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Educated Indians' support for Modi is a sad let down

No excuse will wash away your character flaws.

It does not matter if the Arabs are silent or non silent partners. You cannot do business in the gulf if you do not have a arab senior partner. You are second class citizens.

I can see that your hate for Hindus has mutated into hate for India...... and no, Modi does not lift any of India's "cloth" for any kind of fcuking. ..... that is what your priests specialise in. Lifting robes for the Vatican. Fcuking pervert.

Your rant about nokia plant has nothing to do with anything dip$hit.
Way better than being second class citizens in your own country

Fdi means you will be slave in your own country

Now talking about relegion I cant come to your standerd sorry for not yousing bad language against your relegion
Way better than being second class citizens in your own country

Fdi means you will be slave in your own country

Now talking about relegion I cant come to your standerd sorry for not yousing bad language against your relegion

Only Retards think FDI is slavery :lol: ............ thank god retards like you vote for CONgress. Maybe that is why we never had FDI in CONgress rule and No FDI in Kerala.

I don't need your apology nor your crocodile tears. You are free to follow your own code of conduct as I am going to follow mine.
Your hatred for dogs is unjustified. Like humans, a dogs behavior/actions also depends on his temperament, breed, environmental conditions during adolescence, etc.

by your own reasoning, on the street among other dogs, a dog will turn to its inherent properties.

and what are those properties??

cruelty, aggression, preference for gang living and gang attack, male homosexuality, noise, brutal attacks on humans, killing of cats by torture, filthy habits, liking of eating humans.

any pet dog living within a house environment will revert to its inherent properties when released into a street gang.

So if you see a German shepherd/Pit bull/mongrel attack a Kid, you would be wrong to assume that all dogs are dangerous.

the vid in my post rests among two article links which speak of dogs which come in the "all dogs" category.

from chandigarh to bangalore, india has seen thousands of attacks by dogs on humans every year since the issue became more spoken since 2007 or 2008... it was always there but not spoken of.

Your views are analogous to believing that all humans are to be hated if one were to see a few snuff films online or the atrocities committed by the other humans.

among humans, we do make distinctions and punish those criminal... among dogs are no distinctions to make... all dogs revert to their inherent properties

besides, 99 percent of pet dogs are dangerous to anyone outside of their masters... the vid is proof and i was chased by a pet pomeranian during my childhood while its masters stood laughing... psychos !!

look at the beed article where freely-roaming dogs enjoy eating foeticide-aborted female foetuses... there have been cases known in mofussil towns where dogs have entered hospitals and taken away infants.

I reckon your hatred might have evolved from your environmental conditions or your religious beliefs and probably not of your own volition.

the religion part supplements my natural fear and hatred of dogs along with my natural love for cats and my natural inclination against anything aggressive and cruel.

please not that my "religious beliefs" do not include praying and fasting.
Only Retards think FDI is slavery :lol: ............ thank god retards like you vote for CONgress. Maybe that is why we never had FDI in CONgress rule and No FDI in Kerala.

I don't need your apology nor your crocodile tears. You are free to follow your own code of conduct as I am going to follow mine.
So you are here to play if you dont love you anti indis or congres lover card thats ok
what if I say iam not a congress supporter I know you will call me app supporter or communist all you want is hatred amongst the community

And can you elaborate what good can fdi give us
And I dont want fdi in kerala because we dont want to destroy our natural resources for some money my personal opinion

And the sorry is not for hurting you silly feelisgs its for the inability to come to your standerd
I wont defame Hinduism becase I know Hinduism
there is no more educated india, sadly it is being replaced with racist extremist india
there is no more educated india, sadly it is being replaced with racist extremist india

Wow, "real expert opinion". Mate worry about Educated of your country. At least here, they are not shot, humiliated in name of religion....
So you are here to play if you dont love you anti indis or congres lover card thats ok
what if I say iam not a congress supporter I know you will call me app supporter or communist all you want is hatred amongst the community

And can you elaborate what good can fdi give us
And I dont want fdi in kerala because we dont want to destroy our natural resources for some money my personal opinion

And the sorry is not for hurting you silly feelisgs its for the inability to come to your standerd
I wont defame Hinduism becase I know Hinduism

Anyone is free to love CONgress for whatever reason. religious or self interest or both.

And FDI provides quick capital for development projects at a MUCH lower interest rate and risk.

