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Early Death Assured in India Where 900M Don’t Eat Enough

I am living in drought hit area .. But even daily wages workers can earn their 300 rs per day and thats enough for 15 to 20 kg rice .. Heck poor people are getting 20 kg rice for 80 rs in public distribution system .. Every school is implementing mid day meal program .. I dont know where these people getting these stats
In any event all arguments set aside it is disgusting that any government starves its people and spends money on 100 jets. I mean as if those jets will ever deter Chinese and Pakistan

your stupidness seems to be infinite... whats your problem man ? At least do some research before stating something! Havent they taught u that in school??? typical trolling...:hitwall:

Defence expenditure is 2 % of GDP....
on a serious note, we do need to reform our eating habits. while Indian food can be really healthy, most of what our people eat is unhealthy and the results are pretty evident. While most of the nutritionists are pushing for more protein, fiber , fresh veggies and less carbs and fat, Indians have been moving towards a carbs rich diet. Due to green revolution, rice is not a luxury anymore and traditional health foods like millet and sorghum have been shunned for refined rice and wheat.

conscious effort has to be put into promoting healthier eating habits and make the future generation healthier.
I think all countries should make it a priority that people get sufficient food

International Social Welfare Embassy in every country? I never understand what 1 person can do with milions, even with billions dollar of cash while he has already everything..

The world system is based on injustice.

Alhamdulillah that Islam still has his zakaat. In time of the best of the best leaders after the prophet Muhammad sallallaahu aleyhe wa sallam, almost nobody suffered from hunger etc. We must look to the first 5 khalifa's and bring their system a live again for the whole world.
It is calculated in real numbers.
Believe me , if you guys had even the half the size of economy we do, your imports would have been double ours............
It is an actual calculation and not just imagination...........
The only reason why the "real numbers" are less is that your economy is very small..................(chalo small economy ka kuchh to fayda hua Pakistan ko:smokin::lol:)

In any event all arguments set aside it is disgusting that any government starves its people and spends money on 100 jets. I mean as if those jets will ever deter Chinese and Pakistan
Chinese will never engage in a war with us, no matter what the Chinese on the forum say..............
As for Pakistan, Our current fleet is enough for them for the next 5 years at least, even if it remains stagnant:lol:
I felt sad after reading this. Hunger like this is a blight on humanity as a whole and I would not want it on anyone.
In this forum, people talk of jets, ships and guns like they are the most important thing while every day necessities like food shortages is used to demean fellow human brothers and sisters.
Humanity is fooked up.
In any event all arguments set aside it is disgusting that any government starves its people and spends money on 100 jets. I mean as if those jets will ever deter Chinese and Pakistan
then do yourself a favour, stop spending 10% of your GDP on weapons. INDIA is just spending 2.5.
If a individual goes hungry and starvs, then its his lazyness not to find a job of his caliber and work for his betterment.

JFK once said "Ask not what your country has done for you, but ask what you have done to the country".

I know people from South travelling all the way to North to find a job and feed their family and people travell all the way from North to south to earn bread and butter for this family. these are the people who stand as pillers for my nation. Those who sleep daily and wish that the Government feed them, can eat sand instead of food.
your stupidness seems to be infinite... whats your problem man ? At least do some research before stating something! Havent they taught u that in school??? typical trolling...:hitwall:

Defence expenditure is 2 % of GDP....

2% of GDP of India = $US 100 Billion.
The actual figure might be much higher !!!
Why Indian people dont go back to countryside so they can sow their own food?

Because people think that life in the city would be easy and somehow they would become rich over night. Most people sell their land thinking they would have an easy life in the city, but they forget about the millions of others who think like them and come to the city. Then you have over population and fight for jobs and resources.

As for immunization problem most hospitals have immunization programs that are run for free over the summer, yet only few come because they think that the vaccines are something wrong. When my mom use to work in the village after she got her degree, she saw a lot of these things happening where people wouldn't not allow their kids to take vaccines, even the Polio vaccines because it went against their beliefs.

Plus lets not forget about the ration card deal, lot of people sell their rations to other for money, they even rent their housing that government provides them to make some extra buck.

then do yourself a favour, stop spending 10% of your GDP on weapons. INDIA is just spending 2.5.
If a individual goes hungry and starvs, then its his lazyness not to find a job of his caliber and work for his betterment.

JFK once said "Ask not what your country has done for you, but ask what you have done to the country".

I know people from South travelling all the way to North to find a job and feed their family and people travell all the way from North to south to earn bread and butter for this family. these are the people who stand as pillers for my nation. Those who sleep daily and wish that the Government feed them, can eat sand instead of food.

LoL, I have seen whole town from Chhattisgarh that actually go around the country doing highway repair work. These people work all summer around the country and only come back during August and stay till end of winter then they go back to work. Some people are just damn lazy, even the so called poor can find jobs but they don't because they know then they won't have the government funded programs that are run for them.
LOLlllllll i seriously can't get hold of this ppl...Apne ghar mein khane ko nahin .........Par dossre ki thali mein kaal ke Muqable thoda kum khana hai isse baat par khush ho jaooo.....

You gotta feel sorry for them..... U must understand there state of mind which now search Happiness in other ppl Pain.& suffering...I pity this ppl........God pls hlp.....
I know many ppl in my country are very poor par woh bhi itni giri aur ghaandi sooch nahi rakte
what a pathetic country india is.

it says half the population of india defacate.

india has absolute poverty where people starve to death. its worse than sub-saharan africa.
2030 India will be a Superpower look the video link, this thread is lies this isn't happening in india.

what a pathetic country india is.

it says half the population of india defacate.

india has absolute poverty where people starve to death. its worse than sub-saharan africa.

Lies india is in fact richer then africa and less poor people then it.
thats because cows eat it and they are not allowed to harm cows

Lol.. so its not allowed to harm a cow but okay to starve to death...:tdown:

Really ? Then why is India the world's top Beef exporter ???

Holy Cow! India Is the World's Top Beef Exporter
Business - Jordan Weissmann - Holy Cow! India Is the World's Top Beef Exporter - The Atlantic

I loled when i saw this.

Jetti is mostly speaking half truths or lies.

Nobody is harmed because you harm a cow.

Secondly problem in India does not occur due to lower production of foodgrains or meat but due to faulty distribution system. The poor does not get the allocated food due rampant corruption in India.

As you can see in link below, the foodgrain production is at record high.

Foodgrain production all time high - Indian Express

Actually people get killed n jailed for tht...

I am living in drought hit area .. But even daily wages workers can earn their 300 rs per day and thats enough for 15 to 20 kg rice .. Heck poor people are getting 20 kg rice for 80 rs in public distribution system .. Every school is implementing mid day meal program .. I dont know where these people getting these stats

Than why do people work for like a million hours manufacturing 10,000 beedi cigs with hand and still earn less than 1 dollar?
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