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"Eat Pork or stay hungry", new right-wing government in French towns tells Muslim Children.

It is entirely possible for a human to live only on vegetables, but that's not how we were designed. In evolutionary terms, human beings are omnivores. If your only food source is vegetables you'll get malnutrition.
Okay answer me one simple question. Why do you guys cry and whine when a human is killed or eaten by a tiger or man-eater animal?
India has the highest malnutrition rates on the planet (and low life expectancies), and 1 billion Indians could not win a single Gold medal in the last Olympics (worst performer on a per capita basis). Even tiny countries with populations of only a few million can win multiple Gold medals. Yet a billion Indians could not.

It is entirely possible for a human to live only on vegetables, but that's not how we were designed. In evolutionary terms, human beings are omnivores. If your only food source is vegetables you'll get malnutrition.
I am a hardcore omnivore but disagree on this fact. This guy is a veggie and he won a bronze in the 2008 olympics. Malnutrition is due to extreme poverty and lack of balanced diet.

I am a hardcore omnivore but disagree on this fact. This guy is a veggie and he won a bronze in the 2008 olympics. Malnutrition is due to poverty and lack of balanced diet.

1 bronze medal for a billion Indians isn't really a convincing story. Tiny countries with only a few million people can win multiple Gold medals.

And we're talking about the last Olympics.
If people are ready to run halal shops or serve pork free dishes in their restaurants,why bother?
I Knew that below picture is about to come in use.

LOL, even in Chinese culture, farmers historically didn't eat cows as gratitude for their lifetime of hard work.

But I am not a farmer, I live in a city (Hong Kong), and I live in the modern era.

Also, don't play the moral argument. Everyone knows that India is the world's biggest exporter of beef.
That's what scientists say:

BBC NEWS | Health | Children 'harmed' by vegan diets

Again, humans are classified as omnivores. No scientist would dispute that.
That is true, our ancestors did'nt climb up the food chain to turn into grass eaters :cool:.

Regarding the link there are several contradictory reports from BBC too on the supposed benefits of veggie foods, example:

BBC NEWS | Health | Vegetarian diet 'cuts heart risk'
BBC NEWS | Health | Vegetarians 'get fewer cancers'
BBC NEWS | Health | High IQ link to being vegetarian
So I would take these studies with a pinch of salt. To each his own, what matters is a balanced diet
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