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Earthquake in Islamabad

Aftershocks have been reported. Please don’t be alarmed. Advise friends and loved ones to follow the advice of emergency services. Tune into radio Pakistan or any news channel.

Check their building:
  • Turn off gas mains and keep them shut until all clear given
  • Inspect buildings for structural damage
  • Inspect Electrical cables
  • Inspect water pipes

Prepare to evacuate if necessary.

I have posted many articles on pdf on how to make a but out / grab bag. Read one of those and share them.
آپکے آرٹیکلز اور آپکی ضرورت سالوں بعد کبھی کبھار پڑتی ہے اس لیے ہم بھول گئے سر :D
Well guys gotta credit the android earthquake alert system for warning me in advance. I was laying chatting on WhatsApp then the Android alert came , soon after the alert my room started to shake. I immediately ran downstairs and took my old mother out from the house. I hope everyones dear and near ones are safe and sound.
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Great application, how much is "soon after"? 5 seconds? 30? 1 minute?
This country just can’t catch a break. From self inflicted wounds to forced slavery to God’s azab…
Mass Hysteria, you need to be careful in these types of events. Everybody needs to stay calm.
What’s more important is buildings need to have appropriate emergency exits.

There is a saying “make it difficult for your enemy to get in and you make it impossible for yourself to get out”.
If that's the case than chitral and fata are going to be the most effected parts of Pakistan

Just had a flooding in Sindh, south Punjab and now earthquake in KPK, one disaster after another

I hope y'all are safe guys @Friday @TNT @RealNapster and others
It was scaring bro almost continued for a minutes but thanks to Almighty no damage inflicted.
I was chilling in my house and I received a warning from Google saying 7.7 magnitude earthquake 299 miles away and to be alert. I looked at the alert and there was a picture and seemed like the earthquake was in Afghanistan, I was like thats way further than 299 miles so I shrugged off the alert thinking nothing of it. 20-30 seconds later my house started shaking I was like Allah Hu Akbar!
Not much in the way of news here in the UK about this earthquake yet - hope all are well and ok.
I was chilling in my house and I received a warning from Google saying 7.7 magnitude earthquake 299 miles away and to be alert. I looked at the alert and there was a picture and seemed like the earthquake was in Afghanistan, I was like thats way further than 299 miles so I shrugged off the alert thinking nothing of it. 20-30 seconds later my house started shaking I was like Allah Hu Akbar!
It's a lesson now to run when google gives an alert. Same thing happened to me today
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