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Efforts increase to prevent interfaith marriage in India

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Man, your imagination.

The guy i quoted is fond of imaginative stories and conjecture. He postulates the Du in Urdu to have come from Sumerian context.

You, could imagine self driving socialist cars but cannot grasp simple dynamics of humans and their relationships to each other.
Blame the "Muslims" not Islam....
Actually, I totally understand and agree with your point but we can only judge the product we have before us. Currently what we have before us is an ineffectual caricature of what a progressive Islam should have been 1400 or so years after its inception.
Unfortunately what we see before us is what Muslims have collectively created, and what they have created is not fit for purpose in this day and age.
Socialist my backside
Name me a socialist who abuses curses degrades and spreads lies on a school child just for going to get an education to better herself ?

Socialist you don’t know the meaning of the word nor the movement .

Don’t make me laugh 😆

1. Seventeen-year-old misinformed and misguided Muskan is not a child by any natural and rational reasoning. Nor are her 16-year-old and 17-year-old burqa'ed colleagues.

2. Education is meant for acquiring knowledge which also should serve to liberate the student from historic political, socio-economic and social wrongs, disparities, irrational prohibitions and irrational impositions. Is Muskan liberating herself ?

3. I will name one Socialist, Nasser, who prevented the Western-agent mullah movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, from imposing the burqa on Egyptian females and for that and other things the MB tried to assassinate him. Watch this fine little speech of him from 1966 talking about his meeting with the MB chief on the burqa matter. Note the reaction of the audience.

The guy i quoted is fond of imaginative stories and conjecture. He postulates the Du in Urdu to have come from Sumerian context.

I was talking about your mocking talk of my holy matrimony with Karl and not Karla.

You, could imagine self driving socialist cars but cannot grasp simple dynamics of humans and their relationships to each other.

Can you elaborate ?
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1. Seventeen-year-old misinformed and misguided Muskan is not a child by any natural and rational reasoning. Nor are her 16-year-old and 17-year-old burqa'ed colleagues.

2. Education is meant for acquiring knowledge which also should serve to liberate the student from historic political, socio-economic and social wrongs, disparities, irrational prohibitions and irrational impositions. Is Muskan liberating herself ?

3. I will name one Socialist, Nasser, who prevented the Western-agent mullah movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, from imposing the burqa on Egyptian females and for that and other things the MB tried to assassinate him. Watch this fine little speech of him from 1966 talking about his meeting with the MB chief on the burqa matter. Note the reaction of the audience.

I was talking about your mocking talk of my holy matrimony with Karl and not Karla.

Can you elaborate ?

Lol you know nothing lol
Actually, I totally understand and agree with your point but we can only judge the product we have before us. Currently what we have before us is an ineffectual caricature of what a progressive Islam should have been 1400 or so years after its inception.
Unfortunately what we see before us is what Muslims have collectively created, and what they have created is not fit for purpose in this day and age.
Muslim countries actual situation is a result of last century occupation by the west, alienation, thefts, borders created, cancer (israhel put in Muslims body) dictators put in place,.....

Unfortunately we need 1 or 2 more educated generation to get rid of that bs created by the west and theirs regimes .....
2. Education is meant for acquiring knowledge which also should serve to liberate the student from historic political, socio-economic and social wrongs, disparities, irrational prohibitions and irrational impositions. Is Muskan liberating herself ?
What we have to remember is that social liberation is a process and not an event.
A girl like Muskan, who has been brought up in a conservative household and religious community is not going to be able to shed her conservative thinking just because she is going to school or college.
The process of education will give her the tools to analyse and dissect. She will then start her adult life journey and start to be influenced by what she sees and experiences. It is these experiences coupled with the analytic tools that will determine how and where her mind will end up.
Even then there are no guarantees.
We just have to look at how many highly educated rabid Hindutvadis we see on Indian TV and in Indian society in general to appreciate how difficult a task this is.

Muslim countries actual situation is a result of last century occupation by the west, alienation, thefts, borders created, cancer (israhel put in Muslims body) dictators put in place,.....

