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Dutch Approve Ban On Kosher And Halal Slaughter Methods

Trade or interaction should be banned with Europe

China - India - Iran - Pakistan - Middile east - Russia - Africa

Who needs Europe ?
Does ur mid east include israel too, i mean zionist israel they are a must for india to include.
see what they do in their yard

"They don’t die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hocks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim extremely compatible with the cry of a new born child. "




warning 18+ blood and gore

Denmark is a big shame to whole world|www.eface.in

Dutch = People from Netherland not Denmark
With the whole nation addicted to cannabis..its easier to control them and make them belive in looney tunes like global terror, Alquaida, Taliban etc etc...These people are the same enemies of Allah we have been warned over and over..they do not let anything good survive because they are in a pact with satan.

Who the hell r u or me to say wat one gov or majority should do in their country??the same way do u speak up for minority in muslim dominated countries?? no gets a sense of wat is going on in europe but dude this cycle has been started by the muslims, u guys rights for muslims in christian countries but wont give rights to christians /other religions in muslim dominated countries..I ask will a dutch be allowed to eat/slaughter pork in saudi, pakistan, iran?? would i get non halal meat in saudi/pakistan so that i suffice my religious sentis??
The whole issue is not about whether to eat meat, but to minimize the animal's suffering. That is why we buy free range eggs and poultry, naturally farmed salmon, etc.

Instead of random guesses, the matter should be decided by scientific studies. The two studies mentioned in wikipedia suggest that the halal/kosher method is actually less painful because the quick drainage of blood effectively stuns the animal. In fact, there are claims that the whole point of the halal/kosher method was precisely to minimize pain because, in the old days, there were no stun guns.

It can be argued that modern technology has obviated the need for such practises because modern stunning works faster or better, but such claims should really be verified scientifically.

the blood drains out of the body on halal methods, making the meat safer to be eaten
A bill which would ban halal and kosher slaughter methods has passed through the Dutch parliament, despite opposition from Muslim and Jewish groups who say a ban would impinge on their religious freedoms.

The bill, which was passed overwhelmingly by parliamentarians on Wednesday, still has to pass through the Dutch senate, which is unlikely before the summer recess.

The Dutch cabinet said on Monday that the law may be unenforceable in its current form due to the ambiguity of a last-minute amendment that says religious slaughter licenses can be granted if they can "prove" that it does not cause animals more pain than stunning.

If the Netherlands outlaws procedures that make meat kosher for Jews or halal for Muslims, it would be the second country after New Zealand to do so in recent years. Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland also ban religious slaughter.

Henk Blekers, the Dutch deputy secretary of economic affairs and agriculture, said that the cabinet would "look at how it fits with freedom of religion", citing the European Convention on Human Rights.

Both halal and kosher slaughter rules prescribe that animals' throats must be cut swiftly with a razor-sharp knife while they are still conscious, so that they bleed to death quickly.

'Animal rights over religious rights'

But the Party for Animals, the main proponents of the proposed law, argue that sparing animals needless pain and distress outweighs religious groups' rights to follow their respective slaughter practices.

"They (livestock) stay conscious for up to 5 minutes. They lose a lot of blood and they can choke on their own blood and the cut should be one time, but research shows that with kosher slaughter (they are cut) on average 3.5 times, and with halal 5.5 times," Karen Soeters of the Party for Animals told Al Jazeera.

But defenders of the practices said that religious slaughter methods could be humane.

"With halal, the animal can't be stressed. It can't see other animals being killed," Abdulhakim Chouaati of the Dutch Halal Feed and Food Authority told Al Jazeera.

"It's our religion we're practicing, and expressing religion in our modern industrial society is not a thing which is appealing to the public," Ronnie Eisenmann, a Jewish community leader in the Netherlands told Al Jazeera.

In an open letter pleading with parliament not to pass the law, a a committee of rabbis said the impact on the Jewish community would be "deep and large".

"Older Jews are frightened and wonder what the next law will be that limits their religious life. The youth are openly asking whether they still have a future that they can or want to build in the Netherlands," the letter continued.

Only Christian political parties opposed the ban, arguing that it undermined the country's tradition of religious tolerance.

A solid majority of Dutch voters say they support the ban, and parliament voted for it by a margin of 116 for to 30 against.

The support for the ban comes from an odd pairing of the political left, which sees religious slaughter as inhumane, and from the anti-immigration right, which says it is foreign and barbaric.

Dutch MPs vote to ban religious slaughter - Europe - Al Jazeera English
Who the hell r u or me to say wat one gov or majority should do in their country??the same way do u speak up for minority in muslim dominated countries?? no gets a sense of wat is going on in europe but dude this cycle has been started by the muslims, u guys rights for muslims in christian countries but wont give rights to christians /other religions in muslim dominated countries..I ask will a dutch be allowed to eat/slaughter pork in saudi, pakistan, iran?? would i get non halal meat in saudi/pakistan so that i suffice my religious sentis??

All westerners Living in Arabia eat pork its imported and drink alcohol plus people in Pakistani and Iranian parts of Balochistan eat pork and just cause we Muslims don't eat it don't mean we have stopped others from eating what they like.If you are going to go towards extremists elements then we no how cows are sacred to Hindus and they will not allow it to be killed are they allowed to be slaughtered in Hindus areas in India.
Well I think the Dutch government just wanted to anger radical Muslims and ionized Jews
see what they do in their yard

"They don’t die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hocks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim extremely compatible with the cry of a new born child. "




warning 18+ blood and gore

Denmark is a big shame to whole world|www.eface.in

Barbarians!!! Dirty barbarians! That's what they are. Do they have the guts to take on the sharks empty handed? Let's see if they can do that rather than attacking the weak and docile.
The point is not about meat-eating vs vegetarians. The Dutch law doesn't ban meat eating. It only bans eating meat the Jewish or Muslim way. Kosher and Halal is pretty much interchangeable and both communities use the other label to make sure its religiously edible.

And like someone mentioned above, by killing animals by stunning them, you are still killing them and it still causes them pain. The Dutch are saying basically that you can still kill animals and eat meat. Just not the Jewish or Muslim way.

and WTF when after all you are going to kill the animal and eat it also so is there any point in the first place if the animal feels the pain or not?

and btw how they stuff food down the throats of ducks and cage them for making the fat and get maximum meat of of these poor birds arent they in pain?

anyway Muslim way of slaughtering is more scientific
they call this ''secularism'' ??

It is becoming increasingly difficult to justify migration to such countries. I hope all immigrants (Jews, Muslims especially) leave that hypocritical ''country''

it is their right-wing politicians who are the one inciting hatred only
what next then ??? they will set an age of consent for livestock ......
Only those animals that are willing to be slaughtered and are of legal age should be taken to the slaughterhouse for human consumption.

So ban eggs and lamb meat.
If Asia and Africa are so fertile, why do we always have to send them food?

because most of those countries are ruled by tyrants who dont give a about their peopleenough to spread the food out equally to all of its people, also the ppl are too poor to buy the food that is produced in their own country.
dutch are notorious for being some of the cheapest most kanjoos people of the world....give them some shrubbery on a plate and they'll be satisfied :laugh:
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