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East Pakistan loss was a Political not a Military failure, says COAS

Yes, that was a strategy to hold a river position near Dhaka for a few days or weeks. By that time a resolution could be formulated for a peace accord and the UN forced Indian forces out of Bangladesh. But still we don t know the ammo situation.
I talk to a solder who served in East Pakistan...a foot soldier... said who we could fight when on the front Indian army and in the back Mukti Bahini attacking us... his word " jab pecha sa peet ma Bangali chori marta hon..tu ham kis ka lia larta " . stabbing dagger from the back ...
Not 100% understood (dont understand whats written in that quotes) but ammo, lines of supply should have been set up in strong holds to hold for enough time until supplies from neighbouring places are established.
in fact, I dont understand why ammo supplies should come from the western flank - why arent there manufacturing depots for ammo in the east?
also, you could have supply lines from Myanmar (if the opposing navy was blocking your ports).
Any number of creative solutions could be done if the army was prepared to defend and had a contingency plan in case of being over run.

You shouldnt need to wait for UN or anything. at the time Pakistan was equal in fact stronger than India in multiple areas. even the landmass/population size were comparable.
Every country has an army, but in Pakistans case the army has a country.

May this bastard one day face justice for his crimes against the people of Pakistan, in this world and the next.
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101% correct
Release Hamud-ur-rahman commission report then. It was a military failure as Bengalis were denied their rights since 1957-58. ML lost to AL in that election.
Hamood u rehman Only talks about events around 71.. East wing had already in spirit separated during late 60s.. there was a long bloody movement for rights and language in east wing since 50s. ..basically since the day jinnah called urdu as their national language. All that 23 year old history is not there in hamood ur rehman report.
Bangladesh should have been a separate country since day 1 .. as they didn't consider jinnah as their leader.
Had bhutto wanted to keep east he would have released mujib and west wing would have got back east after polish resolution was signed and land returned under Geneva accord.
He is not wrong. It was a political defeat and politician were the Generals. Cannot blame 34,000 troops, by all accounts they fought gallantly given the odds.
Aaj Bajwa nay jis jaga PPP ko mara haina.. cheekhain aasmaan tak arahe hain
This entire country and all it's institutions require ground up reform and strict meritocracy or it'll remain a backwards hellhole until it eventually collapses
Meanwhile when Hoodboy highlights this “Islam khatray mein hai!” For typical Pakistanis

Aaj Bajwa nay jis jaga PPP ko mara haina.. cheekhain aasmaan tak arahe hain
Maybe that is the idea
Take everyone down
Pak GDP was 5.9/expected 6 (April 2022). Now Pakistan is @ 85% (Nov 2022) default risk after installing these criminals corrupt traitors lot
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He is not wrong. It was a political defeat and politician were the Generals. Cannot blame 34,000 troops, by all accounts they fought gallantly given the odds.
Bhutto was the martial law administrator at that time.
Not saying Yahya was innocent but .. let's call spade a spade

COAS Gen Bajwa hopes political parties will review their 'behaviour' following army’s 'catharsis'​

Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa addresses the Defence and Martyrs day ceremony at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi. — Screengrab/YouTube/PTV News Live

