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Dumb Indian media making military strategies against Pakistan live on TV

i agree and desgarre .. look, your ajeet davil started this all when pak were busy in afghanistan .. then pak plainer planet some plants there so now it is indian pay back time... what i see indian can not attack pakistan.. if they do they will be sent back in ston age.. even they are still in stone age. most of all foreign investors will not allow india to do that.. when i see their tv news. i got fair idea.. they are going to destroy mind of their own new generations.. i never saw this much enmity with its own coming generations.. thy are installing hate in the mind of people.. it is worse thing which you can do to your kids.. good luck

Why do most of you guy's from Pakistan expect India to respond for an asymmetric/non conventional attack through a conventional means ??? I'm pretty sure you know that Pakistan had lost more men, material and money because of the dirty game more than India. Yet if you think it's payback time, so be it. Do you think the tides won't change anytime in future ??? And please don't be so naive to think that Pakistan is completely immune to this dirty game.

Again I reiterate, it's a dirty vicious cycle. It has happened before, it can happen again none of us, India or Pakistan are immune to that. It's just a matter of time for retaliation in kind and we have 100's of examples for the same. Be safe. :tup:
Why do most of you guy's from Pakistan expect India to respond for an asymmetric/non conventional attack through a conventional means ??? I'm pretty sure you know that Pakistan had lost more men, material and money because of the dirty game more than India. Yet if you think it's payback time, so be it. Do you think the tides won't change anytime in future ??? And please don't be so naive to think that Pakistan is completely immune to this dirty game.

Again I reiterate, it's a dirty vicious cycle. It has happened before, it can happen again none of us, India or Pakistan are immune to that. It's just a matter of time for retaliation in kind and we have 100's of examples for the same. Be safe. :tup:
here i agree with you.. it can be avoided with one step from india to control your idiotic media with modi.. attacks happens in nations history my dear brother. but nation should not creat hate in the minds of its own kids. be safe you look reasonable man. be safe
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Well, I'm posting after a 4,5 years long break.

India would respond in the forms of escalations in siachen, major suicide attacks in Pakistan especially on some major holy shrines of various sects, even high profile assassination of one of our politicians (it could be IK even...), trying to create sectarian crisis by assassinating clerics from different sects... This would take place during this year I feel.

Then things would calm down till 2023...

Then we would have that war that all are talking about with India, let me also assure you that Hindu dharam would see near complete eradication as an aftermath.

Let me further qualify above post by saying that my sources are "unworldy".

Won't post again for a few more years now :-)
here i agree with you.. it can be avoided with one step from india to control your idiotic media with modi.. attacks happens in nations history my dear brother. but nation should creat hate in the minds of its own kids. be safe you look reasonable man. be safe

Oh, that is pretty one sided. I agree there is some hatred because of the recent events. But you will not be able to find any person or organization collecting funds in the name of hurting another country inside India.

But you certainly had/have such organizations inside your backyard. The reason why a lot of organizations/individuals are in designated global terror list of UN, UNSC and the likes. The reason why Pakistan is gonna justify your case FATF tomorrow as well. So it's not just a one sided affair. :(

And steps are required from both the sides. Moreover by steps I mean actions. Action's speaks a 1000 times louder than words. Not just the 1 step, 2 step phrase of some P.M. :disagree::disagree::disagree:
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India will not go to a full fledged war..mark my words...Modi will definitely(and he has to)do something to hurt pakistan..unlike during URI ,now elections are just a couple of months away...Modi's popularity is on the downfall..he was on the verge of losing elections(thats why he arranged a special budget session to announce a budget to attract many sections of the society).
If Modi doesnt do anything now,it gives opposition parties to attack him in full swing...even if you were in Modi's place ,you would do the same...sitting in front of computer and giving lectures is easy..but politics won't work like that.
One thing that is definitely going to happen is that India is gonna increase its ceasefire violations along the LOC. Another thing that may happen is either another claim of a so called curgical strike, or limited quick air strikes close to the LOC, without causing too much damage.
Oh, that is pretty one sided. I agree there is some hatred because of the recent events. But you will not be able to find any person or organization collecting funds in the name of hurting another country inside India.