You have not hurt my feeling, it cannot be hurt by views of any bigot. but expect the same response if and when you abuse India or Hinduism.
how nice... you didn't even address the links and the vid.

sanghis don't have concern for humanity one bit.

see the last section of this post.

why should it?? there are living people to spread the ideology and work towards "world jamahiriya".

irony was that in the citizens' protests after the 2012 amaanat rape/torture case, some sanghi groups came with their obscene flags and chants, supposedly in support of amaanat... these were the same thugs and psychos who had beaten up ladies in a mangalore disco in 2009 and subsequently set loose a reign of "moral policing" terror in mangalore and elsewhere ( orissa, for example )... the lawyer for amanaat's torturers, m. l. sharma, later made anti-human statements that were very much in line with sanghi ideology.

by the way, sanghis owe their current existence to the congress party so sanghis should profusely thank congress party every day... if in 1947 or later, the socialists would have taken over the system...

but we must, for the good of humans and cats.

in russia is this people's movement ( Russian Doghunters Have No Nightmares ).

now, i have shot at dogs with a .22 air-rifle and the pellets didn't kill them... so i am confused which gun was used by the above person.

in new iraq ( Baghdad Stray Dogs Problem: Officials Have Killed 58,000 In 3 Months ).

in china from just a few days ago ( Chinese district: Get rid of your pet dogs or we'll kill them - CBS News )...

that's the spirit !! :enjoy:
In Pakistan too. We exported many dogs to South Korea where they would be eaten. So you aren't the only one with a dislike of dogs. Btw by exporting dogs to korea we earned quite a it too. There are around 40 dog bite or rabies cases every day in Karachi... so dogs can be a problem-stray ones.

The pet ones as long as they aren't bred with wolves are okay too. But everyone has his likes and dislikes. I don't like dogs but I don't want to cull them though.
A Freudian slip ....

This is the very reason why Modi is hated by "Eminent Indians".

It IS largely a caste thing.

Hindutva is fighting the battle more within than without.

Also, there are different versions of Hindutva colored by the pet prejudices of where the proponents come from, and what language they speak.

I am a keen observer of this phenomenon, more online than offline admittedly.

commies are feeling the heat.

Extremely irritating woman.

Its not fair that God did not make you pretty.

But don't take it out on us woman.

i was chased by a pet pomeranian during my childhood while its masters stood laughing... psychos !!


No offense Jamahir, stop being a skit, and stand your ground next time.
And the sorry is not for hurting you silly feelisgs its for the inability to come to your standerd
I wont defame Hinduism becase I know Hinduism

Thank you for being mature and calm (like many of my close Xian friends are).
In Pakistan too. We exported many dogs to South Korea where they would be eaten. So you aren't the only one with a dislike of dogs. Btw by exporting dogs to korea we earned quite a it too.

hmm... then india would earn millions by export the unspeakables.

There are around 40 dog bite or rabies cases every day in Karachi... so dogs can be a problem-stray ones.

40 cases is bad.


No offense Jamahir, stop being a skit, and stand your ground next time.

firstly, it is no joke to be attacked or chased by dogs... imagine yourself being witness to a four-year-old child being attacked by eight unspeakables and he or she being dragged away to another road to be bitten all over, the face torn, the flesh eaten etc.

yes, i have stood my ground since.

for instance, one stupid neighbor's dog which particularly is aggressive with me tried to kill me a few years ago... those idiot neighbors many times leave the dog unchained outside the gate... i was passing by and the dog came close and began jumping one feet from my face... if i had turned my face, it would have gone for my throat... i had a pen with me and was ready to attack its eyes if it touched me... a deadly incident that was... and that unspeakable has bitten a young man some months ago but still the idiot neighbors don't get it killed or even chain it up most times.

another time, it was night and there were some seven to eight dogs barking incessantly in a intersection nearby... i went to chase them away and they surrounded me... but i stood my ground... one indication to their non-loyal nature, whether to humans or to each other, came when i threw a stone at one of them and it squealed and the others turned to attack it.
Man if a Pomeranian attacks me, there will be the instep of my boot either under his jaw or belly and 1 Nos. Pomeranian flying through air.

As I said, stop being a skit.

No offense Jamahir, stop being a skit, and stand your ground next time.
you did it, doc, shrink to nahi ho ? :lol:

you found that moment in jamahir's history where a -ve experience as a child shaped his world view and he started hating dogs, that, and that they're supposedly "haram".. a lethal combination of life experience and indoctrination.

I can see it now, little @jamahir running scared shitless as his friends rolled over laughing as their pet pomeranian chased him round the block. :rofl:


they do have a bad temperament and can easily be of a nasty disposition, most small dogs actually, lhasa apsos being amongst the worst :tsk:
Man if a Pomeranian attacks me, there will be the instep of my boot either under his jaw or belly and 1 Nos. Pomeranian flying through air.

As I said, stop being a skit.

i don't know what "skit" means but i was age 10 or 11 then.

you found that moment in jamahir's history where a -ve experience as a child shaped his world view and he started hating dogs, that, and that they're supposedly "haram".. a lethal combination of life experience and indoctrination.

i naturally like cats and that also contributes to shaping my world-view.

I can see it now, little @jamahir running scared shitless as his friends rolled over laughing as their pet pomeranian chased him round the block. :rofl:

my friends were fearfully standing stiff a distance away and i later joined them.

the ones sniggering and laughing were the dogs's masters, about three people, if i remember correctly.

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