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Efforts increase to prevent interfaith marriage in India

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It's not about partition but a cult which is fundamentally erected on the premise of superiority complex inducing vicious hate for other's faith.
If you love idols, you are ignorant.

If you hate idols, you are genius.

- The only true God invented 1400 yrs ago

We cannot tolerate your idols of hate, we always told Indian Muslims hindutva extremism will try to destroy them, attack them and try to force hindutva poison upon India and partition of India was the only way

Indian Muslims were stupid, they trusted the idea of a one united India, now as the Hindu poison spreads they are forced to fight back

We are entering a interesting phase, Indian Muslims have hit back and are organising and preparing, Hindu poison is being spout against them and their is REAL partition on the ground

Indian Muslims will not allow your idols of hate to be forced upon them
The holy grail of holy cult.

A Híndu girl Tejaswini (23), a B Pharmacy student was allegedly gang ràpèd by her MusIim lover Sadik(32) and his friends and made it look like a suicide.

She was found hànging with a chunni in Sadik's farmhouse while her legs touching the bed https://t.co/cGa2BeSKtW

I know how paedophile lovers deflect the blame on others without accepting the real hate codes are in holy book

Not a single day passes without news of some new muslim Hate Crime in India.

Udaipur: Zakir Hussain, Nazim Shaikh and Shoaib caught cooking meat on the terrace of a Hanuman Mandir, arrested after devotees outrage

Islam is for all times, all places, what's wrong with you ????

You said in a previous post that you are a Muslim, was is a typo?

It's difficult to tell whether he is a communist or Muslim since each is an anti-thesis to the other. What can be safely said though is he is a nutjob. For more perspective, you are free to suffer the pain of reading his endless previous posts.

What I am basically trying to say is, ignore him.
It has really flatten the earth...
Cult has been synonymous with terrorism anarchy supremacism riots rapes etc...
It is perfect cocktail to turn normal human into zombies.. The drilled notion & psyche that drives zombies in general that we are here teach & correct whatever means we deem fit including sword.
Yes we are terrorists but not rapists. You even have temples where prostition is encouraged.
Wonder why you are still drinking cow urine
Oh if only you father has used a condom.

Enjoy rape you rapist
Yes we are terrorists but not rapists. You even have temples where prostition is encouraged.
Wonder why you are still drinking cow urine
Oh if only you father has used a condom.

Enjoy rape you rapist

Latest from Mathura, UP.

Dolly Kumari killed by live-in partner Pappu Khan in Mathura, in yet another murder of a Hindu woman in an interfaith relationship

Latest from Mathura, UP.

Dolly Kumari killed by live-in partner Pappu Khan in Mathura, in yet another murder of a Hindu woman in an interfaith relationship

Indian problems...deal with it. You claim to be multicultural
It's difficult to tell whether he is a communist or Muslim since each is an anti-thesis to the other. What can be safely said though is he is a nutjob. For more perspective, you are free to suffer the pain of reading his endless previous posts.

What I am basically trying to say is, ignore him.

Seems you are a 20-year-old Tableeghi nutjob who hasn't had enough education either from his family or his school or from the environment or from books or from the internet.

What is your age ?
Indian problems...deal with it. You claim to be multicultural

We have been dealing with it for the last 1000 years. Now we are on stronger grounds to take action, Which is why there is such loud protest in pdf.
judging from this thread
Wow Indians really dislike- dislike Muslims lol 😂 :lol: :lol:
Ruhaani paedophile as inventor to institution of halala makes it's more apt to be called with...
Check your case, it will surprise you, a by product of family cocktail of h*l*la..
Why r u you here?
Go to Indian sites

We have been dealing with it for the last 1000 years. Now we are on stronger grounds to take action, Which is why there is such loud protest in pdf.
Yes...then take action stop talking shit.
Those that can do and those that can't just talk. And you are talking
This is a forum for talking, is it not ?

Spreading awareness is Action.

This is a forum for talking, is it not ?

Spreading awareness is Action.
So you come here and disrespect people and call it talking and spreading awareness.
I suggest you fix India. You have so many problems in Hinduism itself. Ie rights of women and dalats ... thagvyou can never fix them let alone talk to anyone else.
I won't waste time so I am going to block u
So you come here and disrespect people and call it talking and spreading awareness.
I suggest you fix India. You have so many problems in Hinduism itself. Ie rights of women and dalats ... thagvyou can never fix them let alone talk to anyone else.
I won't waste time so I am going to block u

Who did I disrespect ? I posted Facts and news.

Why did you feel the need to associate yourself with criminals in my feed and feel disrespected ?

Why don't you fix the problems in islam before preaching to me ? Start with pakistan and then maybe Taliban.

Take your own advice and stop preaching.
Dolly Kumari killed by live-in partner Pappu Khan in Mathura, in yet another murder of a Hindu woman in an interfaith relationship that has, of course, nothing to do with communalism https://t.co/RV1ddSz76Z
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