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Educated Indians' support for Modi is a sad let down

I agree Nobody votes for a crazy person, Modi or Gobi. Its a non starter. Clearly you point was not that. Still I will let that slide.

I also agree no one votes ONLY to protect cows. That too is a non starter.

Since we are not discussing Mutually Exclusive ideas, what is your point ? The voter know what he was getting into when he voted for Modi. Now he is getting what he voted for.

So why the sudden pretence of surprise that there is something NEW being served after the elections were over ?
Dude, you started this by chewing me out when I made the point that people voted for Modi because they want to see a modern India, the religious pride part was only part of the package and by no means the main reason he won the election. You see aggression everywhere, when in fact I am being quite reasonable.
LOL.... now that I like :D ........ Jamahir would make a handy addition to this slave force. He's a lazy bum, but nothing a long whip can't solve :P

how do you know this commie slave force including jamahir won't go "ek dhakka aur do..." on any such proposed construction?? :D
May be you purposefully skipped the idea of that words - That quoting says - Non-Hindus must assimilate into Hinduism. No separate existence, that is what RSS wants. I personally am respectful to Hindu culture neither see mine different from theirs. But, the fascist idea of genocide or 2nd class citizenship for minorities - that is what those sentences meant.

Dude can you point me to an RSS link that supports Dhimmitude to Chrisitans and Muslims? Your are trying to throw petrol on the fire. I am a minority too, no one has stopped me from worshipping as I please or voting in elections or wearing what I want. Have some gratitude to India, we are lucky to be born here, look what they do just across the border.
Dude, you started this by chewing me out when I made the point that people voted for Modi because they want to see a modern India, the religious pride part was only part of the package and by no means the main reason he won the election. You see aggression everywhere, when in fact I am being quite reasonable.

LOL....My style is aggressive. Sometimes I am without meaning to be. :P
We'll give you a lovely Sanghi pat and you'll go all "purrrrr" :p:

not possible...



of course.

not sicko but someone sensible who is sick of seeing these things...


)) warning, sad content.

Female foetuses in Beed fed to dogs to hide evidence | Daily Mail Online


@haviZsultan , you were asking about my hatred for dogs... ^^^ plus they kill cats and that too in a cruel manner over 15 to 20 minutes.
Your hatred for dogs is unjustified. Like humans, a dogs behavior/actions also depends on his temperament, breed, environmental conditions during adolescence, etc. So if you see a German shepherd/Pit bull/mongrel attack a Kid, you would be wrong to assume that all dogs are dangerous.
Your views are analogous to believing that all humans are to be hated if one were to see a few snuff films online or the atrocities committed by the other humans.
I reckon your hatred might have evolved from your environmental conditions or your religious beliefs and probably not of your own volition.
- will gaddafi's rotten corpse rise too?

And what happened under UPA?
no rapes, no terror attacks, no scams no nothing?
I am not against bjp or any party all I want is a peaceful future to india
I bought it up only because he said kerala is not safe for women because of communist party please check previous posts before labeling me

Weren't you citing communist China's example in previous post, can you share how China grew without FDI?
Because of communist no one will question when they copy but in india differ every one will come up against so tech will notbe transffered
Communist kerala survives by provide wage slaves to work in the desert for Arab sheiks. ....... the end result is Alcholism and unsafe streets for women 95% of who feel unsafe in kerala roads.

Utter BS

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