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East Pakistan loss was a Political not a Military failure, says COAS

In his last speech, General Bajwa deliberately mentioned the bitterest tragedy of East Pakistan, he added salt to the wounds of the entire nation and the Pakistan Army, and defended the traitor Yahya by stating wrong facts, knowing that till date, no military officer has done this dirty work. Not even named, a sinister attempt to corrupt the entire nation....
Nov 23, 2022

Oh he knows it very well. He will accept it because his family gets to loot the nation some more.

Why does he keep on wanting to loot the nation at the cost of getting bit by the same COAS again and again?

Oh I remember, because he can fck off to London at will.
NOVEMBER 23, 2022


RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Bajwa on Wednesday said that East Pakistan debacle was political failure not a military one and the nation must also remember the martyrs of the 1971 war, ARY News reported on Wednesday.

In his Defence Day speech, his last one as army chief, General Bajwa said during the 1971 war, 34000 Pakistani soldiers bravely confronted more than four hundred thousand troops of enemy in East Pakistan so the nation must not forget their sacrifices.

“A nation that forgets its martyrs, disappears from the annals of the history,” said COAS Bajwa.

General Bajwa was of the view that the army was targeted recently by some political forces with a “false and made-up narrative” and the institution, despite being in capacity to respond to it by all manner, stayed calm but “patience has a limit”

He said that he often wondered why Indian army, the one did the most human rights violations in the world has not become a “target of criticism by its people”.

“I came to the conclusion that it is because of army’s involvement in politics. So, in February last year, the institution decided that it will no longer interfere in politics,” said the COAS.

He added that the decision (of not interfering in politics) was also criticised by some unscrupulous elements.

“Everyone has right to criticism, but the language (used) should be careful,” added the COAS.

General Bajwa said that leaving the mistakes of the past behind, the army has decided to move forward and will urge the political forces to do the same in the larger national interest.

“People come and go but Pakistan is there to stay,” said army chief.


The COAS lamented what he termed ‘intolerance’ in the country’s political culture and said that after the 2018 General Elections, a political government was termed ‘selected’ by some over a RTS issue while in April, a government which lost the confidence vote termed its successor “imported”.

“It is time political parties promote democratic culture in Pakistan, learn to co-exist and keep aside their differences to put Pakistan on the path of progress,” said the COAS, adding that personalities and personal interests do not matter when the state’s interest is at stake.
Politicians were side lined under martial law the whole blame lies on Pakistan army East and West. Yahyaa Khan is completely to blame as Martial Law administrator at the time it was his responsibility and duty to ensure the territorial integrity and Sovereignty of Pakistan.
Why does he keep on wanting to loot the nation at the cost of getting bit by the same COAS again and again?

Oh I remember, because he can fck off to London at will.

The ringmaster runs the circus, and each act grabs the opportunity to serve themselves and their cronies while they can, until the ringmaster calls in the next act. Exactly the same thing will happen after the next elections as well. Nothing will change. (IK was just another clown show, no more and no less, in this circus allowed by the ringmaster.)
Indians picked their second fight with a country one fight of the size and went for the weakest part. credit to them where its due. they played it well and ensured we failed on all fronts political, narrative, diplomatic and military.

i know.. embarrassing losing from our former collies.
The ringmaster runs the circus, and each act grabs the opportunity to serve themselves and their cronies while they can, until the ringmaster calls in the next act. Exactly the same thing will happen after the next elections as well. Nothing will change. (IK was just another clown show, no more and no less, in this circus allowed by the ringmaster.)
the local ringmaster implements the policies of international ringmaster.
the shotgun wedding with Imran was never going to last. the ideology of both was poles apart.
Yes because army was handling the politics too. And guess what, army lost both in politics and militarily. So what r these guys good at? Property dealings?
the local ringmaster implements the policies of international ringmaster.
the shotgun wedding with Imran was never going to last. the ideology of both was poles apart.

Ringmasters do only what suits them and them alone. They act together only in matters where they align, and not in everything. That is just the way it goes. IK was a 100% locally grown and cut down vegetable.

"East Pakistan loss was a Political not a Military failure, says COAS"​

Truer words were never spoken! Every single word of the above statement is absolutely TRUE.

HOWEVER, it conveniently forgets the fact that for nearly a decade and half (or 13 years to be exact) leading upto the 71 debacle the the military leadership WAS the political leadership also!!!


BUT the Army Chief was also the political head! What to do Sir Bajwa--Pray tell us-- if at the end it's Generals who were responsible whichever way we look at it???
The ringmaster runs the circus, and each act grabs the opportunity to serve themselves and their cronies while they can, until the ringmaster calls in the next act. Exactly the same thing will happen after the next elections as well. Nothing will change. (IK was just another clown show, no more and no less, in this circus allowed by the ringmaster.)

But the clown does seem to have rattled the ringmaster somewhat.

Like an elephant that runs loose in between the act.
But the clown does seem to have rattled the ringmaster somewhat.

Like an elephant that runs loose in between the act.

Claims to that effect are being made, yes, but not really shown to be true. Everything remains the same thus far.
This whole episode is about small minded men, (aka Father In Law & Bajwa), whose busted ego could not take an independent PM, and who needed to find a safe exit after years of corrupt patronage and outright theft of Pakistan. Don't get fooled by anything else. These men are imbeciles and for their own small personal interests they have destroyed their own institution, and in that process hurt Pakistan severely. This man will bolt from Pakistan faster than Usain Bolt's 100M. His coming and goings from Pakistan will remain a mystery.

Till Pakistan changes the laws or enforces with rigor the laws on the books, like General officers cannot leave permanently the country after retirement for 6 years.
That no government pension for a non-Pakistani, or a non-resident. That NOC is required for any employment after 5 years of retirement. All asset declarations for 5 years after retirement. We have to be smart as a nation, otherwise our enemies will eat us up from the inside.

These positions as well as senior postings in Judiciary and Bureaucracy require such stringent diligence. Our internal ranks are swelling with TRAITORS!!!
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