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Dutch Approve Ban On Kosher And Halal Slaughter Methods

they call this ''secularism'' ??

It is becoming increasingly difficult to justify migration to such countries. I hope all immigrants (Jews, Muslims especially) leave that hypocritical ''country''

it is their right-wing politicians who are the one inciting hatred only

It is just part of plotting by enemies of God..
First it was religion in the name of secularism until the religion was reduced to some clown antics. Then it was nudity in the name of feminism, then pornography in the name of art and then homosexuality in the name of human rights..whats next?? Paedophelia in the name of satisfaction right?

Thousand and thousand of years of history tell that the world is rife with such devils !
Animal Rights or Antisemitism?

Posted by JoeSettler at 6/29/2011 10:14:00 AM

One of the aftermaths of the Holocaust was that overt Antisemitism became officially frowned upon in many countries, and over time even became socially unacceptable in an overt manner in many circles.

But as memory of the Holocaust fades, Antisemitism, merely suppressed and not eradicated, has come back out of the closet in full force.

Today, Antisemitism still wears a façade in order to make it socially acceptable, but I hardly expect that façade to be required for much longer.

The most common veneer we see used today is simply saying ‘Israel’ and ‘Zionist’ instead of ‘Jew’.

But there is also the type that hides behind the activities of many “rights” groups, such as human rights, animal rights, Palestinian rights, etc, recent examples include the BDS movement, and trying to ban circumcision and kosher slaughter (Shechitah).

Under the guise of ‘animal rights’, Holland just signaled their intent to ban kosher slaughter in their country (the JC article isn't 100% correct, see the end of the post). How much longer before they ban the import of kosher meat too?

Of course, Holland being an enlightened country will not outright ban kosher slaughter, instead they will ban any method of slaughter that does not first stun the animal, which as a known side-effect renders it unkosher. They allegedly did this out of concern for animal rights and suffering.

Or did they?

There are those that posit that this was done as a backlash against the growing Moslem community and that specifically Geert Wilder's PVV party was using this to attack the , using the tacit support of animal rights groups in Holland to get it passed.

It is clear enough that Geert Wilders is NOT Antisemitic (though he seems to me to be anti-Islam (but not anti-Moslem)), but I don't think he had good enough advisers that understood the difference (or cared) enough to differentiate between the slaughter methods.

Only this plan backfired (if it were true, because it is also clear that Wilders found himself stuck in a political mess created by these animal rights groups.).

Just as Hallal meat has no problem with short and non-straight knifes, which can be painful and ineffective (and cause other problems) in their slaughter method, it potentially can work with certain pre-stunning methods, though not all. So only Jewish Shechitah will be banned as a result, Not Moslem slaughter (Dhabihah).

If they really wanted to target Hallal slaughter methods, the government would have legislated knife requirements and cutting methods. Jewish slaughter methods and requirements are 100% acceptable to , and this would have removed any possible inhumane aspects from Hallal slaughter.

Out of curiosity I decided to see how concerned the Dutch government really is when it comes to animal suffering and animal rights.

There are other activities that typically cause much far more pain and suffering to animals. And many people see it as simply cruel behavior.

If that activity were banned in the Netherlands, then at least they could make a case that this was about animal rights and not an agenda driven by hidden Antisemitism.

But as it turns out, the Dutch government doesn’t really care much about animal suffering at all.

You see, hunting in Holland is legal, and it certainly does not require that you stun your prey before you shoot at it from 50 yards hoping to hit the poor animal.

So while there are approximately 45,000 Jews still living in the Netherlands, many of whom rely on the humane method of Kosher slaughter which may soon be illegal, we can compare that to some 30,000 Dutch citizens who have licenses to hunt and try to kill animals from a distance, for sport, without stunning them first and certainly with no minimal guarantees the animals won’t suffer from this.

That’s not hypocrisy. That’s overt Antisemitism.

