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Dutch Approve Ban On Kosher And Halal Slaughter Methods

Halal method cuts the jugular, depriving the brain of blood, resulting in the animal not feeling pain. A stunned animal only is not conscious enough to scream in pain, the nerve endings would be completely working and will feel the pain. Just because there is so much blood in the Halaal method (the idea is to drain out as much blood as possible), it doesn't make it any less humane.

Not to mention the potential problems of eating dead animal blood that hasn't been drained out properly.

In fact it is a religious obligation to keep the slaughtering humane. You can't hit the animal either, you must feed it and shelter it properly.
well...It's probably the visual of a lot of blood oozing out of a live animal that might give the illusion that the animal is suffering in it's dying moments...that makes people feel that hala is a bad method of slaughter...my own mom doesnt touch halal meat...I did change her view though.
I dont agree with these ridiculous things.

Next what ? They will ban Leopards and Tigers in Europe from hunting and eating deers ?
well...It's probably the visual of a lot of blood oozing out of a live animal that might give the illusion that the animal is suffering in it's dying moments...that makes people feel that hala is a bad method of slaughter...my own mom doesnt touch halal meat...I did change her view though.

Its excusable for your mum as its in a personal capacity, it is not excusable when a state ruling has to be passed
Shouldn't we all just give up killing the animal before we eat him? Just like the pre-Islamic Quraysh of Bakkah - take a chunk of meat out of the animal when you need it and don't care about the pain he feels....but hey he doesn't get murdered.

PS: Am I respecting animal rights well enough by calling one he instead of it?:)
lol, what hypocrites, they must immediately stop all kinds of animal slaughter, entire europe is becoming racist and intolerant

I don't see any racist thing in here.....it's still better than AUS and UK

Screw all meat eaters.
The point is not about meat-eating vs vegetarians. The Dutch law doesn't ban meat eating. It only bans eating meat the Jewish or Muslim way. Kosher and Halal is pretty much interchangeable and both communities use the other label to make sure its religiously edible.

And like someone mentioned above, by killing animals by stunning them, you are still killing them and it still causes them pain. The Dutch are saying basically that you can still kill animals and eat meat. Just not the Jewish or Muslim way.
Soo much for democracy...Europe is intimidated but its own identity confusion and excess of hypocrisy.
I understand the law will allow usual halal meat for the Muslims but what will German muslims do for Eid festivals?
Also Islam is rising rapidly in Germany due to Turkish influence and i am sure its sending shivers down the spine of former-nazis.

They celebrate ritual culling of innocent dolphins to satisfy their blood greed and have the courage to call Muslims cave barbarians?
The Dutch are saying basically that you can still kill animals and eat meat. Just not the Jewish or Muslim way.
Exactly, because they consider Islam to be their enemy!
Wow..what a hypocricey. The so called animal rights acitivist, are they taking about the real animals or the animals sitting in the dutch parliament. You cant have a halal and kosher meal but you can have cannabies legally.
Wow..what a hypocricey. The so called animal rights acitivist, are they taking about the real animals or the animals sitting in the dutch parliament. You cant have a halal and kosher meal but you can have cannabies legally.
With the whole nation addicted to cannabis..its easier to control them and make them belive in looney tunes like global terror, Alquaida, Taliban etc etc...These people are the same enemies of Allah we have been warned over and over..they do not let anything good survive because they are in a pact with satan.
The whole issue is not about whether to eat meat, but to minimize the animal's suffering. That is why we buy free range eggs and poultry, naturally farmed salmon, etc.

Instead of random guesses, the matter should be decided by scientific studies. The two studies mentioned in wikipedia suggest that the halal/kosher method is actually less painful because the quick drainage of blood effectively stuns the animal. In fact, there are claims that the whole point of the halal/kosher method was precisely to minimize pain because, in the old days, there were no stun guns.

It can be argued that modern technology has obviated the need for such practises because modern stunning works faster or better, but such claims should really be verified scientifically.
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