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Dukhtar : a movie of Geo films, negative portrayel of Pashtuns

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So when are you immigrating to Lahore ? You don't belong in Karachi....you've got too much Lahoriness in you ! :unsure:

Never! The journey ends here at the promised land. The die is cast!

Some sort of treaon/crime/grave sin to share a laugh at a formal meeting? Last time I checked, the same person got the independence from the Britishers for his people, against their wishes.
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Thank God that the native Punjabi isn't half as racist as you are otherwise we - the Kashmiri Immigrants - wouldn't be sitting here !

Sardar jee I have told you perhaps a dozen times that I don't feel any connection with so-called kashmiris like you on the internet who are chest thumping like it is an achievement for you to be a kashmiri. For me it has no importance more than a caste which is important from marriage point of view. Kashmir valley is inhabited by many castes and tribes some of which are higher castes while many are lower castes , there is no difference between social structure of a punjabi village and a kashmiri village. All kashmiris are racially not same, agricultural castes of kashmir are racially totally different than musalli, dom or hanji or other lower castes in kashmir. I feel connected only to kashmiris who are like me of farmer agricultural tribes/castes in kashmir and share the same culture and values, they have totally different culture than mulatoo kind of kashmiris living in areas such as srinagar etc. Pure kashmiris are found only in the villages of kashmir valley. Same way pure punjabis or pure pashtuns are also found only in the villages of punjab and pashtun lands respectively. So now stop begging me to have any kind of ethnical connection with you just because you have a 50% kashmiri blood of god knows which caste background. My world view is very different than yours but you are never able to grasp it.
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Never! The journey ends here at the promised land. The die is cast!

Some sort of treaon/crime/grave sin to share a laugh at a formal meeting? Last time I checked, the same person got the independence from the Britishers for his people, against their wishes.
Why did you assume that?. Its actually inside joke between me and @DESERT FIGHTER. I used this picture as an avatar once, @DESERT FIGHTER started shouting that i should be banned as i am insulting jinnah by editing his picture into a funny look. I removed the picture and i denied to mods of uploading any picture at all of jinnah. I did uploaded this picture again, and atleast 3 members reported to mods that they should take action for my "offensive" picture of jinnah. Interesting thing is that this is original pic and i have not edited jinnah looks. Childish people think that jinnah is always support to look handsome and cool. Some even feel offended of his pictures with dogs.
I posted this picture to @DESERT FIGHTER, as he shown his most dumb side to me on that occassion, its an inside joke.
Whats it worth? I mean, in the real world and how does it concern the reality on ground.

Whats with the PureBloods, Half Bloods, Mudbloods and Blood traitors? Thats a fantasy novel for God's sake!

I'm a Half Blood Prince ! :smokin:
If you search word "pathan" in google. The first three results are of wikipedia. In rest of 7 results, 5 are about pathan jokes. On second page, 7 out of 10 results are of pathan jokes. Thats how much damage has caused these urdu stereotypes and jokes on pathans. The very word pathan has become adulterated.
Below the results, the 'related' of pathan word on google are,
"Pathan dirty jokes"
"pathan funny"
"history of pathan"
"pathan scandel"
@DESERT FIGHTER, @Secur @Armstrong , you people are the culprits
If you search word "pathan" in google. The first three results are of wikipedia. In rest of 7 results, 5 are about pathan jokes. On second page, 7 out of 10 results are of pathan jokes. Thats how much damage has caused these urdu stereotypes and jokes on pathans. The very word pathan has become adulterated.
Below the results, the 'related' of pathan word on google are,
"Pathan dirty jokes"
"pathan funny"
"history of pathan"
"pathan scandel"
@DESERT FIGHTER, @Secur @Armstrong , you people are the culprits

Tau is mai Urdu bolnay walo ka kiya kasoor hai..???? Urdu is Pakistan's national language ... Every Pakistan can understand and speak Urdu ... Then how would you complaint for these joke to Urdu speaker ... And if you insist that these joke have been made by us then my foot ... Ukhar lo jo ukharna hai ............
Everyone just ignore this lunatic
I hope Mods will take care of him
Time to leave this thread


Actually there exists pathan faqeers but it is worth noticing that in the name of humour, we are reduced into a character and we are expected to behave like that in real life. This is stereotyping that has originated from Delhi-UP and with urdufication of pakistan since 1947, these racist jokes have been promoted to every corner of pakistan, urdu acted like blood through which infection reached to various tissues and organs of the body. You are expected to laught at these urdu jokes on pathans otherwise you are labelled person with no sense of humour.
Pakistanis are unaware that the main source of stereotyping, racism and this mindset is karachi. I also figured it out too late, in my naivity i mistakenly thought that punjab is the source.
Look at the mentality of karachiites, ...punjabis are given image of paindo , sindhi is given saeen wadera image , pathan is given akhroat image while they themeselves have declared urdu langauge and culture as finest and call themeselves the most civilized people. Lahori, islamabadi, peshaweri and other urban people are as much educated as karachiites but MQM is trying to say that rest of pakistan is jahil and needs karachi's help to get civilized and educated. This is white man syndrome
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Tau is mai Urdu bolnay walo ka kiya kasoor hai..???? Urdu is Pakistan's national language ... Every Pakistan can understand and speak Urdu ... Then how would you complaint for these joke to Urdu speaker ... And if you insist that these joke have been made by us then my foot ... Ukhar lo jo ukharna hai ............
I have done some research. I even know that the word "khocha" , which doesnt exist in pashto vocabulary, has originated from U.P and was introduced to pakistan after 1947. This word is widely used by the particular pathan clown character that you see in the urdu media and jokes.
A baseless stereotype that pathans are soodkhor, also originates from UP. An english author of 19th century writes that rohillas of U.P had developed some indian vices in india one of which is charging sood and using violence on those who dont pay it.
I can see youthiyas supporting OP.
If you people are not racist, then condemn any one from your community who has stereotypical image of pathans in his mind, is promoting and throwing around pathan jokes and other stereotypes. Salam
If you people are not racist, then condemn any one from your community who has stereotypical image of pathans, is promoting and throwing around pathan jokes and other stereotypes. Salam

Seriously dude stop being so sensitive get a big heart, basically the ideal term would be "Inferiority complex" being a Punjabi my self and when my other friends (Punjabis) never hesitate cracking up jokes on punjabis because we know it's just for humor.
BTW stop being such a narrow minded person and if you really wanna fix it then yes go ask your tribes to fix them selves first.
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