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East Asian Culture Thread

Mix blood is better mate :D

I was just reading about the Minang Kabau people, bro. I notice the phenotype of the people are very unique, too. There's a strong Arab, Indian and Chinese ancestry there ? Beautiful mix, too. :)

Indonesia really has a very mix group of people. I've seen some Indonesians who have mixed blood with Dutch, Chinese, and Sundanese. They look beautiful...
I was just reading about the Minang Kabau people, bro. I notice the phenotype of the people are very unique, too. There's a strong Arab, Indian and Chinese ancestry there ? Beautiful mix, too. :)

Indonesia really has a very mix group of people. I've seen some Indonesians who have mixed blood with Dutch, Chinese, and Sundanese. They look beautiful...

Yes, the father of my grand mother is believed to be half dutch since his eyes are blue and has white skin according to my uncle, he has high position at Dutch administration at my region. From my father side, I believe there is Arab DNA by seeing the nose and body of my grand father. Many Minang people has more Arabic nose than other region except Aceh Province which is actually very mixed with Arab, Turkic, and South Asian race. My niece looks a bit more white Arab than ordinary Indonesian and has brown hair either though from both Minang parents.

Many Sundanese and Javanese looks East Asian like Japanese, Chinese etc but with bigger eyes.
Yes, the father of my grand mother is believed to be half dutch since his eyes are blue and has white skin according to my uncle, he has high position at Dutch administration at my region. From my father side, I believe there is Arab DNA by seeing the nose and body of my grand father. Many Minang people has more Arabic nose than other region except Aceh Province which is actually very mixed with Arab, Turkic, and South Asian race. My niece looks a bit more white Arab than ordinary Indonesian and has brown hair either though from both Minang parents.

Many Sundanese and Javanese looks East Asian like Japanese, Chinese etc but with bigger eyes.

Yea, i noticed that the facial features of Minang Kabau people are very, very different to people of pure Malay, Sundanese or Javanaese blood. Definitely I can see the Caucasoid features of Minang Kabau people. I also notice, bro, that Minang people are very successful in Indonesia eh?

Btw, so you have Dutch blood ? So you're part European ! haha, that's so cool man. Talk about "Globalization" eh.
Only few nationalists think they represent all vietnamese...most normal Vietnameses and Chineses are like fish with water, anywhere if there is a Chinatown, we have Vietnamese with us as compagnion, we live harmoniousy under the same cultural root: they celebrate same new year and worship ancestors as us.

I agree, I remember I saw some restaurants with the name "Vietnamese and Chinese restarunts". Many Vietnamese young people like Chinese or Korean pop songs, because we have the same feeling or same cultrural root.
The Vietnamese posters in PDF can be a wee bit nationalistic. In reality, especially here in the United States, its almost impossible to separate Vietnamese, Chinese, Korea, Japanese at university settings. That's why I laugh when i read posts from some Vietnamese or Chinese putting each other down because in the ground, the two are very very similar.

Or its common to ask Vietnamese-Americans what is their background, and they will say, "I'm Vietnamese, and part Chinese".

The ethnic minority of China








The Tajik ethnic minority, living in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region


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I agree, I remember I saw some restaurants with the name "Vietnamese and Chinese restarunts". Many Vietnamese young people like Chinese or Korean pop songs, because we have the same feeling or same cultrural root.
edison, do you remember I told you once I like you because you´re one of the most reasonable members on this forum?

you may want to see close connection to vietnam, but I doubt the majority of chinese want. no doubt, we both share indeed some similarities, in cultures, custom and language. and of course, we both the people belonged once to the same nation. but unfortunately we both have more differences than commonalities. that is the reason why we both go our own ways. good luck my friend.

vietnam belongs to southeast, not east asia. just stating a fact.

by the way, today if you visit an asia restaurant/bistro in germany, regardless of the name: vietnamese, chinese or thai, they are mostly run by vietnamese. we can serve you the best foods from china :D
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Yea, i noticed that the facial features of Minang Kabau people are very, very different to people of pure Malay, Sundanese or Javanaese blood. Definitely I can see the Caucasoid features of Minang Kabau people. I also notice, bro, that Minang people are very successful in Indonesia eh?

Btw, so you have Dutch blood ? So you're part European ! haha, that's so cool man. Talk about "Globalization" eh.

Yes, relatively more successful, quite active as well in politics as you can see from wikipedia article.

Minang facial features are a bit different, yes it is true, but we are also vary in facial feature among us, some looks like pure Malay, some looks like Mixed South Asian, some looks like Mixed Middle Easterner, but for Javanese , Sundanese, Palembang province people, and some Kalimantan people, if you find white skin people of them, they really looks like Japanese, Chinese, or South Korean but with different in eyes (but some still retain that eyes). Sulawesi people, in other case, is similar like Mindanau people in Philippine since they are closed geograpically.

You have seen my real picture mate, not much Arian race feature left any more there :lol:, I am also sceptical about that story, dont really believe it since I dont have any photo evidence to back up that story even though my grand mother sister keep talking that I am a descent of a Dutch man :partay:
Only few nationalists think they represent all vietnamese...most normal Vietnameses and Chineses are like fish in water, anywhere if there is a Chinatown, we have Vietnamese with us as compagnion, we live harmoniousy under the same cultural root: they celebrate same new year and worship ancestors as us.

Anyway if we leave them along, it's much better for us and for them, for us we have 1.3 billions people to take care, for them it will be less supicious that we have bad intention to assimilate them back.

ok, ok... you are right.

I believe, too, the relationship between overseas vietnamese and chinese is better in many aspect. well, politics sucks. maybe if we both live in foreign countries, we are more nice to each other.

I don´t know how a common overseas chinese thinks of china? but for vietnamese, it is something like this a song, sung by a oversea vietnamese: he is sad living in a foreign country, far from home, dreams of returning to vietnam one day. returning to his village, his people, the rice landscape, the roads, his childhood. his song reflects the feeling of many oversea vietnamese: there is no country like vietnam, the country of our forefathers. we all will return to vietnam in one day. we are at home. the girls wear traditional "ao dai" and "non la".

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edison, do you remember I told you once I like you because you´re one of the most reasonable members on this forum?

you may want to see close connection to vietnam, but I doubt the majority of chinese want. no doubt, we both share indeed some similarities, in cultures, custom and language. and of course, we both the people belonged once to the same nation. but unfortunately we both have more differences than commonalities. that is the reason why we both go our own ways. good luck my friend.

vietnam belongs to southeast, not east asia. just stating a fact.

by the way, today if you visit an asia restaurant/bistro in germany, regardless of the name: vietnamese, chinese or thai, they are mostly run by vietnamese. we can serve you the best foods from china :D

Thanks my friend, I think China will really rise with the help of other Asians, the west is strong not only because of any single country, Vietnam is important too. Normal Vietnamese are welcome, I don't like VN nationalist.
Thanks my friend, I think China will really rise with the help of other Asians, the west is strong not only because of any single country, Vietnam is important too. Normal Vietnamese are welcome, I don't like VN nationalist.
edison, be realistic. China does not need Vietnam as you play in a different league NOW. we are at least 10-20 years behind in terms of economics, science, education, military, etc... and the gap is growing with every day. I don´t see how we can help or assist China? Vietnam may be important to you or some romantics, but for chinese leadership, vietnam is just a small player among many others. we both know how things are in the real world. Nobody should live in a delusion. you can witness it clearly when our president visited Beijing recently for APEC summit, he was placed in a position of least important person.

Well, nationalism is not bad per se, but EXTREME nationalism is. take care my friend.
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