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Dukhtar : a movie of Geo films, negative portrayel of Pashtuns

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I am happy that at least this thread should enlighten you who is behind all these ethnic jokes, the only real punjabis on this forum are me and save_genda and you can see that our discussions about pashtuns or any other race are always analytical and critical without trying to demean anyone unless provoked, don't take others seriously who call themselves punjabis on this board and try to approve this pathetic behavior of turning an ethnicity into a joke, in all probability they are not culturally punjabis and are trying to implicate the situation by claiming false punjabihood and toeing the line of culprits behind the derogatory jokes on various ethnicities, we are not like this in punjab because we give respect to others and expect respect from others, some people are trying to reduce punjab to lahore which is not the case the real punjab lives outside lahore in its villages and smaller cities.

what's the criteria of being "real punjabi" ?
Forexample? Which code of pashtunwali is bothering you?
Many...but Im hestitant to talk about it as it may turn into a Punjabi vs Pashtun debate here.Though i have few questions/queries in mind regarding "Pashtunwali"...
Many...but Im hestitant to talk about it as it may turn into a Punjabi vs Pashtun debate here.Though i have few questions/queries in mind regarding "Pashtunwali"...
Feel free to ask about pashtunwali. (before that do have a read of all the points of pashtunwali, not every pashtun custom is pashtunwali, its a specific code of conduct)
An attempt to re-surface the stereotypical negative image of Pashtuns by Jew news. Watch the trailer.. Dukhtar (Daughter) Theatrical Trailer, September 2014 - YouTube
So pashtuns are after under aged child-girls and want to marry them so badly while pashtun woman are imprisoned and want to run away.
Karachiites should stop promoting negative stereotypes about pashtuns, first pathan racist jokes (originating from delhi-UP), then chowkidaar and akhroat labels and now this.
Well I am karachiite & I am totally against this low class shit so portrayed against pashtuns to earn some brownie points.
My own lecturer (back in graduation) was female pashtun & head of botany department.
I do not understand that why on earth do people love to show Pakistani women as victim suppressed by cruel,ferocious & brutal Pakistani males,most prominently pashtuns?
An attempt to re-surface the stereotypical negative image of Pashtuns by Jew news. Watch the trailer.. Dukhtar (Daughter) Theatrical Trailer, September 2014 - YouTube
So pashtuns are after under aged child-girls and want to marry them so badly while pashtun woman are imprisoned and want to run away.
Karachiites should stop promoting negative stereotypes about pashtuns, first pathan racist jokes (originating from delhi-UP), then chowkidaar and akhroat labels and now this.
The movie may have a hidden agenda.
But isnt it a fact that many Pushtoon Girls are killed just for marrying a non pushtoon..specially a Punjabi or Mohajir?
And they are not allowed to marry outside their Pushtoon race?
because its is geo film it is bad you political rasist


What to be expected from some mentally low IQ level mindsets in FB.We all know that it is not truth.Like other ethnic groups,pathans are also experiencing crisis.Targetting a single ethnic background to make them suffer of inferiority complex is complete stupidity. Pathans are not alone driving taxis,rickshaw or doing jobs at low level,many people also migrate from Punjab to sindh and work as maids.There are various Sindhis working at such levels.
On the other hand,there are various pathans doing white collar jobs like people of other ethnic groups. I guess that ZH is pathan & he is most famous figure in Pakistan. Here is a list of both male and female pashtoon members representing voice of pakhtoons:

Senate of Pakistan

According to Sikander Hayat:

I am writing the following lines to refute the biggest fallacy associated with Pakistan Army that it is actually a Punjabi Army which takes care of the interests of the Punjab and does not take care of the other federating units. It is outright false and wrong to say such a thing because from the time of Pakistani independence 14 Generals have commanded Pakistan Army. Out of these 14 Generals 2 were British, 4 were Pakhtun, 1 was Hazara, 1 was Baloch, 1 was a Rajput, 3 were Mohajir and 2 were Punjabi.

In 64 years after independence, Pakistan has been ruled by 4 Generals for 32 years. These Generals are General Ayub Khan (9 years), General Yahya Khan (3 years), General Zia Ul Haq (11 years) and General Pervez Musharaf (9 years). Not a single one of these Generals was a Punjabi. So much for the myth of a Punjabi dominated army.

Here is the list of all the Generals who have lead the Pakistan Army:

3647da31759e9f86de3baecb8fd3a252.jpg1. General Sir Frank Walter Messervy was born in 1893 in Trinidad to British parents. He was commissioned in the Indian Army in
1913 and later joined 9 Hudson’s Horse, India in 1914. When Pakistan achieved independence in 1947, he enjoyed a singular honour to serve as a First Commander in Chief of Pakistan Army from 15 August 1947 to 10 February 1948.

2ce505ea376ef911b9ff1f27f0e1ff4b.jpg2. General Sir Douglas David Gracey was British and was born on 3 Sept 1894. He was commissioned in British Army and served in both the First and Second World Wars. He is the second Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan, holding this office from 11 February 1948 to 16 January 1951.

8c4ade7cc81bc7ce4c42f02e6ed628f0.jpg3. General Muhammad Ayub Khan was an ethnic Pakhtun. He was born on 14 May 1907. He was selected for Royal Military Academy Sand Hurst in 1922 and got commission on 2nd Feb 1928. He joined the 1st Battalion of the 14 Punjab regiment , later known as 5 Punjab Regiment. He was made Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army on January 17, 1951, succeeding General Sir Douglas Gracey, thus becoming the first native Pakistani General to hold this prestigious position.

e5fc1298a6b9cca18e30240a62a7309b.jpg4. General Muhammad Musa was born on 20 Nov 1908. He was born in a Hazara Shia Muslim family in Quetta, he was from the Sardar family of the Hazara tribe in Balochistan, Pakistan.He got commission from Indian Military Academy in Dehradun on 1st Feb 1935. He was posted to the 6th Royal Battalion, the 13th Frontier Force Rifles as a Platoon Commander in 1936. He served with distinction in the Pakistani Army and rose to the rank of the commander in chief of Pakistan Armed Forces on 1st April 1957 and held the office till 17 Sept 1966.

3caeec22ba88f33665c724008f550700.jpg5. General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan was born in Chakwal in 1917, to an ethnic Shia Muslim Qizilbash family of Persian descent who could trace their military links to the time of Nader Shah. He was, however, culturally Pakhtun. He got commission in British Army on 15 Jul 1939.He became Chief of Army Staff on 18 Sep 1966 and held this office till 20 Dec 1971.

In Sindhis and Punjabis,wani & karokaari is also practiced in some places in which female rights are compromised.

df1bb8399ac6a0043b8fbaa5c95c55af.jpg 6. General Gul Hassan was born on 9 June 1921. He was a Sunni Pakhtun born in Quetta. He got Commission on 22nd Feburary 1942. He commanded 1 Armed Division and remained CGS before he was appointed acting C-in-C on 20 December 1971. He was appointed C-in-C on 22 January 1972 till his retirement on 3rd March 1972.
Qualified & educated pathans are enjoying good jobs like Punjabis & sindhis and experiencing troubles just like these two.What GEO is doing is complete bullshit-an attempt to break Pakistan like that of 1971 which should be avoided.
As common Pakistanis,it is our responsibility to counter such anti pak attempts by ignoring such content and promoting pro pak content.
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I think the first Punjabi general was gen Zia but he belonged to Indian Punjab though. Gen Kayani was the first general who was Pakistani Punjabi after 65 years.
Anybody have the link to the film?

I need to watch the film before judging whether it is offensive or not.
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