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Ducsu VP: River of blood to flow if Modi attends Bangabandhu birth centenary

Must bug you when Bangladeshis are jumping on the bharat balkanisation bandwagon.

It's fast becoming the only viable solution to Hindutva extremism. Hindu terrorists need to be fragmented into manageable princely states. There is a fundamental immaturity and amateurish approach to statecraft displayed by Hinduwadis when they control India. One needs look no further than the inferiority complexes on display whether it's your foreign minister, home affairs minister, defence minister or PM himself and his pathetic rape hugs. I don't blame them - historically they aren't used to such mature governance over such a large nation. India as a nation state never existed as a unified entity until 72 years ago - and its identity as a Hindutva state is even more recent. The harsh reality is that politically, this state is failing. Hindutva cannot hold India together. Congress and their more secular approach disguised India's inherent fault lines for decades but the wheels have now truly come off. When the guys you "liberated" in 1971 are singing off the same hymn sheet as your mortal enemy, it's time to realise something has gone wrong - the racism, the discrimination, the hate based political intrigue, the demographic conspiracies, Kashmir pacification policies alive in Delhi - everyone knows what's going on. Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, OIC, Turks and Malaysia all have made it quite clear they share similar concerns over Hindutva. Specific bodies within the USA, UN, UK and elsewhere have echoed such concerns. Even Iran and Afghanistan are relatively low key. Their silence says something.

The best part is the howling barking defensiveness displayed reflexively by you scumbags as soon as someone cautiously criticises Modi.

OIC - whom bhakts were singing a merry song for last year - have been told to desist from "irresponsible" statements by Indian politicians.

Instead of taking on board the advice of your "friends" or "peers", because that advice happens to coincide with Pakistan's narrative, India will rather continue to abuse itself. It's a classic case of cutting one's nose off to spite one's face.

Carry on. Pakistan loves it. Bangladesh loves it too.

Must bug you when Bangladeshis are jumping on the bharat balkanisation bandwagon.

It's fast becoming the only viable solution to Hindutva extremism. Hindu terrorists need to be fragmented into manageable princely states. There is a fundamental immaturity and amateurish approach to statecraft displayed by Hinduwadis when they control India. One needs look no further than the inferiority complexes on display whether it's your foreign minister, home affairs minister, defence minister or PM himself and his pathetic rape hugs. I don't blame them - historically they aren't used to such mature governance over such a large nation. India as a nation state never existed as a unified entity until 72 years ago - and its identity as a Hindutva state is even more recent. The harsh reality is that politically, this state is failing. Hindutva cannot hold India together. Congress and their more secular approach disguised India's inherent fault lines for decades but the wheels have now truly come off. When the guys you "liberated" in 1971 are singing off the same hymn sheet as your mortal enemy, it's time to realise something has gone wrong - the racism, the discrimination, the hate based political intrigue, the demographic conspiracies, Kashmir pacification policies alive in Delhi - everyone knows what's going on. Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, OIC, Turks and Malaysia all have made it quite clear they share similar concerns over Hindutva. Specific bodies within the USA, UN, UK and elsewhere have echoed such concerns. Even Iran and Afghanistan are relatively low key. Their silence says something.

The best part is the howling barking defensiveness displayed reflexively by you scumbags as soon as someone cautiously criticises Modi.

OIC - whom bhakts were singing a merry song for last year - have been told to desist from "irresponsible" statements by Indian politicians.

Instead of taking on board the advice of your "friends" or "peers", because that advice happens to coincide with Pakistan's narrative, India will rather continue to abuse itself. It's a classic case of cutting one's nose off to spite one's face.

Carry on. Pakistan loves it. Bangladesh loves it too.
I don't have the ability to give positive rating. But this post deserve multiple positive ratings. Excellent post! Respect for the post!
Given the amount of hate and vitriol being spread by RSS, Modi and his ilk I am surprised it has taken some leader in Bangladesh such a long time to do this. Bangladesh is an ally but has been insulted so often by BJP leaders that this was bound to happen. Modi is quickly spending decades upon decades of goodwill.
Given the amount of hate and vitriol being spread by RSS, Modi and his ilk I am surprised it has taken some leader in Bangladesh such a long time to do this. Bangladesh is an ally but has been insulted so often by BJP leaders that this was bound to happen. Modi is quickly spending decades upon decades of goodwill.
Wow so you are different than other Indians here! Good to see that, atleast one sane Indian who speaks the truth! Thank you for this!
Wow so you are different than other Indians here! Good to see that, atleast one sane Indian who speaks the truth! Thank you for this!
It's not rocket science. Everyone is proud of their country and roots. Who likes to be insulted? I don't have a problem with BJP if it had an inclusive leader like Vajpayee - who by a distance is the best Prime Minister we've had in my lifetime. For what it's worth, there are many Indians who don't like Modi.
I don't have a problem with BJP if it had an inclusive leader like Vajpayee - who by a distance is the best Prime Minister we've had in my lifetime.
Yes Vajpayee was good. Modi made BJP literally terrorist organization.
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Yes Vajpayee was good. Modi made BJP literally terrorist organization.

