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Dukhtar : a movie of Geo films, negative portrayel of Pashtuns

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An attempt to re-surface the stereotypical negative image of Pashtuns by Jew news. Watch the trailer.. Dukhtar (Daughter) Theatrical Trailer, September 2014 - YouTube
So pashtuns are after under aged child-girls and want to marry them so badly while pashtun woman are imprisoned and want to run away.
Karachiites should stop promoting negative stereotypes about pashtuns, first pathan racist jokes (originating from delhi-UP), then chowkidaar and akhroat labels and now this.

Stop blaming Karachiites. Geo news is a puppet of the Punjabi Nawaz Sharif. Go blame Punjab if you dare.

Stereotyping Pakhtuns - Pashtun Women Viewpoint
Dukhtar selected for Oscar consideration by Pakistan Committee - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Wow so this propaganda against pakhtun community has also been spread to international
arena, remind me of kite runner. Kudos to MQM and Urdu langauge for such achievement.

Get a life, dont limit it to your room in front of PC. Start travelling beyond karachi and try to understand and learn about cultures and colors of pakistan.

Now you bring MQM in this. Spending time holed up in those caves is really starting to affect your brain. Go out and get some sunshine and fresh air.
Stereotypes are reductive in nature by declaring: “this is what you are, and this is all you are.”Stereotyping is dangerous and it has real life implications Stereotypes, as well-known cultural theorist Stuart Hall notes, reduce a people to simplified and exaggerated characteristics. Through
stereotypes, it is implied that everything that is necessary to know about a people can be known by referring to the traits of the stereotypes.Thus, Shahid Afridi is to be known by the traits associated with his nation or tribe and not by his individual human characteristics

Now you bring MQM in this. Spending time holed up in those caves is really starting to affect your brain. Go out and get some sunshine and fresh air.
This is exactly the racism and bigotry i was talking about.
Nothing wrong with the movie. Take it as a normal movie and nothing else.

After reading such comments I do feel strongly that people who have migrated from india into pakistan have totally different mindset and sensitivities than the people who belong to native cultures of pakistan. The OP has raised genuine concerns about the intentions behind negative portrayal of pathans/pashtuns by karachi based news and entertainment media such as Geo and ARY etc.
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After reading such comments I do feel strongly that people who have migrated from india into pakistan have totally different mindset and sensitivties than the people who belong to native cultures of pakistan. The OP has raised genuine concerns about the intentions behind negative portrayal of pathans/pashtuns by karachi based news and entertainment media such as Geo and ARY etc.

Hive minded Aliens with collective consciousness perhaps? Kindgom of the Crystal Skull? :D

So let me ask you, how many of the migrants you have met or talked to, share a similar view about the film? Whats this new theory about the " Karachi media "? I dont know what it is seriously. Forget the OP who's agenda is quite clear and who engages in all those things- stereotyping, hypocrisy, bigotry and racism, which he accuses others of engaging in.
If this film highlights the core issue engrained in the selective culture of Pakistan, then we should welcome this as lesson for eradicating ignorance and jahaliyah. Today, women is treated unfairly in Pakistan and the Muslim world which is becoming common must be stopped at all. I applaud Geo for taking brave move in highlighting the core issue must be addressed.

Cool down, why you are so angry?. Are you condoning racist and negative stereotypes of pashtuns?

I have the right to critcize film from my percpective. These kind of films consolidates racial stereotypes.

How is that racial stereotypes when the film attests to ground-reality in Pakistan regarding mistreatment of women in the Muslim world not just certain tribes? As someone said, take this as film and move on.
Below I'm copying an old post of mine:
(.)(.)How does one decide "The age".???(.)(.)

Do following parameters come to an acceptable level at age 18 only???
Puberty usually starts at around age 9-13, and as early as age 6, in normal & healthy females.

Sanity (mental maturity) and financial sufficiency can be lacking even at the age of 40.
Age of marriage is a thing that should be left to individual segments of culture rather than central government deciding one age for ALL. Even in USA all states make their own age of consent laws.


In USA, NewHampshire: 13 year old can marry... State of Utah: 15 years old, can marry with permission... S.Carolina: minimum age for a female is 15 years... NewYork: a 14 year old can marry with court’s permission.

Even now, in a christian majority country (Tanzania) legal age is 12 years.


Going little back in time...
In 1564, a three(3) year old named John was married to a two(2) year old named Jane in the Bishop's Court in Chester, England.

The American colonies followed the English tradition, and the law was more of a guide. For example, Mary Hathaway (Virginia, 1689) was only 9 when she was married to William Williams.

Sir Edward Coke (England, 17th century) made it clear that "the marriage of girls under 12 was normal, and the age at which a girl who was a wife was eligible for a dower from her husband's estate was 9 even though her husband be only four years old.

Though Shakespeare set his Romeo and Juliet in Verona, the fact that Juliet was thirteen(13) probably reflects the reality in England. Her mother, who was twenty-six, calls her almost an old maid.


One medically proven association of increasing age of female to a birth defect:
One health risk, chances of which can be minimized by NOT delaying (marriage) child birth:

(LINK)=AAFP="American Association of Family Physicians"
View attachment 56980


Rate of pregnancies in 14 year old and younger in USA.
This is pregnancy rate , not rate of intercourse that young girls indulge in.
Recent drop is because of better contraception; not because intercourse rate is going down.​
View attachment 56965


Some off-topic videos by Ghamdi: discussing "marriage" &"age" issues etc.​

@14:30 questioner asks about age of marriage.
@33:40 Nikah is just an announcement of the relationship ("ايجاب و قبول") between a guy and a girl. Rest is decoration.