  • Gen Bajwa advises political parties to accept election results so elected govt can take charge rather than "selected or imported".
  • COAS says true democratic culture has to be adopted in Pakistan by eradicating the climate of intolerance.
  • Says army is strictly committed to remaining apolitical.
RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa Wednesday said that the army had initiated its process of “catharsis” and expected that political parties would follow suit as well and reflect on their behaviour.
“This is the reality that there have been mistakes from every institution, including political parties and civil society," he said during his last address as the army chief during the Defence and Martyrs' Day ceremony at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi
“No single party can take Pakistan out of the current economic crisis,” he said, adding that lessons should be learned from such mistakes so the nation could move forward.
The COAS went on to say that a true democratic culture has to be adopted in Pakistan by eradicating the climate of intolerance.
“In 2018, using RTS as an excuse the winning party was called selected,” he recalled, adding that after being ousted via a no-confidence motion one party named the other as “imported.”
“We need to reject this attitude, winning and losing is a part of politics and all parties should have courage to accept their defeat or victory so that in next election instead of an imported or selected government an elected government is formed,” he maintained.
The COAS said that armies around the world are seldom criticised, however, Pakistan Army is often subjected to criticism.
“I think reason for that is the army’s involvement in politics. That is why in February, the army decided to not interfere in politics. I assure that we [the military] are strictly committed to this and will continue to be.”
He added that instead of welcoming this constitutional process, some factions criticised the military using “inappropriate and impolite language”.
The COAS said that criticising the army is the public’s and political parties’ right, but one should be careful with their choice of words.
General Bajwa said that a "fake and false narrative was concocted to instil a state of chaos in the country" and reiterated that the military leadership can do anything but go against the county
“Now an escape route is being taken from this false narrative. The senior military leadership is being addressed with inappropriate titles,” he added.
Berating the PTI’s “foreign conspiracy” narrative, Gen Bajwa said that it is impossible “or more appropriately this would be a sin” if the army would be sitting idly amid a foreign conspiracy being hatched in the country.
“The Pakistan Army had enough opportunities and resources to respond to this inappropriate invasion; however, the military leadership showed courage in the larger interest of the country while refraining from making negative statements,” he said.
However, Gen Bajwa warned that everyone should keep in mind that there is a limit to this patience, “I wish to move forward by keeping aside this inappropriate and offensive behavior against me and the army.”
Touching upon history during his address, the outgoing army chief said that he wanted to “correct” some facts regarding the events of 1971.
“1971 was not a military, but a political failure. Our army fought courageously in East Pakistan and made unprecedented sacrifices. The number of soldiers fighting was not 92,000 but only 34,000,” the COAS said highlighting the number were against 250,000 Indian and 200,000 Mukti Bahini soldiers.
He added that the sacrifices of Pakistan Army were also acknowledged by the Indian army chief.
“The nation has not acknowledged the sacrifices of these soldiers till date, which is a great injustice,” the outgoing army chief said while emphasising the military’s round-the-clock service despite criticism.
He added that the army has always served the country and the nation beyond its mandate and will continue to do so.
“Nations that forget their martyrs fade away. During times of war and peace, Pakistan Army is always engaged in defending its motherland with their lives on the edge,” he said adding that sacrifices of martyrs are behind peace in the country.
General Bajwa, during his address, said that the basic job of the armed forces is to protect the geographical boundaries.
At the onset of the ceremony, the COAS paid tribute to the martyrs of the armed forces and assured their families that the Pakistan Army will never leave the bereaved alone. He also apologised for the delay in the Defence and Martyrs’ day ceremony due to the floods.
“Firstly, I would like to pay tribute to the martyrs who are the pride of Pakistan while acknowledging the patience of their bereaved families,” he said, reassuring that the army will continue to fulfill their financial needs.
“I’m giving my last address as the army chief today... I feel proud to have served as the commander of this great army for six years,” General Bajwa said adding that the peace in cities and villages is accredited to the sacrifices of its martyrs.
Defence and Martyrs’ Day ceremony
The ceremony was postponed in September due to the catastrophic floods across Pakistan following heavy monsoon rains.
At the outset of the ceremony, a video highlighting the devastations caused by floods in Pakistan was played. The military soldiers, who contributed toward relief, rescue and rehabilitation efforts during the flooding, were paid tribute through the video.
A documentary titled Falah-o-Behbood was also played during the ceremony which was attended by serving and retired military officials at the GHQ. The documentary shed light on the military's efforts for the welfare of its soldiers and their families.
This was General Bajwa’s last Defence and Martyrs' day ceremony as Pakistan’s army chief and comes just six days before he is set to retire from the post on November 29.
He was appointed army chief in 2016 for a three-year tenure, which was extended by three years in after parliament legislated on the tenures of services chiefs on the orders of the Supreme Court.
Hamood u rehman Only talks about events around 71.. East wing had already in spirit separated during late 60s.. there was a long bloody movement for rights and language in east wing since 50s.
Sure... the stage was already set. I know blaming Franz for WW1 is stupid when the political tension for war was already there. Nonetheless, that triggered the war. Same Ayub and Yahya did, alongwith Bhutto and others.
Lastly, we can go about 'what if'. The culmination of east Pak into BD might have taken a decade delay or been less bloody or perhaps been prevented.
Bhutto was the martial law administrator at that time.
Not saying Yahya was innocent but .. let's call spade a spade
I believe you are missing A.A.K niazi and Tikka khan who royally fucked in east Pakistan and when the situation became untenable they buggered off and handed it to Bhutto.
Bhutto had his part to play in this debacle, but it was the institution that miscalculated the entire situation and the nation had to suffer a humiliating defeat.
Sure... the stage was already set. I know blaming Franz for WW1 is stupid when the political tension for war was already there. Nonetheless, that triggered the war. Same Ayub and Yahya did, alongwith Bhutto and others.
Lastly, we can go about 'what if'. The culmination of east Pak into BD might have taken a decade delay or been less bloody or perhaps been prevented.
Confederation was the way out and it was offered by ayub in 62 but Bengal elites refused calling pakistan to leave union if they want but east will not live like a younger brother in a Confederation.
Hindu minority and uber socialists had taken over the thinking capacity. Even their religious leaders like bhashani were pro socialist.While on our end bhutto was dreaming of ruling the whole country by himself.. this was one of the fronts of cold war back in the day.mukti bahni was trained by kgb to kill pro west urdu speaking population.. the whole context was that bihari bureaucracy was there to enslave them.
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