Just to point out the obvious, the Holocaust began just a few short years after the Nazi party (and friends) began banning Kosher slaughter (Shechitah).

Meanwhile, the only light here is that certain items in the bill are not yet 100% clear - nor has the exact wording been publicized. The bill that passed today had one definite change. All slaughter will now require licensing and the applicant organization has the responsibility to prove that its method of slaughtering is humane.

This still leaves a window open for Kosher slaughter, which is done with the highest of standards.

Furthermore, this law still has to pass through another House where the animal rights nuts are less influential, and where (ironically) the have more influence on the main parties.

The only thing clear about all this is that there is a lot of Antisemitism driving these various activists groups and they are becoming more blatant about it every day.
I believe our dutch friends like non veg, aren't they then bieng cruel to animals? Thats a stupid move with no logic.
It is just part of plotting by enemies of God..
First it was religion in the name of secularism until the religion was reduced to some clown antics. Then it was nudity in the name of feminism, then pornography in the name of art and then homosexuality in the name of human rights..whats next?? Paedophelia in the name of satisfaction right?

Thousand and thousand of years of history tell that the world is rife with such devils !
nudity in the name of feminism! Are you anti-feminist?,i will disagree you on homosexuality too, man has the right to choose for himself, homosexuals can' t be denied rights just because they aren't straight, many of them have been great men for eg alexander the great who ironically crushed the pride of others who thought him to be a rathead.
However the innocent animal is going to die and nobody is care about here, I saw people are here proofing which way is right to slaughter the speak-less creature. Really great human beings. I saw the pic of the group of people are killing whales and dolphin to prove adulthood, pathetic sick people even worst than animals, this the way to prove go and try with another man and get the proof, it's same like raping any women to prove that can overpower anything weak and dominant.
Trade or interaction should be banned with Europe

China - India - Iran - Pakistan - Middile east - Russia - Africa

Who needs Europe ?

This all bullshit post made me laugh.

Did you cut China out as well now, that they put 1 million muslims into concentration camps?

Europe is over hyped , best fertile lands are in Asia , and also in Africa you have diverse life and land that can be cultivated , and oil and gas in Russia and Middle east who needs Europe.

Let Europe get all its crops from Ecoli infected French , or german markets

And Suez cannal should be closed down - to stop trade going to europe :P

We need to go back to 1900 revist frist world war

I agree! Let us go back 1900. When the UK ruled half of the world, France had gigantic colonial property. Germany ruled large parts of Africa and Italy had entire North Africa.

1st time we agree.
Electric shock is sooooo painless ...

Actually they should inject the animal with tranquilizer before stunning and then slaughter.
Animal Rights or Antisemitism?

Posted by JoeSettler at 6/29/2011 10:14:00 AM

One of the aftermaths of the Holocaust was that overt Antisemitism became officially frowned upon in many countries, and over time even became socially unacceptable in an overt manner in many circles.

But as memory of the Holocaust fades, Antisemitism, merely suppressed and not eradicated, has come back out of the closet in full force.

Today, Antisemitism still wears a façade in order to make it socially acceptable, but I hardly expect that façade to be required for much longer.

The most common veneer we see used today is simply saying ‘Israel’ and ‘Zionist’ instead of ‘Jew’.

But there is also the type that hides behind the activities of many “rights” groups, such as human rights, animal rights, Palestinian rights, etc, recent examples include the BDS movement, and trying to ban circumcision and kosher slaughter (Shechitah).

Under the guise of ‘animal rights’, Holland just signaled their intent to ban kosher slaughter in their country (the JC article isn't 100% correct, see the end of the post). How much longer before they ban the import of kosher meat too?

Of course, Holland being an enlightened country will not outright ban kosher slaughter, instead they will ban any method of slaughter that does not first stun the animal, which as a known side-effect renders it unkosher. They allegedly did this out of concern for animal rights and suffering.

Or did they?

There are those that posit that this was done as a backlash against the growing Moslem community and that specifically Geert Wilder's PVV party was using this to attack the , using the tacit support of animal rights groups in Holland to get it passed.