@1:33 Nikah is just an announced relationship.
@2:55 "ايجاب و قبول" can even be done by boy and girl themselves.
@12:50+ there's no discreet relationship (secretive=unannounced) in islam.

"Make the marriage well-known and announce it."
"That which separates the halal from the haram is the beating of the duff (drum) and voices at the wedding (i.e. announcing it)."
It was narrated from 'Aishah:that the Prophet said: “Announce this marriage, and beat the sieve for it.”
Sunan Ibn Majah:English ref:Vol. 3, Book 9, Hadith 1895, Arabic ref:Book 9, Hadith 1970.



Conveniently ignoring rest of the post & focusing on just one line taking it out of context. That's the depth of ur understanding.Read next few lines where I said immediate culture of girls/boys should decide whether they are mature enough; physically & mentally& financially.
Why don't you tell states of USA and Tanzania's legislative too that they don't understand the matter. They should consult YOU next time they are devising laws for their people. And whoever the heck is Maulana Sherwanee you'd know better, i never heard his name.

Also you ignored "American Association Of Family Physicians (AAFP)" graph showing association of increasing maternal age with Down's syndrome. An exponential rise in risk with age. As if your fart-full brain knew better than those experts.

Thirdly the risk associated with adolescent pregnancies that you mentioned is based on half-cooked understanding of the whole deal. Read AAFP again that you might feel relieved of the gas that has compressed your brain little too much:

(AAFP Link)
Adolescent Pregnancy and Associated Risks:Not Just a Result of Maternal Age

""However, age-related biologic factors alone are not associated with an increased risk of fetal death...One risk factor for poor outcomes in adolescent pregnancy is a maternal history of adverse childhood experiences (e.g., emotional, physical, or sexual abuse; intimate partner violence; living with someone who has substance abuse or mental illness, or is involved in criminal activity; having parents who are divorced or separated)....These experiences are associated with subsequent sexual risk behaviors, smoking, alcohol consumption, and mental health problems such as depression. A history of remote maternal exposure to adverse childhood experiences is associated with an increased risk of fetal death.""

You said you "know"... you know nothing. I see 15-16 year old girls getting married all the time in Pakistan & living happily with healthy children. Divorce rate in Pak-India is <1% while in N.America it is 40-60%. This is the ground reality. Sex abuse & drug abuse is 10 times more in so-called "west".

Besides all this research that declares adolescence pregnancy risky is based on Western stats. In East we are doing pretty good with girls that get married at earlier age. All those non-age factors are more frequent in West.
dude this is 2014, so i think there is no harm in setting up an age limit for this, dont u think?
Samandri is the same shameless Luffy d monkey aka Marwat khan Lodhi aka Samandri .. A suicide troll who is a pathological liar,a racist scumbag .. An a shameless troll.. His main aim is to troll .. Why do ppl even take him seriously?

@Jungibaaz. @Chak Bamu.
Do you agree or disagree with my criticism on dukhtar?. And why?
This is a serious topic, kindly dont ruin it with childish outbursts. Stay on-topic.
Do you agree or disagree with my criticism on dukhtar?. And why?
This is a serious topic, kindly dont ruin it with childish outbursts. Stay on-topic.
Yeah a serious troll..!!

Geo made a movie not so long about a punjabi mullah marrying a dancing girl for a male chid..with his several oppressed daughters.. Bol ...? There are several dramas with an Urdu speaker portraying the evil guy.. And so on..

But yes we all know your real intention .. Your flame baits... Your fake stories .. Your lies...

You aren't even worth it..
Hive minded Aliens with collective consciousness perhaps? Kindgom of the Crystal Skull? :D

So let me ask you, how many of the migrants you have met or talked to, share a similar view about the film? Whats this new theory about the " Karachi media "? I dont know what it is seriously. Forget the OP who's agenda is quite clear and who engages in all those things- stereotyping, hypocrisy, bigotry and racism, which he accuses others of engaging in.

I believe that immigrants have no right to insult the native ethnicities of pakistan, they should be thankful to the native ethnicities of pakistan who gave them shelter to live a dignified life in this country. I don't know about others but I respect views of "Samandari" because he belongs to a native ethnicity of pakistan eventhough most of the times I don't agree with his views, I don't find him insulting or abusive at any time which is hall mark of only people of indian immigrant backgrounds on every second thread on this forum. The only posters with good behaviour on this forum are of native ethnicities of pakistan since we know how to respect each other unlike indians or people with indian ethnic roots.
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Karachiites should stop promoting negative stereotypes about pashtuns, first pathan racist jokes (originating from delhi-UP), then chowkidaar and akhroat labels and now this.
and pathans should stop grabbing govt land and those who paid for it with their hard earned money. and also stop stealing water and end the hydrant mafia.

I believe that immigrants have no right to insult the native ethnicities of pakistan, they should be thankful to the native ethnicities of pakistan who gave them shelter to live a dignified life in this country. I don't know about others but I respect views of "Samandari" because he belongs to a native ethnicity of pakistan eventhough most of the times I don't agree with his views, I don't find him insulting or abusive at any time which is hall mark of only people of indian immigrant backgrounds on every second thread on this forum. The only posters with good behaviour on this forum are of native ethnicities of pakistan since we know how to respect each other unlike indians or people with indian ethnic roots.
the natives should also respect the immigrants as it is because of their money and capital initially that Pakistan's economy was started. also they are the ones who sacrificed the most for Pakistan.
@Samandri don't take this movie on your head it's a sponsored movie.....
I'm in Bank there is account of SOC filims of in which lot of money comes from USA from USAid program to Sharmeen Obaid Chenooy....
Same goes for Geo and Shoib Mansoor.... Have you ever seen any constructive movie or let alone any commercial movie like comedy, romance.... They take money for these kind of films....
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