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East Asian Culture Thread

Also about japanese food, I watch tv show in Indonesia. The host of the show said, originally sushi is from China...

Sushi is originally from Korea, not China. The Korean people learnt a few thing from China, then recreated them (such as sushi). I think that's what the host was trying to say. Then Korea exported sushi to Japan and taught the Japanese people how to cook.

As a matter of fact, all the Chinese cultural influences you see in Japan today have come about through this route. From China to Korea then to Japan. So you can say, Korea is the father of Japan.

Mahathir Mohammad makes me confused with his East Asian Community that means Asean + China, Japan, South Korea..etc :crazy:, sorry if I spoil the thread though :partay:

Who is Mahathir Mohammad?

bro, that thread seems to be dedicated for countries as china, japan and korea. we should stay out. let them.
Yes, let's leave it at that. We were like a couple but now divorced, and now it's all been the past. Vietnamese nowaday want nothing that resembles "Chinese" . Any celebration we may have had similar to Chinese is Vietnamized. Appreciate your leaving us our of East-Asia crap.

I agree. If VietNam had wanted to stay in the Sino cultural sphere, then it wouldn't have abandoned Hanzi (which was not originally VietNamese anyway). It was a sign of divorce. :tup:
bro, that thread seems to be dedicated for countries as china, japan and korea. we should stay out. let them.

Yes, let's leave it at that. We were like a couple but now divorced, and now it's all been the past. Vietnamese nowaday want nothing that resembles "Chinese" . Any celebration we may have had similar to Chinese is Vietnamized. Appreciate your leaving us our of East-Asia crap.

Yes , our tradition song's melodies like Quan Ho, Chau Van (north VN) Ho ba chao (middle VN), Dan ca tai tu, Vong co (south VN) is differed from North - East Asian songs melodie.
Sushi is originally from Korea, not China. The Korean people learnt a few thing from China, then recreated them (such as sushi). I think that's what the host was trying to say. Then Korea exported sushi to Japan and taught the Japanese people how to cook.

Historically speaking, there have been 3 routes how information, technology, trade, and cultural infusion came to Japan:

1. From Zhejiang-region of China to Honshu and Shikoku
2. From Korean Peninsula (Bekjae) to Honshu
3. From Shenyang to Ryukyu Islands then to mainland Japan

Sushi is originally from Korea, not China.

I think you are referring to Gimbap, its a derivative of Maki style sushi. Tho the main difference is in traditional Gimbap, they use ingredients such as eggs, pork, whereas in Sushi, the dishes have been traditionally uncooked seafood. Tho the similarity is indeed present.
@Black Flag : Former Malaysian Prime Minister, a strong person in Malaysia for almost 20 years I guess, he is mostly viewed as a person behind Malaysia economic progress. He is the initiator of East Asian Community that try to bind us in ASEAN with countries like China, Japan, etc, but there is opposition from USA to do so.

@Nihonjin1051 , from what I know Ainu people at Japan is actually coming from Caucasus region in Central Asia and Todays Japanese DNA mostly comes from Mongol invasion there. Ainu people at the past was fighting Japanese Samurai for long time. Maybe you can try to make some info about their culture Today, and also differences in term of physical appearance even though I believe intermarriage make it difficult to really know what Ainu really looks like in the past. Is it more like white guy or more like Turkic/Afgan ?
I agree with you Ed. Vietnam is unique because it was heavily influenced by Confucian society. Afterall, there was a time wherein Vietnam was part of the Sinosphere for an entire millennia.

Yes, they once used Chinese hanzi as official language in their government, the administration is also a copy of Ming dynasty. But they hate China now, they don't want any connections with China according to our Viet members. So sad. :D
@Nihonjin1051 , from what I know Ainu people at Japan is actually coming from Caucasus region in Central Asia and Todays Japanese DNA mostly comes from Mongol invasion there. Ainu people at the past was fighting Japanese Samurai for long time. Maybe you can try to make some info about their culture Today, and also differences in term of physical appearance even though I believe intermarriage make it difficult to really know what Ainu really looks like in the past. Is it more like white guy or more like Turkic/Afgan ?

You are right @Indos . The northern island that is called Hokkaido has been traditionally a territory of the Ainu, and Japanese have only recently colonized the island during the 17th century. For a long time the Ainu had fought against Japanese colonization of the island through raiding, but eventually, they were pushed to the more northern fringes of Hokkaido. And most of Northern Japanese are mixture of Ainu bloodline. As for the debate of the origins of Ainu, some debate that they are of Caucasian origin, some debate that they are descendents of proto-mongoloids. But I do agree that the phenotype of Northern Japanese (Japanese who have Ainu ancestry) is very unique.


Northern Japanese Phenotype:


Northern Japanese actor (of Ainu ancestry) Atsushi Sakurai


Ainu Actor, Ukaji Takashi


Northern Japanese


Ainu Japanese Family

@Indos ,

One of the most famed and revered Admirals of Japanese Navy History was Togo Heihachiro, he has Ainu ancestry. This picture of him when he was in his late 40's.

He was the 'Destroyer of the Russian Imperial Navy' during the Russo-Japanese War. :)



Another picture of Admiral Togo, Commander of the Imperial Navy.

I guest Ainu is really more like Turkic or Afgan people from the photo you posted above. I have seem many Afgan faces when I visited Makkah and Madinah before, I see a girl who is actually a blend of Caucasian blood and real Mongoloid people, so different but very beautiful.

You said before that you have Ainu blood, and maybe you have Kashmir blood mate just like this Afgan descent reporter Yalda Hakim working with BBC, no wonder you like Tasawuf also :D

Yes, they once used Chinese hanzi as official language in their government, the administration is also a copy of Ming dynasty. But they hate China now, they don't want any connections with China according to our Viet members. So sad. :D

Only few nationalists think they represent all vietnamese...most normal Vietnameses and Chineses are like fish in water, anywhere if there is a Chinatown, we have Vietnamese with us as compagnion, we live harmoniousy under the same cultural root: they celebrate same new year and worship ancestors as us.

Anyway if we leave them along, it's much better for us and for them, for us we have 1.3 billions people to take care, for them it will be less supicious that we have bad intention to assimilate them back.

I guest Ainu is really more like Turkic or Afgan people from the photo you posted above. I have seem many Afgan faces when I visited Makkah and Madinah before, I see a girl who is actually a blend of Caucasian blood and real Mongoloid people, so different but very beautiful.

My grandmother (mother's mom) does not look anything like typical Japanese features. When she was alive, @Indos , she had hazel colored eyes. She had very caucasian facial features; very long nasal bridge, fair skin, and her hair was naturally brown, not black. She could have been mistaken for Eurasian, and Turkic.

She was very beautiful in life. :)
My grandmother (mother's mom) does not look anything like typical Japanese features. When she was alive, @Indos , she had hazel colored eyes. She had very caucasian facial features; very long nasal bridge, fair skin, and her hair was naturally brown, not black. She could have been mistaken for Eurasian, and Turkic.

She was very beautiful in life. :)

So, Mongoloid race dont have a brown color hair ? Event though just a bit brown ?

Mix blood is better mate :D
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