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Dukhtar : a movie of Geo films, negative portrayel of Pashtuns

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Marwat Khan Lodhi aka Samandri. You know what? You are that typical Afghani junk who has been banned on this forum several times but always come up with your mutilated junky mindset with a new alias and spray your own shit on your ugly face. Last time you were against Punjabis and Pakistan army you racist scum! Now you want empathy from Punjabis so you fcuked up a new theory to masturbate. Know that you are an Afghani scum and will remain scum whatever nick you choose... beat it!

Back to the topic...because you a filthy butt hole and a low life junk, you might not get it. Just to educate, professional educated SANE pathan, punjabi, urdu speaking and whoever make joke of themselves for the sake of fun know that jokes represent the finer and delicate side of the ethnic group and that's all. Its not about pathan or punjabi etc; even English, Scottish, Irish and every nation has that delicate side and have anecdotes on them. Problem with the people like you is you or your types can't walk on two legs because you are so used to of crawling in the caves...

Moral of the story is hush back to your cave if you can't cope with a healthy society where jokes amount to an energetic and active nation and not the fcukin bullshit you are muttering here. And no...you are no native but racist afghani suffering from degenerative neurological disorder called racism causing you hypnogogic hallucinations.
All Pakistanis: Say no to "Pathan Jokes" and racism! - Miscellanea

Last reply,
i am pathan and i dont mind these jokes.... they are just for laugh and are dont really mean anything...everyone knows that pakistan is a nuclear power and thats due to the efforts of a pathan Abdul Qadir khan!

Your scumbag brain failed to see this,
I hope and pray that our nation will once again follow the words of Muhammad Ali Jinnah (12 March, 1958, Dhaka):

"I want that you should not think of yourselves as Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi, Pathan or Bengali. There's no use in calling ourselves Punjabi, Sindhi or Pathan; we are just Muslims"

Article may have some good but what you are doing here exactly or how you are using this article as...hain??... spreading hatred against other ethnic groups for some bloody afghani cause? Previously you were maligning Pakistani army, Punjabis and what not for your flopped dramas. Those who know you can easily understand what extent of manipulative mentality you have. You pick what suits your agenda and throw what not. Then to sum up, you have no weight in your say as you are an AFGHANI SCUM only.
Last reply,

Your scumbag brain failed to see this,

Article may have some good but what you are doing here exactly or how you are using this article as...hain??... spreading hatred against other ethnic groups for some bloody afghani cause? Previously you were maligning Pakistani army, Punjabis and what not for your flopped dramas. Those who know you can easily understand what extent of manipulative mentality you have. You pick what suits your agenda and throw what not. Then to sum up, you have no weight in your say as you are an AFGHANI SCUM only.
Good to see that you are possessed by hatred and racism
Good to see that you are possessed by hatred and racism

Yes I am racist
OK fine we urdu speakers are evil and racist
and we dont belong here we are muggles.
We came from Pandora.
And invaded KPK and Kill a pathan everyday by a joke.
So much evil !!
Some of Pathans are really soodkhor ... If you don't agree then come to Karachi and I will show those Pathans in Al Asif Square who give loans on interest .............
I didnt say that Pashtuns wont be affected by sins and crimes, why calling pashtuns soodkhor when the sood exists in entire world?. This is called stereotyping.
Your mohajirs are more into soodkhori than others , still they dont deserved to be called soodkhor, stereotyping is bad.
Marwat Khan Lodhi aka Samandri. You know what? You are that typical Afghani junk who has been banned on this forum several times but always comes back with your mutilated junky mindset with a new alias and spray your own shit on your ugly face. Last time you were against Punjabis and Pakistan army you racist scum! Now you want empathy from Punjabis so you fcuked up a new theory to masturbate. Know that you are an Afghani scum and will remain scum whatever nick you choose... beat it!

Back to the topic...because you a filthy butt hole and a low life junk, you might not get it. Just to educate, professional educated SANE pathan, punjabi, urdu speaking and whoever make joke of themselves for the sake of fun know that jokes represent the finer and delicate side of the ethnic group and that's all. Its not about pathan or punjabi etc; even English, Scottish, Irish and every nation has that delicate side and have anecdotes on them. Problem with the people like you is you or your types can't walk on two legs because you are so used to of crawling in the caves...

Moral of the story is hush back to your cave if you can't cope with a healthy society where jokes amount to an energetic and active nation and not the fcukin bullshit you are muttering here. And no...you are no native but racist afghani suffering from degenerative neurological disorder called racism causing you hypnogogic hallucinations.

what a hate filled dirty racist post .phucking scum
censor board should cut any offensive stereotypes, this is not acceptable.
I personally never liked such jokes however these start in school years , but these should be considered UNACCEPTABLE

I was not thrilled also when Shahruk Khan tried to be cheeky with jokes
I didnt say that Pashtuns wont be affected by sins and crimes, why calling pashtuns soodkhor when the sood exists in entire world?. This is called stereotyping.
Your mohajirs are more into soodkhori than others , still they dont deserved to be called soodkhor, stereotyping is bad.

Actually stereotype is you as well as you are racist ... Nobody can say to whole Pashtoon nation is soodkhor ... I told in my post "some pathan" only idiot will say that whole nation is soodkhor ... We found shamelessness in Americans in bigger number more than Pakistanis ... So would you say that whole nation is shameless ... No, never ... Do you know why had several Pashtoons settled in different Indian cities especially Bombay....?? They had given loans on interest that's why they were famous as soodkhor amongst Urdu speaking community ... Get always remember that bad people always remain as mole at nation's forehead ..........
Actually stereotype is you as well as you are racist ... Nobody can say to whole Pashtoon nation is soodkhor ... I told in my post "some pathan" only idiot will say that whole nation is soodkhor ... We found shamelessness in Americans in bigger number more than Pakistanis ... So would you say that whole nation is shameless ... No, never ... Do you know why had several Pashtoons settled in different Indian cities especially Bombay....?? They had given loans on interest that's why they were famous as soodkhor amongst Urdu speaking community ... Get always remember that bad people always remain as mole at nation's forehead ..........
You are very racist
You are very racist

I am happy that at least this thread should enlighten you who is behind all these ethnic jokes, the only real punjabis on this forum are me and save_genda and you can see that our discussions about pashtuns or any other race are always analytical and critical without trying to demean anyone unless provoked, don't take others seriously who call themselves punjabis on this board and try to approve this pathetic behavior of turning an ethnicity into a joke, in all probability they are not culturally punjabis and are trying to implicate the situation by claiming false punjabihood and toeing the line of culprits behind the derogatory jokes on various ethnicities, we are not like this in punjab because we give respect to others and expect respect from others, some people are trying to reduce punjab to lahore which is not the case the real punjab lives outside lahore in its villages and smaller cities.
I am happy that at least this thread should enlighten you who is behind all these ethnic jokes, the only real punjabis on this forum are me and save_genda and you can see that our discussions about pashtuns or any other race are always analytical and critical without trying to demean anyone unless provoked, don't take others seriously who call themselves punjabis on this board and try to approve this pathetic behavior of turning an ethnicity into a joke, in all probability they are not culturally punjabis and are trying to implicate the situation by claiming false punjabihood and toeing the line of culprits behind the derogatory jokes on various ethnicities, we are not like this in punjab because we give respect to others and expect respect from others, some people are trying to reduce punjab to lahore which is not the case the real punjab lives outside lahore in its villages and smaller cities.
I have realized that, i can smell now the stench of paan.
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