Lol. I wouldn't go that far. But they are on some crazy power trip. They've lost Punjab, Maharashtra, MP, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh - all big states. They've alienated their oldest ally - the Shiv Sena. Now lost again in Delhi. Now this CAB and NRC nonsense to consolidate their Hindutva vote bank because they've lost the following of traders, businessmen etc. It's quite sad - they had the best mandate India has given in 3 decades. Only good thing they've done is that corruption at the central level is down.
Given the amount of hate and vitriol being spread by RSS, Modi and his ilk I am surprised it has taken some leader in Bangladesh such a long time to do this. Bangladesh is an ally but has been insulted so often by BJP leaders that this was bound to happen. Modi is quickly spending decades upon decades of goodwill.

Yup an "ally" we have to mow down by the bushel at the border day in day out....during Vajpayee time or outside of it.

Don't fool yourself about the "former cook of pronob dada" lackeys in their version of lutyens in Dhaka or their uniformed incompetent bozos sitting tight and pretty while getting reamed by the Burmese on ground.

This country and its people are no friends of ours for the large part (not since Noakhali and you can ask bangals that fled for what the basic thinking of these delta muslims was, is and will always be).They will need to be strictly managed by defaul as the ingrates they are..and at worst as the jamatis they veer to be....doubly and triply so as the ocean water levels increase. Its too bad RAW didnt fully secure mujib, he was doing good depopulation with BAKSAL, should have been allowed to do that another cpl decades. It was a poignant and useful follow up to W. Pakistan army.

Shoot on sight at border...and continue the election domination of pronob's-cook with her BCL thugs. Its super simple and effective. She is even secretly accepting the 1000s of her kind (illegaly in Assam) back into her fold while telling BD media to smooth it out better "officially"....cant ask for much more. There is much more that needs to be done....and further instructions will be impressed on this lady in upcoming visit.
Much great 8% inflated base increase in reality:


Anemic saying its getting more reps on unloaded bar basically.

Can't even expand its gifted charity sector of chaddi now....receding and dropping now. Just terrible.

Whats that? 70 billion market cap shrunk to 30 billion this early and this quickly? Where's the private sector competitiveness?

Next year will be another headline as usual "phama exports to reach 1 billion in 2 years time"...as it flatlines year after year at some 100 million dollar amount. I guess flatline at such low level is better than 0, 0 , 0 (when you check reality a year later w.r.t promise) for "new stronk" sectors that perform like typical BD batsman instead.
India's ambassador to Bangladesh, General Secy. AL and topmost dalaal Obaidul Quader statement:

B'desh not inviting Modi will be an act of Ingratitude:
Bangladesh Roads, Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul quader on Friday said refraining from inviting Indian PM Narendra Modi from joining the birth centenary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman would be an act of ingratitude.
He further said that India helped us most during the Liberation war of Bangladesh that's why the Indian PM should be invited to join the program.
It was not. However for the sake of you, let me ask a question. What if even it was Jihadi warning? You are already killing people, so anyone atleast can threat of killing! Atleast threat of killing is not nearly a crime comparing killing.
And so what if its jihadi warning ? These Indians should know Jihad against oppression id enshrined in Islamic teachings. We are neither ashamed of it nor hesitant to wage it against oppression and aggression. We will come with full force against India if they dont mend their ways.
We will come with full force against India if they dont mend their ways.
I know it. I know Pakistan is capable of doing so. But Bangladesh has long way to go, let's say atleast forces goal 2030. Still not sufficient to launch attack against a nuke country.

But inshallah we can then defend ourselves against any terrible offense like naval blockade. Our airforce is still much weaker.

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