It is clear enough that Geert Wilders is NOT Antisemitic (though he seems to me to be anti-Islam (but not anti-Moslem)), but I don't think he had good enough advisers that understood the difference (or cared) enough to differentiate between the slaughter methods.

Only this plan backfired (if it were true, because it is also clear that Wilders found himself stuck in a political mess created by these animal rights groups.).

Just as Hallal meat has no problem with short and non-straight knifes, which can be painful and ineffective (and cause other problems) in their slaughter method, it potentially can work with certain pre-stunning methods, though not all. So only Jewish Shechitah will be banned as a result, Not Moslem slaughter (Dhabihah).

If they really wanted to target Hallal slaughter methods, the government would have legislated knife requirements and cutting methods. Jewish slaughter methods and requirements are 100% acceptable to , and this would have removed any possible inhumane aspects from Hallal slaughter.

Out of curiosity I decided to see how concerned the Dutch government really is when it comes to animal suffering and animal rights.

There are other activities that typically cause much far more pain and suffering to animals. And many people see it as simply cruel behavior.

If that activity were banned in the Netherlands, then at least they could make a case that this was about animal rights and not an agenda driven by hidden Antisemitism.

But as it turns out, the Dutch government doesn’t really care much about animal suffering at all.

You see, hunting in Holland is legal, and it certainly does not require that you stun your prey before you shoot at it from 50 yards hoping to hit the poor animal.

So while there are approximately 45,000 Jews still living in the Netherlands, many of whom rely on the humane method of Kosher slaughter which may soon be illegal, we can compare that to some 30,000 Dutch citizens who have licenses to hunt and try to kill animals from a distance, for sport, without stunning them first and certainly with no minimal guarantees the animals won’t suffer from this.

That’s not hypocrisy. That’s overt Antisemitism.

Just to point out the obvious, the Holocaust began just a few short years after the Nazi party (and friends) began banning Kosher slaughter (Shechitah).

Meanwhile, the only light here is that certain items in the bill are not yet 100% clear - nor has the exact wording been publicized. The bill that passed today had one definite change. All slaughter will now require licensing and the applicant organization has the responsibility to prove that its method of slaughtering is humane.

This still leaves a window open for Kosher slaughter, which is done with the highest of standards.

Furthermore, this law still has to pass through another House where the animal rights nuts are less influential, and where (ironically) the have more influence on the main parties.

The only thing clear about all this is that there is a lot of Antisemitism driving these various activists groups and they are becoming more blatant about it every day.

Next step.

Dutch approve ban on kosher and halal animal slaughter - The Times of India

AMSTERDAM: The Dutch parliament voted on Tuesday to ban ritual slaughter of animals, a move strongly opposed by the country's Muslim and Jewish minorities, but left a loophole that could let traditional butchery continue.

The bill by the small Animal Rights Party, the first such group in Europe to win seats in a national parliament, passed the lower house of parliament and must be approved by the upper house before becoming law.

It stipulates that livestock must be stunned before being slaughtered, contrary to the Muslim halal and Jewish kosher laws that require animals to be fully conscious.

"This way of killing causes unnecessary pain to animals. Religious freedom cannot be unlimited," Marianne Thieme, head of Animal Rights Party, said before the vote. "For us religious freedom stops where human or animal suffering begins."

In a rare show of unity, the Netherlands' Muslim and Jewish communities -- about 1 million and 40,000 respectively in a total population of 16 million -- have condemned the proposed ban as a violation of their religious freedom.

Geert wilders and croonies have lost their marbles. Entire europe is looking backwards. Man, here we had full halal production under Afrikaaner's strict christian times including full kosher facilities.

Next they will ban circumcision and other forms of prayers. just a bunch of kaasmaakers.

dankie, ons suid afrika is die beeste (nie... this is not dutch but afrikaans dutch which was also written in arabic script by the cape malays).
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