Unfortunately we need 1 or 2 more educated generation to get rid of that bs created by the west and theirs regimes .....
One or two generations isn't going to do it.
If anything, we're going the other way.
What it proves is that religious bigots , regardless of which religion they follow, are two cheeks of the same backside.
A jahil is a person who doesnt follow Islam (in classic sense of the word), I do. simple as that. Feel free to marry off your sister and daughter to hindus.
A jahil is a person who doesnt follow Islam (in classic sense of the word), I do. simple as that. Feel free to marry off your sister and daughter to hindus.

"To marry off". Do you consider your female relatives to be something you own, like a cell phone that you can sell ?
"To marry off". Do you consider your female relatives to be something you own, like a cell phone that you can sell ?
I follow the Quran. The Quran says that permission by guardian must given, in case of females. Besides, since you are not a Muslim, it doesnt and shouldnt bother you.
"To marry off". Do you consider your female relatives to be something you own, like a cell phone that you can sell ?
btw, allowing/not allowing someone to do stuff doesnt imply ownership. your boss doesnt allow you to go on leave does that mean he owns you like a slave or property? your country does not allow you to bring in money from abroad until and unless its through the system that it has created, does that mean you are a slave or are a property of your president/pm? your logic is severely flawed.
Muslim men strictly speaking can marry women of Abrahamic religions such as Judaism and Christianity, known is Islam as “People of the Book” but Muslim women can only marry Muslim men.

However, many scholars agree the men can only marry the aforementioned non-Muslims if there is a lack of Muslim women they can marry.
The only thing classic about your reply is the attempt to insult and shame on your own warped terms and by your own warped values in order to preserve your own warped cultural practices.
Seeing as you've chosen to bring my sisters and daughters into this (I won't lower myself by mentioning yours) then let me just tell you what I wouldn't do.
What I wouldnt do is bundle them off, in the guise of marriage, to be maritally raped on their wedding night by a complete stranger, who she probably doesn't like the look of, she certainly doesn't know and probably makes her skin crawl, not because it's the best thing for her, but because it's the best thing for her family.
Or alternatively, someone that she knows but she probably called "bhai" up until the time somebody decided that she should become "bhai's" wife, in order that the family assets could be kept in the family.

Any father's first priority should be the social, psychological, physical and aspirational welfare of his children, not the perpetuation of, and indulgence in, the cultural norms and traditions of a regressive, and quite frankly, broken society.
not my warped values or cultural practices, genius, its in the Quran, and I as a Muslim follow it. and why feel so angry if its a warped attempt and you dont believe in it? chor ki daarhi main tinka?

you are btw deflecting now by going on a rant about the ills of culture, since you dont have any religious ground to defend your original position of interfaith marriages. Like I said, feel free to implement in your family what you are preaching to others, dont say anything when they run off and marry hindus and christians.

also, you are the one who started with personal attacks (by calling me a bigot a jahil, which you obviously are more than me), dont start a fight if you cannot tolerate the response.

your post simply sounds like whataboutism, just because the desi culture is toxic, therefore you should respond by doing more wrong, by allowing them to marry people of other religions. MashaAllah, that is a good approach to life.
Muslim men strictly speaking can marry women of Abrahamic religions such as Judaism and Christianity, known is Islam as “People of the Book” but Muslim women can only marry Muslim men.

However, many scholars agree the men can only marry the aforementioned non-Muslims if there is a lack of Muslim women they can marry.
I think this is what he @S.Y.A is talking about- so according to this post it seems restrictions are in place for men too when it comes to marriage with other Abrahamic religions - it must be under special circumstances of lack of Muslim women to marry

I am not going to take a side just clearing up his perspective and where he is coming from

What it proves is that religious bigots , regardless of which religion they follow, are two cheeks of the same backside.
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Inter-marriage is ok for the sanghis if it's a Muslim girl and a Hindu man, as she won't be producing any more Muslims (their words).
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