But you certainly had/have such organizations inside your backyard. The reason why a lot of organizations/individuals are in designated global terror list of UN, UNSC and the likes. The reason why Pakistan is gonna justify your case FATF tomorrow as well. So it's not just a one sided affair. :(

And steps are required from both the sides. Moreover by steps I mean actions. Action's speaks a 1000 times louder than words. Not just the 1 step, 2 step phrase of some P.M. :disagree::disagree::disagree:
i tell you vist pakistan. you will see how we pakistanis welcome our guests. but when pakistanis travel to india man. it is badiest experience a person can have. my very close friend is married in india.. poor sole suffer alot.

Oh, that is pretty one sided. I agree there is some hatred because of the recent events. But you will not be able to find any person or organization collecting funds in the name of hurting another country inside India.

But you certainly had/have such organizations inside your backyard. The reason why a lot of organizations/individuals are in designated global terror list of UN, UNSC and the likes. The reason why Pakistan is gonna justify your case FATF tomorrow as well. So it's not just a one sided affair. :(

And steps are required from both the sides. Moreover by steps I mean actions. Action's speaks a 1000 times louder than words. Not just the 1 step, 2 step phrase of some P.M. :disagree::disagree::disagree:
it will be great for pakistan. pak will not have any obligations after that. pak will be free to do.. since pakistan is getting more closer to its arab brothers. we don’t mind rest for next 10 years..
Isn't it sad that people who used to be people of one faith are now craving for each others blood ..the reason ,one group of people converted to another religion...sad reality...
This is totally wrong. Subcontinent held two different nations with two different religions and two different identities. No one converted to any other religion. So first do some research. Then talk . This is a serious forum.
Truth to be told, in a conventional war Pak stands no chance against India.
Yeah like Pakistan stood no chance against Soviet Union . Right mate . I'll give it a thought.
Same is happening on Indian side mates . Your retired generals doing same . Why blame us . Huh . :hitwall:hitwall:
And what value does a retired general have ??? I can show you 100 of Pak army retired generals make taller claims and strategies than the above, Does that mean anything ??? :cheesy: Google and YouTube are your friends, just check. :-)
Oh, that is pretty one sided. I agree there is some hatred because of the recent events. But you will not be able to find any person or organization collecting funds in the name of hurting another country inside India.

But you certainly had/have such organizations inside your backyard. The reason why a lot of organizations/individuals are in designated global terror list of UN, UNSC and the likes. The reason why Pakistan is gonna justify your case FATF tomorrow as well. So it's not just a one sided affair. :(

And steps are required from both the sides. Moreover by steps I mean actions. Action's speaks a 1000 times louder than words. Not just the 1 step, 2 step phrase of some P.M. :disagree::disagree::disagree:
You are quoting like . You guys all good and we all bad . Yes. We have a lost a lot and it's our time to gain and enemy to lose . And yes . No country is immune to this proxy war , so now if India does it , then Pakistan and this cycle will continue until both countries are destroyed .
Why do most of you guy's from Pakistan expect India to respond for an asymmetric/non conventional attack through a conventional means ??? I'm pretty sure you know that Pakistan had lost more men, material and money because of the dirty game more than India. Yet if you think it's payback time, so be it. Do you think the tides won't change anytime in future ??? And please don't be so naive to think that Pakistan is completely immune to this dirty game.

Again I reiterate, it's a dirty vicious cycle. It has happened before, it can happen again none of us, India or Pakistan are immune to that. It's just a matter of time for retaliation in kind and we have 100's of examples for the same. Be safe. :tup:

Look what indian army chief says

You are quoting like . You guys all good and we all bad . Yes. We have a lost a lot and it's our time to gain and enemy to lose . And yes . No country is immune to this proxy war , so now if India does it , then Pakistan and this cycle will continue until both countries are destroyed .

Whts been happening in baluchistan ?
Who was commandar kalbhushan ?
So by thier logic , may pakistan attack india?
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