonesia it is matter of few years Islamic Revolution will be their and UAE secular for those not their nationals Mr In Malaysia in Malaysia only in valentine complete crackdown is done against Muslim couples if found dating they are arrested and thrown in one lady left Islam she vanished now known they have pretty much same kind of government which we have only Turkey is secular and it is slowly returning back and by the way Turkey has one of the highest rate of honor killings too so this shit never works
Brunei secular country WOW and which idiot told you Malaysia is secular country they are most fond of proving themselves as Muslim country and as for Indonesia it is matter of few years Islamic Revolution will be their and UAE secular for those not their nationals Mr In Malaysia in Malaysia only in valentine complete crackdown is done against Muslim couples if found dating they are arrested and thrown in one lady left Islam she vanished now known they have pretty much same kind of government which we have only Turkey is secular and it is slowly returning back and by the way Turkey has one of the highest rate of honor killings too so this shit never works

Honor killings in the name of Islam, haha isnt it beautiful?. I lived in UAE it is a secular country. Have you lived their? NOPES. You cant speak on it so keep quiet. Been to Malaysia, secular country with little Islamic sprinkles. Cracking down on kids celebrating V-day doesnt make it an Islamic system. Brunei is secular when it comes to its politics. Internal policies arent Islamic and just as I said it is ISlamic only in name ( if hving Islamic punishments is Islamic system then i pity your ignorance). Please talk about countries you have actually visited, not bullshit internet stories.

There is no basis of killing someone leaving religion ( Islam). Find me one ayah. Hadees. Or anything to actually EXPLICITLY state such a thing. Not maulwee 2 number fatwa. Come on man, try harder.

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